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 Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!]

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PostSubject: Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!]   Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] I_icon32Sat May 03, 2014 8:35 pm

Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] 5fa961b1-d54b-4dca-a277-1497d38bb1c5_zps39ef73ab

The sevenday's end had arrived, and both S'jiro and Veyani had dressed impressively, in what might have very well stood out as gather-finery, in the eyes of many. To S'jiro however, this was the routine of returning home. Coming from a family of a quite business-minded Lord and Lady Holder, presenting one's self nicely was practically constant requirement -unless you'd rather keep yourself confined to your sleeping quarters. Drab clothes simply did not exist in their House.

To many, that might be a strict way to live, but as far as the Bronzerider's parents were concerned, there was hardly a time of day they were not prepared to Impress, for one reason or another. Image helped build the Reputation, and for the sake of maintaining their high profits, that meant everything to them. Sometimes, perhaps it meant too much; because this kind of success became the benchmark for the overall happiness and quality of life for their children. Which meant the true happiness of their children sometimes got ignored. To their credit as parents however, it could be argued that perhaps children didn't always know what was good for them, and as parents, they only acted in the best interest of their offspring, in hopes of securing the best possible future for them instead of succumbing to any more mercurial delights of the world.

S'jiro had bundled himself in his flight jacket as usual, but since their flight was going to be short, he didn't don the usual flight leathers. Instead, a fine suit of black, with a black button up dress shirt and tie. The one thing that did stand out on his attire was the slick-looking vest in silvery grey threads and his high-gloss, patent leather shoes whose toes were embellished in a silvery design of reptile skin. The Same reptile skin painted faintly silver also covered his belt, and wrapped around the ankle of his dress boots, and formed the buckles which secured them. 

In all honesty, for all it was worth, S'jiro dressed up pretty dang nice for going home!

It was after they arrived at High Hill Hold that afternoon, that S'jiro linked his arm with Veyani's and led them up the long brick path that would take them right up to the grand front door of the Hold itself. A magnificent sculptured water fountain was built outside of it, splitting the walk way, almost like a detour that could focus one's attention to either side, allowing those who approached the Hold to appreciate for a moment longer the grandiose carvings of stone artistry that decorated the immediate surrounding area in a garden-like assortment of stonework. 

Of course, due to restrictions on vegetation grown about the Hold, it was better to simply maintain the absence of it, to keep the Weyrs happy. It also played into the hands of a family who, likely more than most, truly loved art. Even from the outside, it must have seemed as though not an inch of the large structure went untouched by an artisan of some sort. And indeed, for mutual benefit, the Holders of High Hill Hold worked hard to become patrons of the Crafts in all their wondrous practices, supporting the Master Crafters as best they could in their endeavours; for, as long as the Masters were happy, their Hold too, would reap the benefits. 

Seeing as though S'jiro had mentioned his appreciation of art to Veyani before, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise that his family also, were great supporters of such crafts. And it definitely shown, here.

There was a bit of excitement in the air as a small number of drudges scurried on the outskirts of the path to make any further preparation for their arrival. Of course, the Lord and Lady Holder would want to see their son as soon as he arrived. It was also an event for the staff of the Hold and those just outside of it, to catch sight of Zemarith entering the air overhead, and floating down to the nearby Landing Platform ever so gracefully. Always an impressive sight, a Bronze was.

The large bronze doors, curved to a vaulted Key Stone at their apex, creaked with a sigh as they opened, making way for the couple to enter. And there inside, a row of staff employed inside the Hold, were lined up on either side of the entryway to greet them. Wearing pressed and uniformed dress, each of the 16 or so persons that were present, bowed at the waist in greeting, speaking in rather succinct, and nearly perfect unison, "Welcome home, Young Master."

Even as they were greeted, S'jiro smiled down to Veyani where she walked beside him, bringing his right hand to rest upon her arm there in the crook of his own. Perhaps meant to be reassuring, he didn't pause for anything else, but continued walking down the servant-lined carpet as it were, until they reached its end. 

There, the Steward made his approach, holding out a letter to him, bearing a deeply dimpled smile that filled his entire expression with such a warmth that it could be imagined that a younger S'jiro probably thrived off of his association with such a friendly face in a place where other relationships were probably a bit cold or distant in that light.

"It's good to be home, Aizan." The Bronzerider's grin turned to his old Ward.

"Always a good day when the Young Master returns. You promised to visit more frequently; I'm going to start holding you to it. These Halls just aren't the same without your presence to fill them -and with Tsuki absent as well... I hear she's doing well in her Harpering?" A moment's pause and he reminded, "And this letter is from your father. He sends his well wishes, but regrets that he shan't be able to meet with you today. He's been called out." 

Nodding, S'jiro was indeed reminded what a busy man his father was. It was an annoyance to have to set up something akin to an appointment time to visit with ones own mother or father -though his mother was a little more free about her schedule. His father's however, was ruled by many more who would seek his time and attention. 

The Steward was a tall man, taller than S'jiro even, with thin, lanky features, slightly sunken cheeks and deep set eyes, and a high crook at the bridge of his nose. His brow was perhaps a little too thick, almost bushy, but the eyes that nestled under them were clear as water, being quite bright and happy. And after S'jiro took the letter from his hand, those same eyes turned down upon the lovely lady on his young master's arm. His voice rose again with some whit of obvious curiosity and pleased intrigue. "Ah, who is the lovely lass you have brought with you? I don't believe that we have met." 

Knowing that the Steward Aizan would not take the pleasure of introductions from him, the Bronzerider went about it himself, at the same time, tucking the letter from his father into the inner breast pocket of his jacket. "Steward Aizan, this is my girlfriend, Veyani. She'll be a standing Candidate this next turn."  Grinning, pleased, the S'jiro didn't miss that the Steward's face now held some perplexity, and maybe paled a bit, but his smile faltered only just.. barely. 

Though the Steward spoke not his thoughts just then, if there were any of consequence to be said, he quickly perked again and went on without any more than a moment's abeyance, "Of course. Dearest Veyani, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!]   Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] I_icon32Sun May 04, 2014 7:25 pm

Today was the day! She thought as she got herself bathed and dressed to meet S'jiro's parents. The young Candidate was unprepared for what was to happen when Tsuki stole her away to make her look presentable. Whatever that meant. She would never understand the amount of time people of their class took on designing clothing to be more fashionable and always having to wear something better and look better than the person next to them. Wealth certainly was the root of all evil. She continued to believe that as her feet were slipped into the most uncomfortable pair of shoes.

When she met up with S'jiro though they didn't have much time to talk before they were dragonback on their way to High Hill Hold. A place she was curious and anxious to see. If Tsuki and S'jiro were so focused on wealth and influence, she could only imagine what the rest of their family was like.

Veyani took the Bronzerider's arm as it was offered. As they walked along the long brick path that led to the main hall door, she took in the sights. Amazing sculptures, expertly placed and carved were everywhere. True to lore, the hold was clear of greens. At least they believed in tradition.

Stifling a laugh when S'jiro was called master, she aimed to be more serious. Master S'jiro. Haha. She thought and while she hid the amusement as best she could, her eyes were probably telling the truth. His arm on hers did nothing for her nerves but then she figured meeting parents of your lover was probably supposed to be nerve wracking, no matter who they happened to be.

After the quick catch up betweenthe Steward and S'jiro, attention seemed to turn upon her. She looked lovingly back up to S'jiro while he introduced her. Her attention quickly straying to the Steward's kind words. She held out her hand, "The pleasure is entirely mine."

Looking between the two men, she said, "Shall we continue? I'm sure your mother would not like to be kept waiting."

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!]   Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] I_icon32Sat May 10, 2014 8:00 pm

Glancing between them, Dragonrider and Candidate, the Steward of High Hill Hold nodded, still smiling, and ushered them toward a sitting room, "Well, young master S'jiro, you shouldn't keep the Lady Holder waiting any longer. She'll know you've arrived." 

"Of course." S'jiro thanked him and led Veyani that way. S'jiro's body seemed to tense a bit as he walked across the Hall's polished granite floor to another set of magnificent double doors. The door was opened to one side by a drudge there, who gave a bow of her head as they passed through. 

Entering the sitting room, S'jiro did not stop in his stride until he'd brought them around one of the beautiful cream coloured couches there, set with satin and velvet pillows of soft, neutral colours that complemented the rest of the room's open and light appeal. With the touch of a crafter's fine design around the fringes to finish off final details to anything in the room, the room brought a sure sense of calm and comfort, but also sophistication and elegance. That was... until one was faced with the woman seated there; and not upon one of the couches, but upon a cushioned chair at the general 'head' of the room. 

As though the Lady Holder could not lower herself to be seated amoungst others -even the guests within her home- she remained in a position that reminded others of her status. There was no radiant light from her face to rightly fill this kind of beautiful room. There was no obvious mother's love shining in her eyes to greet her son. That kind of comfort did not seem to exist here. Though, it wasn't completely impossible that such a thing existed,... still, she didn't make it an easy thing to be seen.

Before they were seated, S'jiro grinned and bowed his head in his mother's direction, "I'm glad to have gotten the chance to come and see you again, mother. I have some good news, and also wanted to formally introduce you to someone." Glancing briefly to Veyani at his side, S'jrio seemed to glow.

Being curious, the Lady Holder lifted her eyebrows slightly, prompting him. "Please introduce us. I do hope this news turns out better than the last. As my son, you should know it troubles me when I hear of things such as your lack of interest in the young Lady, your Fiance, Indylari. It would probably please me more to hear that you've been spending more time with her."

Sitting in a rigidly trained posture in her chair, hands in her lap, everything about the Lady Holder seemed to be refined to perfection. From her hair, worn in a tight twist upon her head, to every thread of her dress, even her nails. Her speech also, was perfectly serene and inflected in the accent of a highborn Lady of Fort. It was clear though, that she meant for the young lady on her son's arm now, to understand where she stood in the scheme of things. There was no hiding any of it. No reason to. And though she spoke rather forwardly, at least she was polite about it. Hadn't she been?

Well... polite as was necessary, anyway.

Expecting as much however, S'jiro knew what an Iron Maiden his mother was. She was not the stereotyped soft spoken, naive hold girl who could be easily manipulated or charmed. Quite the opposite -which was probably why the Holder had fallen in love with her so many turns ago.

She was still his mother though, no matter how intimidating she might be to others, and the Bronzerider was still offering her his smile. Though, he was probably still a little tense due to his nervousness, not knowing quite how his mother would react to meeting Veyani. It would have been better if his father could have been here. His father was typically more understanding. His mother on the other hand, could be somewhat ruthless -even in regards to her own children. 

"Veyani, I would like for you to meet my mother, Lady Holder Kinna. Mother, I would like for you to meet Veyani. She's the young lady whom I've been seeing."

For the moment, he could leave it at that. And no matter how either of the women responded, at least he'd been courteous in his introduction of Veya. She should appreciate that. It was far more courteous than he'd ever truly been with her. Perhaps now she'd believe him when he asserted that he was a gentleman of good upbringing. Even if there was still the likeliness that he'd led them both straight to the gallows in this instance. Death by wrath of his mother; but he was hoping for happier endings than that.

[sorry, didn't proof it at all. hope it reads okay ;P]
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!]   Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] I_icon32Sun May 11, 2014 5:40 am

Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] Veyaheader2_zps3d993369

The room they entered was beautiful. Every single item was there in order to enhance the room and of course to give any person entering the idea that the people who resided here were wealthy. And of course, they were far above her station in society. Veyani really did feel uncomfortable around the elite. S'jiro should have known she might not hold back when it came to his parents any more than she had when it had come to him.

If anyone hinted at her being from a lower station, she could not guarantee her mouth would remain shut. For now though, she could sense her lover's nervousness. His mother, as he formally and stiffly greeted her, was cold. This was nothing like her home. This is what happened when people cared more about what their children could get them than what their children wanted from their own lives. Knowing that and hearing his mother talk about Indylari, she wondered just who would have told his parents about all of this.

No doubt he had a few friends who disliked her. Veyani doubted Indylari would have written, the other woman seemed disinclined toward S'jiro. Even if she pretended at times to care, there was no love between them. That kind of relationship would never last at a place as open about love as the Weyr was. Maybe here where holders often were forced to marry against their will, it would have worked.

Veyani remained calm, not allowing the older woman to fluster her. Why should she be? She was in love with S'jiro. Nothing that woman said to her would change that. As he introduced her, she took her arm off of his in order to properly greet his mother. She had had to ask Tsuki what was proper while she was getting ready. It wasn't because she cared what their parents thought of her but she did want to show S'jiro that she would make an effort for him.

Curtsying as Tsuki had shown her, "It is my pleasure to meet you Lady Kinna." Veyani had done the curtsy to the best of her ability and came back up only to place her arm in S'jiro's again.
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!]   Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] I_icon32Sun May 11, 2014 8:38 pm

Lady Kinna smiled sweetly; it was a smile which might have seemed rather genuine were it not for the blunt words that rose behind her lips. "I see. Well, I'm glad to make your acquaintance, dear." She glanced momentarily between Veyani and then to her son. "I hope that the two of you have had fun. As you probably well know, my son is to be married soon. Your attachment to him will not be much longer lived."

The woman's cold eyes fixed on S'jiro again then, but much more pointedly, as she reminded him, "Though, what women you take to your bed after marrying, is not my concern. I am a little disappointed though, that rumours are true -that some distraction has kept you from further nurturing your relationship with your fiance. She is a good girl, so I advise that you learn to love her, and care for her appropriately. Her family will be expecting it." The woman's voice had not been unkind. Rather, she spoke still quite softly, though matter of factly. She did not seem angry, but serious.

For a moment, S'jiro was silent, weighing his mother's words. "I wish that I could fulfill that request for you, mother. I've chosen to be with Veyani now, though. And soon, I will be receiving a promotion, transferring to Igen Weyr to help with the re-opening there." The Bronzerider's eyes turned down to the young lady on his arm. "I am much happier like this. I could live with Veyani as my Weyrmate for the rest of my life, and be perfectly satisfied."

As S'jiro's eyes returned to Lady Kinna, it was with a tame expression of astonishment, that she met him with, "My son, I'm not sure that you understand. The arrangement of your marriage is already agreed upon. You are obligated to marry Indylari for the future mutual benefit of both of our families. The luxury of this fleeting happiness that you speak of, is something you will have to set aside. Young love always burns out quickly, and then becomes useless. You know better than to let fleeting feelings interfere with such settlements. "

Lady Kinna must still not quite realize just how serious S'jiro was about his fixation on Veyani. She seemed to dismiss it quite easily. As though he would grow tired of Veyani, soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!]   Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] I_icon32Tue May 13, 2014 10:35 am

Nothing was now left to her imagination when it came to where S'jiro learned how to be an asshole and plow over other people's good feelings without care. The words alone were bad enough but there was more in the woman's tone which riled Veyani further. What did the lady think was going on here? Wasn't it clear that S'jiro had other plans for his life? Shouldn't that make her happy? He was a grown man, he should be able to make decisions for himself, not allow his parents to make them for him.

While Veyani knew it would probably be better if she kept her mouth shut, well...she wasn't very good at behaving most of the time anyway. Why should now be any different? Fleeting feelings? She had no idea what was in Veyani's heart let alone her own son's. As for herself, she wouldn't allow the lady to walk all over her.

What was it with these people!?

"Why? Why can't you work out other arrangements with Indylari's family? S'jiro shouldn't have to give up on being happy to make sure you gain more power and wealth. What value you must place on things if you are willing to make a man unhappy forever." She paused, not long enough to be interrupted.

"I hope you live to see love, true love, is not fleeting. It lasts forever. " She would prove the woman wrong someday. As long as S'jiro didn't cave. She had faith in him but she also felt bad if she had started to take things too far and his family was even more against them being together now.
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Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!]   Meeting the parents: A visit to High Hill Hold [Tags: Veyani!] I_icon32Tue May 13, 2014 7:13 pm

Kinna appeared serene, speaking still calmly. She wasn't sure what family Veyani was from, and though she did not feel as though she owed the girl an explanation, she would give it. In that light, the Lady Holder did not seem to react as though she found Veyani's words off-putting.

"Miss Indylari's family has been closely acquainted with our own for quite some time. The marriage between my son and Indylari is something which has been discussed for several Turns. The two of them have been engaged for a while now. However, the necessity of moving things forward, did not arise until recently.

"It is both, for mutual benefit, and out of courtesy to them as our friends, that things have been arranged as they are. S'jiro understands that as well as anyone in this family; and I trust he has enough concern for his family's prosperity that he abides by the few things we ask of him. After all, it was his decision to relinquish any claim as future Holder of this Hold, which left many difficult decisions to be made, in order to accommodate for his absence. As parents who must maintain a proper Hold, we have been quite lenient in regards to acceding to S'jiro's wishes, so that he may be Happy and lead the life he desires."

The woman paused there, but as Veyani had done just earlier, it was not for long enough that the girl could interject any further opinions of the situation, "Sometimes, life just requires a little compromise. And Indylari is the kind of sweet girl that the heart easily warms up to. She is quite befitting of becoming my son's wife. I have no doubt that she would make him a very happy husband."

It was a fairly tight leash that Kinna kept on her children. That should have been apparent. Though, the Lady Holder was right; S'jiro's parents had allowed him to make his own major decisions for the most part. But, no matter how far he seemed to be from home sometimes, the bit was still stubbornly in his mouth, and his stern mother's rule was the rein there to guide him. If it wasn't enough to simply cast down the order, then she had her ways of easing her children into making the 'right' decision for themselves by way of manipulation via guilt or otherwise. 

But, all of that said, she was actually right. S'jiro's parents had essentially paid many marks to send their son off to become a Bronzerider so that he could fulfill that dream. They'd given him everything he could possible want, while growing up, and even until now. Everything but this. Which is another reason Kinna failed to see that he couldn't repay their kindness. She knew, at the Weyr, he would have the freedom of taking all of the bed-partners he desired. Veyani, too, if he wanted. Not to mention Flight Mates.So,fulfilling this request would be his duty as a son, as an expression of appreciation for their great care of him.

Lady Kinna's eyes and her sweet expression were on her son again, seeming to possess unfaltering confidence that he would oblige her in fulfilling his duty to his parents.

S'jiro on the other hand, seemed torn. This world he grew up in was far different from that of Veyani. Perhaps she would realize it now -though S'jiro had no real measure yet of understanding just how different, 'different' was. He'd not been to visit her home. But, things here were surely done quite differently. There was far more to take into account than the word of Love.

For a moment longer, S'jiro remained silent, obviously thoughtful; as though each singular thought could be seen flitting through his eyes, until finally, the Bronzerdier's gaze came up to meet his mother. "I'm sorry."

There came a brief pause while he tasted the words at the end of his tongue before going on, "Mother, I'm too selfish for this. I'm sorry." Another breath broke his speech, "I'm very... very sorry. There is no way I can marry Indylari. I have coveted Veyani far more than any other thing in my life. In fact, she's probably the only thing I've ever truly coveted."

S'jiro gulped as his nerves started up again, taking one more breath, "And Veyani, like you, is a very strong-willed person. She possesses a will and a love in her heart, that Indylari will never hold for me. Veyani is not the kind of cheap woman who would allow herself to be a married man's mistress -so there is no chance that if I were to marry, she would ever be with me again. Nor is there the chance that I would belittle her like that. 

"To me, she is greater than that. Veyani is the woman I love. The woman whom I will always love. And if I must marry, the woman whom I will marry. If it is necessary, I will write a letter of explanation to Indylari's parents. I will take responsibility for it so that you and father are not implicated in any way. This is my fault. It is my own selfishness that does not allow me to have feelings for Indylari."

Honestly, S'jiro thought that those words, spoken from the depth of his heart, would be enough to assuage his mother... now that she knew how deeply he felt about Veyani. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be what was happening.

Lady Kinna stood from her chair, fixing him with outraged eyes that would have rivaled that of any of Pern's hard-edged Weyrowmen, and though her voice barely raised, her tone became as hard as her gaze. "Do you really think that apologies will smooth things over with her family? Do you really think that a simple letter to explain yourself is taking responsibility?... Responsibility is doing what is necessary when the necessary is required of you."
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