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... now they must watch their abundance of luxuries fall away, making room for the tools of survival, and witness this time of relative peace wither into the same fears that harper's ballads had warned them about for generations.
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 After a long day...

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PostSubject: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:16 pm

After a long day of lessons, it was always refreshing to relax in the baths. It had been about three months or so since the Hatching, and it seemed like the babies had doubled in size. They grew so fast, and it was equally hard work to take care of bigger, and bigger babies. Considering she had been Harpering before, what Keket was doing with her life now was definitely more intense. Especially physically. So the fact that the baths in the Barracks had tubs large enough to soak comfortably in was definitely a blessing for the young woman. And that's exactly where she was that evening. Passerith was napping, and the Weyrling was taking advantage of that fact to take her time in bathing. Some of the other female Weyrling's were in the room as well, the group having become closer over the past sevendays.

Shifting in her tub, she stretched, letting muscles in her arms and backs pull, before relaxing with an audible sigh. "I never thought Weyrlinghood would be such hard work...I mean, I never really thought about it at all..." She spoke to no one in particular, letting her head lay back along the edge of the tub, eyes closing as she relaxed.

The air within the room was vaguely steamy, the room smelling like various scented soapsands, and the light murmur of conversation punctuated by a giggle every now and then. The atmosphere was relaxing, peaceful. It wasn't often the girls got together, but the timing had just worked out well for once. While Keket had never made close friends before, she found that she had little choice but to get to know her fellow Weyrlings. And really, she didn't mind in the slightest.

((This is for all the Poetry of Air weyrlings, but by no means, you do not have to participate. Boys, if you join, keep in mind the girls are alone in the bathing room, at least until a certain jerk brown shows up. tag: #Teylarrin, #Lesera, #Emberlynn, #Veyani, #Emerene, #Sotiria, #Zren, #Trian, #Illium, #Kvik, #Blen))
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After a long day... Empty
PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:11 pm

((For some reason it didn't tag, we'll work on that bug later this week
@sylverangel @Eloaene @Svet @Suri @Vladi #marc ))

After a long day... Cf2511f9-f150-41e5-82f5-671aa2571f6b_zps5879ef98

Having grown up on a farm, Veyani shouldn't have been a stranger to hard work. Truth be told though, the young woman had a tendency for day dreaming and being less help than her siblings. Still she knew what working hard was, she knew that she could do it if she focused. Although even with the encouragement of her pretty green, she found it difficult to be focused on lessons. They weren't failing by any means but it would be lying to say they were the top of the class.

Sonadorath was about as focused as her rider was and despite both being well behaved, the green's sense of adventure far outweighed any real caution. In that way it could be almost a bad thing when Sonadorath was left to her own devices, like now. Especially if she was with the other greens. Some of them were more cautious but others were equally tempted to try new things and be great at them.

Veyani didn't like leaving the green alone for that reason but she was sleeping, so she had gone to get clean with the others. "Just think it only gets harder from here on out. I mean, they just get bigger and we have more and more to learn. I don't even want to think about how much physical training we still have to endure." She rubbed her sore, thin arms. Veya was one of those people who literally had no meat on her bones and looked like the wind might pick her up and sweep her away. So all of this physical activity was killing what muscle she had.

The blonde had already had her hair cut to just below her ears, in order to make upkeep easier. Besides her thinner hair did better shorter. "I wonder how hard Threadfall would be if just training for it is this bad..." She sunk into the warm water of her bath, glad that the Weyr had such luxuries. Back home the water would have been frigid.

Of course now was the only time it was safe to mention Threadfall because it tended to get Sonadorath excited. Her dragon was crazy.

(I'll probably add Bl'en in a separate post)
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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:54 pm

"Whoever told me training was all sunshine and rainbows and fun lied to me," Emberlynn agreed good-naturedly, flicking her fingers through the water.  "I mean, all those teaching songs we have to learn that make being a dragonrider sound so heroic and awesome… None of them talk about weyrling training.  I think they left it out on purpose."  

Not that she was any sort of stranger to hard work.  She might not have worked fields like some of the other girls, but she'd had her share of demanding tasks both as a barmaid, and in the Holdless encampments she'd lived in with her family.  Having friends and other people to joke around with, as well as vent with afterwards, usually made the situation more bearable, so she was glad to be part of a group, instead of on her own.

And thankfully, Nymeriath got along with most of her clutchmates, which made things even easier.  Despite her color, she wasn't elitist in the least, though she had a tendency to be manipulative, a trait Ember knew she'd have to keep an eye on in the future.  For now, the gold's tendencies lacked any malice or real potential to harm anyone else, and she certainly hoped they would stay that way.

Eyeing the cracked nails of one hand, the former barmaid shook her head in self-pity and went back to scrubbing herself with sand.  "It's too bad my hand can't magically learn to form letters properly through a teaching song."  The muscles didn't cramp quite as much as they had in the beginning, but still, attempting to take notes was a chore.  Especially during some of the lectures she instinctively knew would be most important later.
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After a long day... Empty
PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:41 am


After a long day... Tey_zps991fcd85

Teylarrin peers out of the bath pool. The water was deep enough to submerge the full sized woman. As it stood for her, the water level came to just underneath her nose. That left only half of her head exposed. She could not complain though, and not just because she would only gurgle a stream of bubbles. The water felt good. It was steamy and while she could go for a tad more heat --angry red skin was the happiest skin-- it was still pleasant enough. She was pretty sore. Anything that help to sear away the stiffness from her muscles was welcome indeed. She could relate to the troubles of scrubbing Gold Dragons better than her Green sisters could; she and her baby had the same propertional size difference. She was glad that she did not have a Queen herself. It would take her all day to oil one of those monstrous things.

When Emerblynn mentioned the lack of weyrling training in the sogs, Teylarrin tilted her head all of the way back to get her mouth passed the surface of the water. "Cuz ain'f nuhbaddy wunz tuh her boud shuvlin nuh draggie puhp." She knew that she would have preferred not to know about it. How much longer did they have to wait until their lifemates could handle their business on their own?

Then came the comment about learning their letters though song. "Ah dunt wud cha complanin boud. Langug id a-zeh."


@Caoimhe @slasher @sylverangel @Eloaene @Svet @Suri @Vladi
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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:00 pm

Keket let her body adjust in the water, one muscle relaxing at a time, forcing herself to remain relaxed so her body could lengthen, and stretch in the hot water. She had chosen a faintly floral soapsand, not too strong, just a hint of the flowers to relax the senses. A small smile had to curl her lips as Veyani spoke and she nodded, ”That’s the point though, yes? Learn the hard things now, so we are capable of fighting Thread later…”

She moved in the water, pulling over another handful of soapsand and lathering it between her palms, letting the suds drop into the surface of the water, making a sort of weak bubble bath. As Emberlynn spoke, the young woman had to chuckle. The songs and lectures was probably the easiest part for Keket. Turns in the Harper Hall had built rather generous writing callouses on her palms. The girl was about to offer copies of her own notes when Teylarrin spoke up.

It still took Keket a moment to decipher what the girl said, even after several sevendays of spending lessons with her fellow Green weyrling. Once she finished though, Keket laughed softly, ”If they filled the Songs with the hardships, no one would sing them. People sing to bring joy, or sorrow. To share great lessons and epic tales. No one wants to hear about poo. Or endless candlemarks of mending harness.” She rolled her shoulders again in the rub.
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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:42 am

& Green Zelenyth

Lesera patted Zelenyth in her couch before grabbing her towel and heading to the baths. She was sore from the training that the Weyrlingmaster had begun with them, and found that she was using muscles she didn't know she had. The young woman draped the towel around her shoulders and swung her arms in an arm to try and loosen the muscles. "Alright, little one. I'm off to the baths. Call me if you need me?" her only answer was a mental grunt of compliance from the green, who was mostly asleep.

Once she was sure Zelenyth was going to continue napping, Lesera set off to the privy. It was the women's turn. But after their bath, the girl had to take Zelenyth to the Dragonhealer to test more oils on her to find one that would end the allergic reactions the poor thing was having every time she was oiled. The sensitive hide of her dragon was even more sensitive and she couldn't stand to be touched - even by her bonded. It was a painful thing to remember, Lesera thought. But Falyn had brewed three more oils to try. One of them was bound to work, right? She was slowly removing ingredients that were usually in the oil for the dragon's hides. One of the mixes wouldn't hurt Zelenyth - and that would be the one that was missing the ingredient she was allergic to.

With a sigh, Lesera left the alcove that was hers and Zelenyth's.  She was looking forward to relaxing in the hot water, and it had become something of a strange sisterhood with the female weyrlings. They had become a bit closer to each other since the hatching and lessons had started. It was unusual for her, Lesera mused, to have to so many people she could potentially call friends. The most unusual thing, though, was her fondness for Z'ren. She had never had a crush before, and she knew that was exactly what it was. A crush. Her first crush. The young man made her blush whenever she saw him. It wasn't unusual for one of the girls to tease her lightly over it - but Lesera didn't care. She was happy, and she had her dragon.

And Zelenyth had her friend Draugarth. No one else seemed to like the brown, but her green did. It was odd. Sometimes Lesera wondered if her dragon liked him just because her rider liked his. Finally Lesera reached the baths, just in time to walk in and hear Emberlynn lamenting that the teaching songs never spoke about Weyrling training. Her grin was huge as she couldn't help but quip in, "You know, I don't think they even know. Could you imagine a Harper trying to do this and then have the energy to write a song? I doubt it."

Having been at the Weyr for some months now, Lesera was getting more used to the active nudity and freedom that those in the Weyr tended to enjoy. She was still slightly embarrassed to undress around everyone, but she was getting used to it. "You know you ride green, right?" everyone always reminded her. Of course she knew. She rode the prettiest green in all Pern, she thought. So, the young woman stripped with her back to everyone and slowly slipped into the huge bath with the others, letting the hot water seep into her muscles. "By the way, hello everyone." she smiled, closing her eyes as she let her muscles relax one by one.

When her body felt weightless, Lesera gestured for the sweetsand and lathered it up and cleaned herself. Her hair she saved for last, the unruly mass needing a lot of time to soak to get clean. Once she had washed, she slipped under and rinsed off quickly, coming up and braiding her hair for a moment before it got tangled and she gave up. Lesera unravelled the whole thing and leaned back instead. She missed having her mother around to braid her thick, dark hair for her after a bath. The greenrider didn't want to let her frustration over her hair mess up her mood and grinned sheepishly around her, "Never did learn to braid my own hair back over my back to get it out of my face. "
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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:25 pm

"Oh, I'm sure someone out there would love to hear a song about the piles, and piles, and piles of poo our dragons leave behind.  And if nothing else, such a song would keep us entertained, wouldn't it?"  Grinning, Emberlynn added, "Although I'm guessing it would be some sort of strange drinking song.  Or something we could use to annoy the Weyrlingmaster with while we were running?"

Shaking her head at Teylarrin's assurances that learning  language was easy, the weyrling goldrider then feigned a sigh.  "Oh to have been born into the privilege of learning my letters as a wee child."  Of course, there were others here who'd been in the same boat as she, so no one had really questioned why she'd not learned prior to coming to the Weyr.

Lesera's comment about harpers and energy made her chuckle and grin widely.  "I don't know about that-- there are plenty of songs about the joys of mating flights, and I'm guessing some of those were written by harpers who experienced them first hand.  They had enough energy then, didn't they?"  That was definitely a much more pleasant subject for a song than shoveling dragon poop, though.  And she was guessing a lot of the raunchier ones were written by less-than-formally trained harpers, but who was to say?  It was possible a harper or two had a bawdy sense of humor and penned many of them.

Still chuckling, Ember let the warmth of the water lull her into a pleasant haze for a couple of moments.  Regardless of just how many others were sharing it, the bath felt wonderful, and she took advantage of it whenever she could.

Taking a deep breath and stretching her arms over her head, she eyed Lesera's handiwork with the braid.  Clearly at a loss as to doing it herself, the greenrider looked like she could use a hand.  Gesturing towards the other girl's hair, Ember asked, "I can help you with that, if you like.  I used to do it for my little sister."

It had always been one of their special times shared as sisters, when she'd braided Flynn's hair-- especially after the loss of their mother.  Working mostly in silence, Ember knew it helped her sister to relax-- and then they would talk, about nothing and everything, just simply enjoying each other's company.

"Any luck with the new oil for Zelenyth?"
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After a long day... Empty
PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:42 pm


After a long day... Tey_zps991fcd85

 Teylarrin could barely make out the words of her fellows in the pool. The way the water filling her ear effected the sound of their voices was strange. It made them deeper and more fluid. It made everyone sound all wobbly. She was still getting used to the effect. There was not enough water out in the middle of the desert were she had lived to waste it on massive bathing pools. They way that people were so free with the stuff over in Fort's territory was shocking.

Teylarrin leaned back, taken advantage of that freedom. She was still and stiff. For a moment her head sank completely beneath the surface but a short pair of seconds later her entire body floated the the top. The act of swimming may elude her but she did know how to float. It was one of the first things that she had picked up since arriving at the Weyr.

 "Ah thing thud weh shud mayg a puh sawng," she agreed with Emberlynn. Her words came out slow. If she were to speak too quickly her lungs would empty and she would sink. "Weh cud gid un stehg an sayng id fur thuh Mastuh'arpuh."

Lesera came in right about then. She greeted the group and Teylarrin responded with her standard, "Hooooowdeh."

As Emberlynn continued, she added, "Ah dunt nuhw nuhw nuhthen bowd nuhw maiden flyds. Aind nuh wuhn tuld meh bowd em." Maybe that was one of the things that would come up later. The Weyrling Master probably did not think that it was important to share details about an event that would not arrive for some time yet. The Dragons had to grow up first and there was still a good amount of time before that happened. She assumed so, anyway.

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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:58 pm


While he'd been finishing up the most laborious of his chores for the day, Z'ren had left Draugarth sleeping in their barracks room. Eventually though, the Brown began to stir in his consciousness, bringing it to Z'ren's attention that he'd finally awoken.

I just have a couple more things to finish up here, and I'll come back to join you, so just stay there and wait for me. Though, I may need to see if I can wash off real quick before we get you any food.

He could already tell that Draugarth was hungry, and with the stench of dung clinging to him, Z'ren thought it might be best for him to wash up a little first. He felt sticky and dirty after cleaning up animal droppings for what had amounted to several hours; and though he knew 'everyone' had to take their turn, he was pretty sure this was pay back for the mischief that Draugarth was so keen to get himself -or them- into. Z'ren was pretty sure that he had been given this grande opportunity far more frequently than any of the other weyrlings.

Either way, Z'ren figured he was willing to do it. He would do what he had to to get through these few difficult weeks of initiation into weyrlinghood and eventually everything -including Draugarth- would calm down. He couldn't have been more sure of it.

Anyway, none of their weyrling training thus far seemed as difficult as his initial weeks in the Blood Moon Squad; and if he could survive that, literally, then he could weather this time of adjustments in his life, too.

Z'ren started tidying up, putting the shovels back in the tall storage shed he'd gotten them from. Once he'd put everything away, he wiped his brow of perspiration and then dried his hands on his trousers, being already dirty as they were, and then started back for his barracks.

As he walked, Z'ren got the sense that Draugarth was plotting something. His lifemate had gotten quiet in his mind, but restless, which usually meant he was up to no good. Given that, Z'ren decided not to waste any time hurrying back.

Be patient, will ya, Draug? I'm almost back. I just need to see if the bathing pool is occupied or not; otherwise I'll just grab some fresh clothes and we'll head to the lake or something, and get a proper bath when we're done eating.

Expecting the little Brown to chime in with his own notions about how things should be done, Z'ren echoed the dragon's name aloud when the voice never came to him.


Nearing the entrance to the men's weyrling barracks, the blood-red beast came charging past him to take a turn toward the community room.

Whirling out of the dragon's path, Z'ren called after the Brown again, for the first time realizing that there looked to be a pair of pants and shirt rather unceremoniously gathered into his maw. One pant leg flapped wildly behind him as it came free. For a moment, the weyrling was so flabbergasted, he had to do a double take to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"H-hey! Draug! Where do you think you're going with my clothes!?"

Darting after the baby brown, Z'ren didn't catch up to the dragon before it hit him: Draugarth was headed for the baths.

Without human precaution which courtesy might dictate, Draugarth went barreling through the heavy curtains that led to the bathing pools, dropping his rider's clothes at the door.

"No, Draug!"

Stumbling into the room after the little Brown, Z'ren hadn't had time to think of how he could hope to excuse himself if it just so happened there were other bathers already using the facilities, but it was already too late for that. What may have been the worst possible scenario was already about to happen, because as soon as he threw wide the curtain to follow Draugarth into the large bathing area, it was already obvious that he should never have come.

The Weyrling Brownrider didn't take time to fully comprehend what he was seeing; he had already been rude to barge in, and staring after nearly-naked or completely naked girls wouldn't buy him any pardon. So instead, looking shocked, backpedaled, trying to collect his clothes.

(sorrrry that one was a long time in coming >D hope it works! have fun with that!)
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After a long day... Empty
PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:47 pm

Veyani listened to the other girls talking. It was nice hearing them around her. It reminded her of home to have so many people in one place. She had not realized she was missing her large family until now. While she did have one brother and sister here with her she had several more at home.

Even though some of them had married and moved out, they still lived close enough to visit frequently with their children. Veyani had dreamed about leaving and finding a place for herself out in the world, since farming had not been something she wanted to do. She had dreamed of adventures.

Somehow in this moment in time, her dreams of adventure paled in comparison to how much she missed home. Her parents would be worried about the three of them. Of that she had no doubt. At the same time, they would be quite angry at them for leaving in the way that they had. The Weyrling smiled at the thought of ballads. Sonadorath was obsessed with songs and music as far as she could tell. The green insisted on being sung to during her oilings and before bed.

Still Veya didn’t comment on anything else as she finished scrubbing the dirt from her skin. She was getting out of the water when Draugarth came bounding in with some clothes. The brown was already becoming a known trouble maker. Of course what she was coming to expect from the brown was not what she expected from his rider. So far as she could tell Z'ren was nice.

Her brown eyes widened. He actually came in for his clothes? Maybe his dragon knew he would? She wouldn't put it past Draugarth to set his rider up for embarrassment. In shock it took her a moment to realize she was standing out of the water naked. When she did finally think of it some seconds later, she quickly grabbed up her towel and put it around her slim frame. Seeing as the young man seemed embarrassed enough already, she didn’t say anything.

Looking around at the other girls, she could tell most of them were just as shocked at the interruption. Veyani went to her clothes. She’d better dress so that they could avoid further peeping from the boys. Not that she hadn’t been seen naked by a man before but she didn’t want that to be what Z’ren remembered about her in Weyrling Training.
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After a long day... Empty
PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:17 pm


After a long day... Tey_zps991fcd85

Teylarrin stared at the ceiling. It wobbled as she went up and down with the ripples running through the bathing pool. She listened to the voices of her companions. Their voices were hollow in her water-filled ears. The warmth was soothing. She could have fallen asleep if not for the whole drowning thing.  It was all very pleasant.

 That was tp say that it was pleasant until a guest arrived uninvited.

Teylarrin caught the motion Z'ren's arrival out of the top of her vision. It took a handful seconds before she realized that he was not a she. Worse, since she floating atop the water she was the second most exposed woman in there. A screech erupted from her lips. "AAAAAH~GURug-lug-lugggglll~!" It which to gurgling quickly as the air leaving her lungs sent to dropping beneath he surface of the bath and her mouth filled with water. Bubbles continued to float up even after she reached the bottom.

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After a long day... Empty
PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sun May 17, 2015 9:13 pm


Lesera nodded gratefully at Emberlynn when she offered to help braid her hair. She slid through the water to kneel low enough for the other woman to help her and sighed happily as she relaxed in the hot water. It was lovely to be treated to hot baths regularly now. Emberlynn's hand worked expertly through the braiding and Lesera could tell the other woman had done this before. Letting herself fall into the relaxing feeling of hands in her hair, the greenrider sighed, "Not yet, we haven't isolated what she's allergic to and it's so frustrating. I can't stand the Zelenyth is so uncomfortable. This batch we are trying has an antiseptic wash in it replacing the oils from another of the plants that go into it. Dragonhealer Falyn also added oils from the numbweed plant to try and sooth her hide. I'm hoping that it helps her this time. You know she can't stand being touched when her hide is so sensitive? It breaks my heart that I can't comfort her."

Hearing Tey's comment about mating flights she cocked her head, "Mating flights, huh? We were taught in the Hold that it's like a massive orgy for the one whose dragon is flying. Being here now, I don't think that's so true anymore. What are they really like?"

Before long her hair was braided and thunked thickly against her back as she thanked Emberlynn for her help, "Could you show me how to do that sometime? I'd hate to always bother you to do it for me." her smile was sincere, but honestly she wouldn't have minded making a friend of Emberlynn and doing things together, like their hair. "I've never had a sister, and my brother isn't the sort to bathe with the women unless he's invited. I don't really want him doing my hair after a bath." she teased. It didn't occur to her to think that her brother's dragon might rise to chase her green, but she also didn't know much else about greenflights as it was.

Lesera was standing to move to sit by Emberlynn when Draugarth came barreling into the room with a load of clothing in his mouth, Her hands went to her hips as she scolded the brown dragon "Draugarth what are you do--" her words were cut off as she saw Z'ren enter the room behind his dragon, and having her standing stark naked in the water where he could see every bit of her. "Z'ren! GET OUT! I'll deal with your troublemaker." She pointed toward the door, and suddenly remembered that she was bare naked in front of the guy she had a crush oh. Her body flushed with embarrassment and she was scrambling to sit back down in the water so he wouldn't give him too much of a show.

Her mortification grew as she realized how many of them were completely exposed to the young man's eyes and wondered briefly if he liked what he saw in her, or if he preferred the other girls. "Shards…" she mumbled to herself, trying to hide her line of thought and not look around to see which of the pretty ladies he could be staring at.
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After a long day... Empty
PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sun May 24, 2015 1:54 pm

Z'ren hardly noticed Teylarrin slip back under the water as his eyes caught the movement of the stark naked Veyani, and then darted to the source of the voice raised at him. It was an accident, purely instinctive, that his eyes fixed on Lesera who berated him for running unannounced into the bath, requesting that he let her deal with Draugarth this time. Even as she spoke the words, he stumbled over backward, hitting the floor on his rump, but landing next to his clothes. 

As soon as her words were out, her body flushed, Z'ren's warm complexion did the same for any number of awkward reasons. Not the least of which was because his eyes had been unwilling to avoid at least briefly exploring the girl's delicate figure before finally coming to meet her gaze. He was turning into a young man after all, and given the circumstances of his upbringing, had never laid eyes on a girl's body so bared before him. Were all girls just like Lesera and Veyani? Were they all so different from men, from the bust, to the curve of the waist down to the hips? Their bodies were certainly different than that of males. Of course, he'd known that before, but he had never actually realized how true that was. 

Girls looked so soft and beautiful. He wanted one.

Unable to excuse himself properly from the predicament through all of his fluster, the boy grabbed for his clothes, averting his gaze as quickly as he could. Of course, at that point he could pretend that he hadn't seen anything, but nothing could make him forget the image of Lesera's body now burned into his mind's eye. 

Ashamed and Remorseful, feeling as though he'd done a terrible wrong, Z'ren sputtered an apology as he scrambled back to his feet, never letting his eyes lift from the ground. He turned to hurry back the way he'd come, breathing an audible sigh of relief when he reached the other side of the curtains. And just when the breath escaped him, he fumed at the baby Brown, How come you just ran in there without checking if it was in use already? You know we can't go into the bath when the girls are already using it!

The Brown felt smugly about the whole situation, and like a raptor toying with his prey, his maw opened as he shifted from foot to foot acting as though he might be corralling them, blocking the doorway, his tail curling with anticipation. Draugarth trilled. It was an amused sound that was reflecting of the excitement in his whirling eyes. The chaos that he and his rider had caused in the bathing room was enough to be at least some minor thrill to him. And though he didn't respond to his rider's questions yet, he was equally amused to discover a sense of bashful pleasure on behalf of his rider when the young man had caught sight of Lesera. Maybe it shouldn't have been unexpected, but the depth of those feelings and the curiosity and conflict that it seemed to rouse in his human were definitely intriguing.

Feeding off of his rider's thoughts for Lesera, the little Brown turned in her direction, creeping across the stone of the baths toward her.
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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sun May 24, 2015 2:34 pm


When Z'ren left, Lesera turned a baleful gaze on Draugarth. He was creeping toward her and while she wasn't sure of his intention but she stepped out of the water, wrapped a robe around herself and went to him, barely caring that she had been naked and his rider could see it if the dragonet decided to share it with him. Stooping down to be at eye level, she scratched his ridge above his eyes, "I know you know better than this, Draugarth. You came here to cause trouble again." She sighed, knowing that she wasn't likely to get a response. Using her body, she led him to the exit so that the girls wouldn't be peeped at by the dragonet and subsequently his rider by default. "Why don't you go find Zelenyth in my room and try to keep her company. She's not very happy today." the green weyrling commented, pointing toward where he could find her rooms.

The sight of Z'ren looking her over had not been lost on Lesera, but as she gathered her clothes, said her goodbyes and thanked Emberlynn for helping with her hair, she couldn't help but think maybe she should find Z'ren after all, instead of leading his dragonet to her room. Shaking her head she looked down at the brown, "Where's your rider hiding? Why don't you take me there instead."

Thoughts of what she might say to the brown weyrling, one of the few people she knew she could call a friend, flickered through her mind. Zelenyth's happy rumble for her and grumpy growl for the dragonet she was walking beside also echoed in her mind. The green wasn't happy that Draugarth had made her rider uncomfortable, but she herself was in such a snit about being itchy and in pain from the oil that she wasn't about to come out of the weyrling weyr and have words with him about it. I love you too, grumbly butt. Lesera said to her dragon, knowing now that she could speak back in her dragon's mind as well. Remembering that she had had to be told that was possible embarrassed her. But at least it had been Z'ren who had told her.
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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:18 pm

Ember grinned at Teylarrin.  "We should, indeed," she agreed with the other girl's idea of singing whatever song they made up for the Masterharper.  Humming in amusement, she stretched beneath the water, her hands folded and pushed out in front of her as she leaned forward to stretch out the tight muscles of her back.

When Lesera scooted over, she spent some time finger-combing the other girl's hair, to get as many of the tangles out as she could before she went to work on the actual braiding.  "I'm sure that's frustrating for both you and Zelenyth, and the dragonhealers," the former barmaid sympathized with a little murmur.  "I'll keep my fingers crossed that this batch is the one she can tolerate, then.  You, out of anyone, should at least be able to touch her."

Definitely grateful Nymeriath had no such problems, Emberlynn had to wonder if it wouldn't make treating the other weyrling's green more difficult later, if she ever had an accident that resulted in an injury.  If she was allergic to the usual dragon oil, what else would her hide react to?

With a little snort of laughter at Lesera's description of mating flights, she shook her head in response to the other girl's questions.  "Your guess is as good as mine, since I've only seen the draconic side of things in my time here.  As far as I can tell, only the rider of the male catcher's dragon remains in the room with the green or gold's rider, though, so I doubt it's quite as exciting as an orgy."  Of course, she'd heard plenty of tales about the escapades of several of the riders here from the lower caverns staff and other dragonriders, but she wasn't going to go into too deep a discussion on the topic when other ears could potentially be offended.

Not everyone had grown up like she had.

In more ways than one, she knew.  Smiling warmly as Lesera turned to thank her, she nodded in response to her request to be shown how to braid.  "Of course, though I don't mind helping you with it.  You have lovely hair-- have you ever tried curling it with a heated iron?"  The thick, dark tresses would look beautiful falling around her face in ringlets, Emberlynn guessed.  She'd seen the style on some of the women at the masquerade, though hadn't had much opportunity to try it on herself.

"I'm sure your brother would enjoy bathing with women under the right circumstances," she then grinned at the greenrider.  "But one of said women being his sister is probably not one either of you would prefer."  Then again, she'd heard of families who enjoyed such things in her time at the Wild Green, but no one mentioned them in polite company.

Still chuckling at the thought, Ember glanced over at the entrance just as the blood red dragon from their class came barging through the curtains.  Not anywhere near as bashful as some of the other girls, the weyrling goldrider stood with Lesera, but her attention was immediately drawn away by Teylarrin.

Swiftly, she reached down into the water and grabbed whatever part of the other girl she could reach-- thankfully, her shoulders-- and hauled her up.  Teylarrin's face and most of her upper half were free of the water, and Ember waited to make sure the other girl coughed, just in case she needed to pound on her back to free her of the water in her lungs.

Almost absently, she murmured a 'your welcome' to Lesera when the other girl left, her attention still on making sure their classmate was okay.
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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:00 pm


After a long day... Tey_zps991fcd85

People seemed to be liking her idea of singing inappropriate songs for the Masterharper upon his next visit. It would certainly get them attention, which was something that Teylarrin was not altogether experienced with. That sounded like a perk to her. Granted, the folks in charge may not appreciate the recital, but when did they ever like anything? Maybe if one had been spawned from a leader then they may get preferential treatment, but that was the way that the nepotism wagon rolled.

Teylarrin was all for putting herself on display. That was to say that she was until it was the wrong kind of display, which was exactly the kind that she got from peeping Weyrlings. The girl sank was quickly as her wiry form did not have much to keep her afloat. She was lost is a sea of swirling bubbles with a mouthful screaming replaced by wash water.

She did not know how long she had been submerged --probably not very since she had yet to grow lightheaded-- before she was hauled back to the surface. The water came out of her mouth as she doubled over. She had gulped down some in her moment of surprise. A bit had taken the wrong path and left her in a coughing fit.

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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:53 pm

"All right?" Ember asked, frowning at Teylarrin's continued distress.  She was definitely glad to see the other girl coughing, as it meant her body was trying to get rid of any water that had made it into her lungs instead of leaving it to replace the air she needed to live.  Patting the greenrider on the back to help her expel any remaining water, she helped steady the smaller girl in the tub.

"Come on, let's get you out of here.  I'll get your things," she weyrling goldrider offered as she started to guide her classmate to the steps that led down into the bathing pool.  Once Teylarrin was steady, she'd help her out and get her bath sheet so the other girl could dry off.  Her own modesty was secondary, though she'd never been much of a prude, anyway, living Holdless first, and then as a barmaid.  In this case, however, it mattered more that her classmate was okay than that she, herself, was saved from embarrassment.
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PostSubject: Re: After a long day...   After a long day... I_icon32Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:43 pm


Teylarrin nodded in reply as she could not yet speak. Her coughing fit continued to plague her as Emberlynn added in her own form of aid. It worked to a degree as it did manage to help free some of the clog in her lungs. On the other hand, it also caused her swallow some of the water rather than expunging it. Given where the water had been, it questionable as to whether or not that was an improvement. Well, she did not die, so it had to be at least marginally better.

Teylarrin allowed herself to be lead from the pool. She took the offered towel, pulling it tightly against her small form. "Muh hed herdz," she said as she stood in the doorway. It was more of a comment to herself to prove that she was alive than it was to anyone else. Still, they were the room and could hear it, too, even if her voice was on the quiet side. The strained muscles and the burning in her throat made it difficult to speak. But she could speak and that was what was important.


OOC: I was finishing the post before I remembered than Teylarrin speaks funny. (>_>)

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