Randomized EventsRandomized Events are finally here! The purpose of these events is to provide a little something extra and unexpected in our characters' daily lives. Whether for better or for worse is yet to be seen.
Every two weeks (this may be changed to once a month?), a Die with one number representative of each active character on the board will be rolled to select a character who'll receive "Bright Fortunes!" and a character who'll receive "Ominous Fortunes!". (If it occurs that the same Player has received a Fortune more than two times in a row, the Die may be re-rolled at the discretion of the Admins in order to choose another Player's character to participate. Your character's number represented on the die, will be listed on the character's biography under Title Description.)
After determining which characters win this luck of the draw, a secondary Die will be rolled in order to determine what unexpected event will get thrown their way. These events are minor, not intended to have a major effect on plot or on their lives. Instead, they are to add a little something extra to prompt fun and unexpected interaction between characters. These events may be used and responded to at the discretion of the Player.
Periodically however, this roll of the dice could be used to prompt players into more major events that have a greater effect on their lives. But again, these may be used at the discretion of the Player, or simply discarded, if it does not suit them.
Let's give it a whirl! HAVE FUN!
**When a character and event are selected, they will be PMed to the Player to notify them.
**In order to keep the outcome of the Event roll suspenseful, only Administrators will be able to see the meaning of the number on the dice rolled, before it is PMed.