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 Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)

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Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Empty
PostSubject: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:26 am

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) 44fe7102-4d3e-4bdc-a572-9024936e4c5a_zps1daef988

The Touching had been planned since the Eggs were on the Sands but it didn't make the day any less stressful. Karene knew how Galadrieth had been feeling since that girl had sneaked onto the Sands to touch and mess with the eggs. She wouldn't be surprised if the Queen flipped out right before the Candidates arrived.

Karene kept herself calm so as to keep her dragon equally so. She laid down the rules with the Candidate master before the Candidates would even arrive.

The Candidates were to move slowly, no running, no jumping, and no playing around on the Sands. There would be no touching of the Gold Eggs and there would absolutely be no more than 4 eggs touched by a Candidate. They were to be quiet and disturb Galadrieth as little as possible. If Karene told them to get off the Sands, they must do so immediately and without hesitation.

Galadrieth was a testy Gold at the best of times and this was a very trying Clutch for her.

Very few will have noticed the queen hidden by Galadrieth's tail. If your Candidate notices, they are to make no mention of it to anyone else. Also if they notice it, they better be known to be super observant to the point where they can distinguish at a distance the hue of Galadrieth's hide and the hue of the egg which is nearly identical. The hidden gold egg is called The Charismatic Puppeteer Egg.

Most will notice Galadrieth first and then The Popular Princess Egg. the Gold egg seems to want the attention. (hello adoring fans)

The Popular Princess Eggeasily draws every eye.  Its glittering golden shell is marked with flowing swirls of cream and pink.  It's clear the dragonet inside will be lovely, given such a shell.  But, of course, what daughter of Galadrieth wouldn't be?  The egg practically emanates confidence and bubbly happiness when one comes near it.  Upon touching the shell, the feeling is intensified and sprinkled with a healthy dose of vanity-- of course _everyone_ wants to touch it, for it is the prettiest by far.

The Chivalrous Cowboy Egg
seems to have stationed itself near the golden egg as if protecting it from the outside world.  The bright orange shell is meant to draw attention away from the glittering swirls.  The dragonet inside exudes confidence that it can stand against anything, as well as pride in its ability to do so.  It can and will do anything it sets its mind to, and nothing will be able to stand in its way.

Not far from the Chivalrous Cowboy Egg, there is group of about five eggs is in what would be seen as the center area of the clutch. Most the eggs are closer together so that they can share in the warmest part of the Sands. This also makes it easier for Galadrieth to turn them, as she does occasionally.

The very central egg is small, with a deep velvety looking blue shell and light blue and gold speckles all over it. The Vivacious Child Egg is nothing if not upbeat. The presence of the dragonet inside is strong with an almost magnetic giddiness. There is an endearing quality to the egg’s pull and one might be reminded of a very happy, energetic and charismatic child.

Within a few inches of the Vivacious Child Egg is a larger, average sized egg.  The Cheerful Casanova Egg seems to have made itself quite at home among the other eggs in the group. The tan egg with mottled browns and turquoise colors swirled around lends one a sense of indescribable freedom of any worry or care. Life is a thrilling game and the dragonet inside is going to see and do everything with this zest for life’s adventures.  

Just a a foot or so to the left of the Vivacious Child Egg is the Nicest Egg in the Weyr. The Nicest Egg in the Weyr emits calm confidence.  The shell is easy on the eye, layered shades of tan, brown, and cream, no one color dominant, and no particular patch catching the gaze over any other.  If one were to touch the shell, one would be able to feel the easy confidence coming from the dragonet inside.  It is clear it wants to speak with everyone who comes near, though it lacks the ability to do so through the shell.

The Good Morning Egg is on the other side of The Vivacious Child Egg, adding to the group of five eggs.  The Good Morning Egg greets everyone near the entrance to the Hatching Sands, its bright sky blue hue suggesting clear skies and happy days.  It emanates a lack of fear and a great deal of positive energy.  Come what may, the dragonet inside this egg is ready to face any obstacle and tackle it head-on.

Farthest from Galadrieth of the small group is The Forgetful Flirt Egg. The outside of the average sized egg is plain and perhaps just a little less eye catching than some of the others around it. The shell is mostly a khaki color with mottling of darker tans and browns. The dragonet inside makes up for it in a fun personality. Emitting a sense of gregarious charm and joy at being touched, the egg can come across as a bit of a tease, revealing something of itself and then withdrawing.

The Moral Innocent Egg
sits a little off from the main group but is still closer to the center of the clutch than many of the outliers. The shell is a light gray with swirls of blue, green and yellow throughout the shell. There is a search for something coming from within the egg, marked by a youthful and perhaps naive innocence. There is a trusting sweetness one feels when around the egg and one gets a sense that this one needs a strong rider to balance out the sensitive dragonet within.

Sitting near The Moral Innocent Egg, The Shooting Star Egg is perhaps one of the smallest of the clutch. The egg is a pearl white, with speckles of iridescent colors. The egg almost has an opalescent sheen, the colorful reflections of the light on the egg are sure to attract interest. However, as one draws nearer, there as a distinct sense of competitive drive and ambition mingled with indignant attitude.

A few feet to the Shooting Star Egg's right lay a larger egg.

The Stalker Geist Egg sits on the outside of a group of other eggs. Slightly above average in size, the egg seems to be close only to The Fearful Voice Egg, resting in its shadow. The shell of the egg is a light wispy gray and while many of the other eggs are mottled in different colors, this one more has a swirling of different grays on the bottom of the shell. As one comes closer, one feels almost as if they are being pulled. Something about the little one inside is alluring and yet frightening but this won't keep one from touching the shell.

Nestled closer to the comfort of Galadrieth's presence is The Fearful Voice Egg,  the light from the cavern casting a shadow from its average sized shell to the larger Stalker Geist. The off white colored egg is about average sized. Not standing out much in the crowd at first. The mottling on the egg is a modge-podge of different colors, mostly muted hues. When one comes closer to the egg, there is a sense of uneasiness, vulnerability and a need for something to hold on to. Or perhaps someone.

Not far from the Fearful Voice Egg sits the
The Practically Perfect Egg
. The egg appears to have no blemishes or spots of other color anywhere on its slate colored shell.  Stern and proper in appearance, the egg seems to be scolding the others who dare to exhibit brighter colors, even as it clearly emits pride in what it is.  Hidden in the sands, though, just waiting to be discovered, is a patch of bright orange, proving that the dragonet inside may indeed be more imaginative than first appearance would suggest.

Near Galadrieth's tail end but not far from the Queen sits The Cowardly Knight Egg. The Cowardly Knight Egg blends in with the sands it's been laid upon.  Speckled in a great attempt at camouflage, it also appears to be hiding amid its fellows.  The dragonet inside seems to fear standing out, and the egg might slightly shift away from anyone who gets too close-- or perhaps that will just be the dragonet inside hiding from the shadows it senses outside of its shell.  Hopefully it will choose a strong rider that will boost its confidence in itself and the world.

Farther from the Gold and closer to the group of five in the middle but still a bit towards the tail end side of the clutch lay The Tough Cookie Egg. The crimson exterior suggests more strength than the pink swirls of the Popular Princess Egg.  The shell exudes a lack of care for what others may think of it.  The dragonet inside knows it is tough, and anyone who touches the egg will get the clear sense that it is only waiting for the chance to prove itself.

The Self-absorbed Softie Egg seems to be loudly proclaiming its existence with its bright yellow and green exterior, as if it is trying to compete with the gold on the sands.  It can't, clearly, because it doesn't shine and glitter like its sister.  But that doesn't mean it can't attempt to draw its own piece of the attention.  Whether by design or of its own volition, the egg seems to be tilted slightly towards the Tough Cookie Egg which sits not two feet from the softie, though whether this means anything or not remains to be seen.

Towards the outskirts of the clutch are some of the stragglers or perhaps more independent eggs. They might also just have ended up there because that was where they happened to be placed.

The Lonely Street Rat Egg sits off towards the right side of the large Caver, several feet from the nearest egg. The shell is a dark gray with mottled silvery blue and gray colors throughout, reminiscent of rain falling. The shell of the slightly smaller than average egg does draw some attention to itself. Though it seems never the attention it wants. The egg seems comfortable, even happy on its own.

Nearest the entrance are three distinctively different eggs.

The one closest to the right, and thereby closest to the Lonely Street Rat is The Revolutionary Dreamer Egg. The larger egg is a bastion of confident and perhaps naive belief that what is right shall be upheld. The dragonet inside is almost belligerent in its desire to be free and to make others free. There is a sense of idealistic hope mingled with this belligerence. The large egg's shell is red and black in alternating strips.

Not far to the left, closer to center is The Eager Dreamer Egg. The Eager Dreamer Egg's shell is an iridescent cream that will catch the little sunlight that comes into the Hatching Cavern and reflect it back.  Faintly swirling with every color in the rainbow, its potential is limitless.  The dragonet inside is clearly dreaming happy thoughts, emanating contentedness and a general sense of all being right with the world.

The Thieving Rogue Egg sits even further to the right and is accompanied closely by the Trusty Sidekick.

The Thieving Rogue Egg
is an average sized egg with a color reminiscent of the sands it sits on. The Egg seems to be trying to blend in to its surroundings but this disquise is marred by the black speckles sprinkled onto the shell. There's something dishonest about the dragonet inside the egg, like it is trying to pull one over on you. The sense of mischief and fun is unavoidable and also a feeling that you are welcome to stay as long as you like.

The Trusty Sidekick Egg
easily fades into the background with its mottled gray and brown coloration.  It's no larger or smaller than the others, nor is it particularly noticeable due to its placement.  But it's there, and will draw the right attention when it's necessary.  It does not need to take away from its clutchmates, and the dragonet inside may not try.  Simple contentment emanates from within the shell when anyone gets close.

Not far beyond the pair is The Intellectual Snob Egg. The egg is slightly above average in size and an ordinary enough looking egg. Not too plain, not too flashy, just a normal off white shell with darker mottling. There is a sense of superiority and coming from with in, mingled with misunderstanding. The hubris of the dragonet within is unmistakable while it may insist on being otherwise, ordinary.

Another lone egg, The Verdant Prodigy Egg is as far from the Gold Egg as possible without making Galadrieth uncomfortable.  The Verdant Prodigy Egg is such a deep green it appears almost black.  Faint patches of a lighter color appear scattered across the shell's surface as if someone had splattered it with paint.  Anyone who touches it will feel its potential and know it is destined for greatness.  The dragonet inside must be something special, though only time will tell just what destiny awaits it.

The last egg has  been put at a bit of a distance for physical reasons rather than personality. The Filthy Funlover Egg appears to have dirt smudges scattered across its paler gray surface.  The smudges won't rub off if anyone tries to smooth them out, though, as they are part of the shell.  It's clear the dragonet inside will not be afraid to get down and dirty, and may even enjoy doing such things.  A great sense of curiosity will exude through the shell if anyone touches it.

When the Candidates gather at the opening of the Sands they will be instructed to do as follows by the Candidate Master:
1. Greet Galadrieth and the Weyrwoman before entering.
2. Touch one egg at a time and do not approach the Gold Egg.
3. After touching 4 eggs, leave the Sands
4. There is no playing around, running or jumping of any kind allowed.
5. Leave immediately if told to do so by either the CM or Weyrwoman Karene.

Gold Candidates will stay afterward for a meeting with the Weyrwoman and potential opportunity to touch the Popular Princess Egg.
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Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:36 pm


Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Tey_zps991fcd85

Teylarrin edged her head around the cavern mouth. It was dark in there. Not as dark as it had been the last time that she had come. This time is was just her eyes that were making it appear more gloomy than the Hatching Grounds actually was. It was bright outdoors and that did not transition too well to the cave.

  The Candidates had been invited this time. She was not just sneaking about in the dead of night. Somehow the thought that her presence had been requested did not do too terribly much to abate her fears. That big, fat dragon sitting over there across the way had been mean to her during her previous visit. She had nearly died, in fact.  And all that she had done was just be a little too nosy, and crawl around where she was not suppose to, and touch and lean against the newly laid eggs, and decorate that gold one with glue stones to make it even prettier that it was naturally. In her defense though, she had not known that they were eggs; she had thought them to be large rocks. She had only been trying to prove that she was not a scaredy wher. She had much to make up for after that night by the lake. She had needed to prove to the kids that she was a mature and brave young lady. How was she supposed to have known that the dragon would be so grumpy after clutching?

 But here she was again. And there was that dragon. Maybe. Yes, maybe she would wait until some of the other girls arrived before she went inside.

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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:13 pm

Emberlynn was fairly bouncing on her toes, excited as she was to get the chance to get close enough to actually touch the eggs.  She was by no means as afraid of Galadrieth as Teylarrin was, but she definitely held a healthy dose of respect for the great gold dragon.  She certainly didn't want to be eaten or otherwise harmed for stepping wrong around the eggs nestled in the warm sand.  So she listened intently to the candidate master's instructions, though her attention attempted to stray several times to the eggs.

To some of the other candidates, this was old hat.  They'd been around long enough to see other clutches, touch other eggs, even if none of those had hatched to reveal their lifemate.  Gold eggs were slightly different, of course, but still, there were some candidates here who could care less about those.  Mostly the boys, but that was because they would never Impress the dragonets inside such eggs, more than anything else.

For Ember, though, it didn't matter much what color dragonet was inside an egg.  Each of them would still be a new experience she could add to the running list she'd been mentally keeping since arriving at the Weyr.  Each of them would have its own story to tell, and she'd at least be here to witness them from this point on, even if she decided to leave upon not Impressing and finally getting word from her siblings at the Holdless settlement.

Of course, that brought about bittersweet thoughts of where she was, and how much Flynn and their brother would have loved to see the dragons and the eggs up close, as she was getting to do.  But she had high hopes she could convince her siblings to come here to the Weyr, and they'd get to see the great beasts for themselves.

Reaching out to lay a hand on Teylarrin's shoulder in an effort to help calm the other girl's nerves, Emberlynn smiled and tilted her head towards what they could see of the Hatching Grounds.  "You can stick by me if you want.  She won't eat you if you stay behind me."
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:04 pm


Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Tey_zps991fcd85

Teylarrin's body stiffened under Emberlynn's touch. The pressure from the larger girl's hand sent spikes of pain coursing down her body. It would still be some time yet before the injuries she had sustained at the dragon's claw were fully healed. She gash may have closed up but the broken -and missing- bones were still quite raw.

Tey-Tey's breath came as a hiss and slipped out from under Ember's hand. That also had the effect of situating her in front of the cave mouth. "Dun't duh thay'uh." Her words were as much growled as they were spoken due to the fact that her teeth were still firmly clenched. She rolled her head around on her neck to try and relief some of the stiffness in her muscles. she managed to coax them to loose a bit as she added, "Id stay'all herds."

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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:21 am

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) 488a867e-a83c-47de-b1e7-5c392d68c217_zps1c862849

This wasn't her first Egg Touching, though it could in all likelihood be her last, one way or another. She stood near the entrance of the cave, looking out at the eggs though Galadrieth seemed to outshine most of them. The Popular Princess Egg, even from a distance seemed to beckon them closer. The coloring of her shell was perfect.

Indylari would say the dragon within the egg must also be quite perfect. When the orders were given and the other Candidates moved forward she stayed back. She didn't want to have anything to do with the chromatic dragons in the shells around the Sands. There was only one dragon here worth Impressing, that was the one residing in the Gold shell.

Weyrwoman Karene was meeting with the Gold Candidates after the others had their chance to touch four eggs. She would wait. Some of the other Gold Candidates might do the same but she didn't really care much about them one way or the other. She supposed if it were someone's first Touching or if one really wanted to touch some eggs to compare, they could go onto the Sands now and then be ready to meet with Karene.

She wasn't going to waste her time with that though. Not when she had no intention of Impressing to anything but Gold.

The excitement swirling around should probably have been contagious but Indylari had always been a reserved person. She wasn't about to go jumping around exuberantly. Her emotions were generally rather private which tended to confuse most people here. They didn't see the value of keeping one's emotions under control.

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) 27652af8-bbe6-4dd0-9934-a5f7302f7c8f_zps7e030f95

Bladen was one of the first few to arrive, which was to be expected. He was always punctual. He didn't really look around for anyone he knew because the Candidates he had met thus far were all fairly friendly and he didn't really want to be distracted. This was the first time he had done anything like this and he wanted to be sure he didn't mess up.

Being one of the oldest and tallest Candidates there, he made sure those younger and smaller than he was, got in front. He would be able to see and hear over most of them and also he felt he should let them go first onto the Sands anyway. He was just as excited as they were but he felt he had a bit more patience.

As soon as most of the people in front of him had gone out to start the touching, he greeted Galadrieth and Weyrwoman Karene as instructed. Bowing before the great Golden Queen, he then moved to look at some of the eggs.

It was almost overwhelming to see the number of eggs around and know he could only touch four but he felt himself moving with the surety he always seemed to possess toward the center of the Clutch. The Cheerful Casanova Egg was interestingly tan with light turquoise swirls. He leaned down and reached out a large hand to touch the shell of the somewhat bigger than average egg and was immediately shocked by the gust of emotion that came at him. The strong sense of freedom and love for life overcame him and he felt himself suddenly thinking that life was so much fun. There was always an adventure to be had. This was so uncharacteristic of him that Bladen felt his hand move from the shell hurriedly.

(adding two more later, gotta clean)
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:43 pm

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Opp5CkJ

Tori was nervous, but didn’t dare show it. Today was the Touching Day at the Weyr, and the Candidates would get a chance to meet the mottled shells containing their potential lifemates. Around him, other Candidates had gathered. He was wary of the golden queen protecting her eggs, but they had been invited. Someone, he couldn’t remember who, had warned him to show respect and courtesy to the queen of the Weyr, and as he entered the dark cavern, Torianu affored Galadrieth a deep, respectful bow. His head nearly touched his knees before he let himself rise from the bow, and turn slightly toward the mass of eggs she had lain.

One girl seemed particularly fearful of the queen, but she didn’t hold his attention nearly as much as the eggs did. Two golden eggs were there, but they, while beautiful and speaking of the untold wonderous queens within, were not what he was interested in. One of these eggs held a dragon he was meant to bond with. To partner with for the rest of his life. The thought was unnerving, for a Soldierbred man who had never been around the massive eggs growing up. The excitement from the other Candidates was almost off-putting as he tried to gather himself to move forward when the order was given. He stayed back, though, and watched the others while scanning the eggs until he found one he would attempt a connection with.

There was a woman who seemed to have the same idea, though he thought she was a gold candidate, he didn’t have the time to think on who was for what. His eyes slid over her too. He had been one of the first to arrive. Tori didn’t like being late, it was drilled into him as a Guard. Late was really late, and on time was late. He had been waiting outside the cavern until the exact time they were told to come, and he had entered with the first of them, silently watching the goings-on and trying to make informed choices.

Finally moving toward the eggs, well after most of the other Candidates had made their first Touches, Tori walked slowly around them all, noting that none seemed to attract him until he made his way to an egg hidden in the background, seemingly waiting for the right person to see it. A pull in his heart, a sense of right-ness drew the man toward the Trusty Sidekick Egg before he knew he had made the choice to Touch it. As his gentle fingers made contact with the mottled grey and brown shell, a sense of pure contentment overwhelmed his mind. He could sense that the dragonet within was happy with its place in life, and didn’t seem to need to put on airs for attention. Tori rather appreciated that. After all, he had been the same way growing up and it was a deep part of himself that he didn’t need undue attention.

The sense of the egg intrigued him. Quietly, he caressed the egg’s shell, trying to elicit some sense of response from it. It took a moment, it seemed, for the egg to decide it wanted the attention, and the sense of quiet pride emanated as well. That was enough for Torianu. He made a mental note of the egg and leaned close, “Thank you.” he whispered, feeling honored to have been allowed a response. He knew the one within couldn’t hear him - at least he thought it couldn’t, but he let his hand slide from the shell with great reluctance. He almost didn’t want to leave the egg, but he turned taking slow, meditative steps toward the other eggs.

Last edited by Suri on Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:12 pm


Today was the day, the touching. The boy was already on his way over and as he entered the mouth to the Hatching Sands, he looked at the two forms, one was the golden color of the Queen. He walked up to them and he showed his respect. He greeted The Weyrwoman, or in his mind, his mother, and her gold, Galadrieth. Afterward he walked over to the eggs and he kept his pace slow just so that he did not get into trouble. He looked at the eggs and he decided that the first one that he would touch would be The Tough Cookie Egg. He admired the crimson coloring of the egg before he moved on to the next egg.

He then looked and found the one egg that wanted to mix in with the sands and he walked over to it. He felt something in that egg that made him want to touch it, so he slowly touched The Thieving Rouge Egg and he smiled lightly before he back away. What would his mother think when she would see him touching these eggs. He was trying not to be like Thane, but it was not stopping him. But an off white shell caught his eye and he walked over to it. He could feel the superiority coming from this egg and his hand simply reached out to touch The Intellectual Snob Egg.

How many was that? He made a mental count then and he counted three eggs that were touched and he smiled as he thought of which his last egg would be that he would touch. But there was an egg that was far away from the Gold but not too far to make the Queen feel uncomfortable and he went over to it. His hand lightly touched The Verdant Prodigy Egg. With that being the fourth and final egg for him, he backed away from the eggs and over to a safe place to stand without getting into trouble for being thought that he was trying to touch another one and go over his four.
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:13 pm

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Emerene1_zps751867af

While her mother had encouraged all of the girls to touch any of the green dragon eggs that were on the sands, it was made quickly made apparent who had their mind strictly set on the Gold. And seeing there was so much competition, and Emerene was not about to impress anything but a Gold -at least not at her first standing, when she hadn't even tried yet- she refused to join the other candidates. She wasn't budging.

That being the case, she went to stand as close as she thought Galadrieth would let her, inching up toward the side of the sands where Galadrieth rested protectively huddled near the Golden egg. Watching there, from the distance, Emerene clasped her hands together close to between her breasts, bringing fingers to interlock in a show of hopeful thinking. And perhaps a little impatience as she chewed her bottom lip softly. 

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Park3100_zpsdcecb3ae

When he'd arrived at the Weyr, Zairren had fully anticipated a scenario much like his first months at the Blood Moon camp, where he'd be confronted by other boys over a hierarchy in the candidate class. At least there. But thus far, he'd been surprised that had not been he case, and to some degree, that pleased him. But he hadn't dismissed the anticipation of such an event completely. He still anticipated that at some point, at least one or two of the boys would see him as a threat and challenge him. Or feel the need to prove themselves better than him.

He didn't think that a fully fledged rider would do such a thing -not while he'd not even impressed. But that was yet to be seen. Truly, he had no idea how the Weyr really operated on that front. He was just barely starting to get the feel for how its hierarchy functioned.

Regardless of those uncertainties however, Zairren had not found his stay here uncomfortable, and he'd even been given another couple of sets of clothing to sustain him. The weyr's clothes were nicer than anything else he'd ever worn, and he was glad to receive them. He would use his old sets just for doing chores and other dirty work in.

So, today, as he prepared for the rather ceremonious egg touching event, Zairren wore one of his new clothing sets -a somewhat brightly coloured tunic with brown and red cloth that was sturdy enough for him, as a boy. sleeves of the shirt were red, and the accenting threads were, too, giving it a similar look as though he'd layered shirts together. The feel of it was smooth and relatively soft against his skin, which he appreciated, but was not used to.

With this tunic, he donned some semi-fit trousers he'd been given, and his leather belt around the middle. Though he'd received a second pair of shoes, he preferred the pair that the old grandmother who'd briefly cared for him had given him.

Zairren had been watching the other candidates closely as some of them had already apparently been through egg touching before. For that reason, he'd waited until nearly last to do so himself.  He hadn't been at the Weyr for more than three sevendays and it was all still a lot to take in -the surroundings, the people, the procedures surrounding clutches that many people here had so well ingrained into them already. He felt like a sure minority, when he wasn't used to being anywhere near such large populations of people all in one spot, let alone feeling as though his personal power in his own small secluded mountainous corner of the world was so diminished. It was a different feeling. It was similar to that sense of not knowing his place in the world anymore. But, apparently, after the clutch hatched, if he happened to be lucky enough to impress a dragon, his place would be somewhat decided for him.

Seeing Karevik moving quickly between the eggs, not taking much time to stop and feel them before he moved on. It was as the red-haired boy had hurried to touch his last egg that Zairren took his turn out on the sands. Stepping forward, he greeted the Golden queen and then the Weyrwoman. He'd made sure to put Karene's name to memory, seeing as that she was the person of highest importance at the Weyr, apparently. That bit of information only confirmed what he'd heard about Goldriders in thee past, from balads and other tales. So, giving them both a nearly shy bow of his head, he went quietly forward, seeming unsure really, as to which direction to head in first.

His eyes flitted between the other candidates who moved on ahead of him, most of them already touching or perhaps just moving on to their second egg. That being the case, since he did not want to be the last one to make his round on the sands, Zairren gravitated toward the eggs nearest to him, seeing if perhaps one of those would catch his attention in some way.

It was on the very outskirts of the circle where the eggs were lain that Zairren first ran across the Stalker Geist Egg. Also somewhat nearby was the Tough Cookie Egg, whose brighter exterior immediately attracted him. But, instead of moving off to touch the red egg right away, he paused to wonder at the marbled grey one closer to him, glancing around him to see if other candidates were going to touch it's surface. Indeed, as of yet, he had not seen anyone move close enough to the egg to do so. Perhaps to them, it gave off too much of a dangerous aura, but Zairren did not find himself dissuaded by that faint sense, as he neared it.

Wondering if anyone would notice that he was the only one to approach the grey egg, he approached its large form where it lay cozied on the sands away from the others. Perhaps a little embarrassed that he was the only one who'd gone to it, the feeling was soon replaced by a sensation far more keen, as soon as his hand lay on its shell. Zairren's eyes widened a little as he felt the distinct sensation of what he could only think of as the perfect fear, the perfect power. It was not something that intimidated him like it may have done to others, so he remained there to absorb the sensation, wondering at it.

Over his shoulder then, he looked back to see if anyone was watching him. Wonder if anyone else had felt this particular sensation, if they had, and knew that he was drawn to it, would it be a bad thing? He had been informed that each of the eggs would impart a varying impression of what kind of draconic personality was inside. But, looking back on the egg, he ventured to put another hand on its shell, pressing both palms to it's side. In doing so, he felt the current of that sensation deepen, as though it resonated through his very core. Oddly, he kind of liked the feeling.

Not wanting to linger for too long, Zairren brought his hands away, turning with only a glance back at the mottled grey egg, to move on to the red one that had caught his attention also.

Taking a breath to reorient his emotions, the candidate let others pass infront of him, pausing as everyone mulled about, deciding which egg they would touch next. Eventually, he came to the Tough Cookie Egg.
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:16 pm

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) 0fcfad8d-28cd-4bce-8384-16270e5778c0_zps48585628
Skipping through the cavernous walks to the Hatching Sands, she could feel the excitement of the Touching, bubbling up. she couldn't be kept down for long. Not with her sunny disposition. However, Veyani had a reputation for being tardy to lessons already so it wasn't really a stretch to imagine that she might come in as the Candidate Master was finishing up with the rules. Eh, she could wing it! Looking for her brother and sister, she couldn't see their faces among those gathered but there were many many Candidates so she figured she would catch up with them later.

Once she could clearly see the eggs, she found herself jumping up and down a couple of times. How awesome was this. She felt as though she might fall over in excitement. Her next intake of breath indicating she had been holding her breath. She noted that Emerene was standing off to the side nearer the Gold and the Queen Egg.

She never doubted what Emerene had wanted to Impress since meeting her. Nothing but Gold would do for her friend. Whereas Veyani was perfectly happy not to have that kind of responsibility. While in that frame of mind, she approached the Filthy Fun-lover Egg which had been pushed away from the others due to the apparent dirt on the shell.

Having been born a farmer she wasn't afraid of a little dirt on her hands. Placing one hand on the egg's surprisingly hard shell was not as dirty as it seemed. An optical illusion, for the egg simply looked dirty. She wondered how many people would pass the egg by because of that?

she realized then just how the egg was influencing her. The dragonet was so curious and not afraid to get dirty in order to find out what there was to look for. Veyani could relate. She enjoyed a good mystery herself and was also not afraid of a little dirt. Curiosity often got the better of her. Lifting her hand from the shell, she felt a wave of awe pass over her. This was the most amazing experience she had yet to have. And she couldn't wait to touch another egg!

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Thanekar4_zps417ff136

Thanekar had been to about three egg touchings but thus far had not been permitted to actually stand. Obviously his mother was being unfair in the past and it had nothing to do with his previous indiscretions. He looked out across the Sands not at the eggs but at his mother. She better let him stand this time! Karevik was Standing, it would only be fair!

Attention back on the Candidate Master, just when the speech was over, he did as he was instructed without having to listen. He knew how Galadrieth could be with a Clutch. He appropriately bowed greeting both the Gold and her rider, his mother. Keeping his excitement to himself, he walked the Sands looking for an egg to catch his eye.

He found the Nicest Egg in the Weyr to be the first to really draw him. The layers of tan, brown and cream were perfectly natural. And maybe that would have been a hint as to how natural the dragonet inside might be. He knelt down to the egg in order to touch the shell. The egg oozed confidence which to be honest he could totally relate to! Something about its need to get everyone to stop and visit with it was enough to make Thanekar wonder if the dragonet was going to be much of a chatter. He didn't mind conversations but even he didn't want to talk to everyone.

Thane stood and shook the sand off of his pants as he stood back up, hand coming off the egg, as he peered around for the next egg.

Last edited by Caoimhe on Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:20 am


Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Tey_zps991fcd85

The other Candidates seemed to be passing through the cave mouth without much difficulty. They were able to meander about, touching the eggs and there had not been a single maiming. That was a good sign. She knew from experience how quickly that could ruin one's day. It did not appear to be going on at the moment, though. Maybe it was safe to enter, after all. At least for the time being. If she waited around too long though that might change. So she decided that had best get to it.

Teylarrin adjusted her over-sized hat. She tugged her smock in to a more presentable condition. With a steeling huff, she entered the hatching grounds.

Unlike the other Candidates, she chose to forgo presenting herself to the Weyrwoman and the Queen. She would just as well prefer to stay off their radar. Instead, she circled around to Veyani, who seemed to be engrossed in the dirty egg. Technically, they were all dirty, what with being in the sands and all, but that one just looked the part.

   "Howdeh, Vey-Vey," she greeted as she came up behind the older girl. "Yo plehyin' wid duh fil'dee whun?"

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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:52 pm

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Opp5CkJ

Almost as if a sixth sense were guiding him, which Tori assumed it was, he moved among the eggs and made his way toward a cluster of them. He noticed that the golden queen was near and he bowed to her again, and knowing she could hear better than a human, quietly spoke to her, “Thank you, for the gracious opportunity to touch your wonderful clutch.” He hoped it was sufficient to dim any of her anger she could be feeling, as he stepped close to the Nicest Egg in the Weyr. The layered browns, tan and creme made him think of a warm cup of klah with milch in it, all swirling together in a pattern that seemed to encourage the eye to look at the whole egg instead of any one part of the coloring. It was a lovely egg, and Tori almost thought it would be a pretty design on a mug and made a note to try and throw it on the pottery wheel sometime.

The egg stood quite close to another, and Torianu was careful to not move too close to the eggs nearby to make it seem like he was touching more than his due. Gently, the man lay his hand on the warm shell and was overcome with a certain confidence. It reminded him of the officers of the Hold Guard, and he smiled. He missed his old family, but was proud to be a part of the Weyr. Other sensations rolled over him, and none of them were particularly off-putting. A smile lit his face again as Tori marveled at the abilities of the unhatched dragonets. A calmness overcame him, and he wasn’t sure if it came from the egg, or from himself. But either way, he decided, this was another egg for his list of hopefuls. It seemed that letting intuition guide him was a good idea, and as he let his hand fall from the shell, he whispered another thank you to the concealed dragonet and turned toward the others of the cluster.

Nearby, the Cheerful Casanova egg seemed to call to him as well, and he skirted the other eggs to make his way toward it.

Last edited by Suri on Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:04 pm

Eyeing the other candidates as they mulled about the eggs, he avoided interrupting anyone, though he paused to wonder just what each of them may be experiencing just then, as they went about touching their own eggs. Each egg was supposed to be very different. He worried whether or not he would touch the one egg that was meant for him -if there was one. He wondered also, just why they they didn't touch all the eggs. How did they know if they had touched the right ones? Admittedly though, the Weyr must have their reasons, but it didn't quite make sense to him. 

It couldn't be helped though. Zairren would have to make his decision carefully, though there was little real thought he could put into which he decided on touching. It was more of a 'feeling'. With two or three more that he was allowed to touch, Zairren looked across the sands at the Tough Cookie egg to see that another candidate already had his hands on the crimson shell. Waiting for the boy to move away, Zairren moved inconspicuously up beside the bright egg to take his turn. 

An opened palm hovered above its shell, taking a moment to sense what kind of sensation would come from within. Seeming only to faintly emanate some sense of strength, Zairren became more intrigued, finally placing his palm on its surface. Decidedly, Zairren liked the sure feeling of confidence and willingness that he sensed from it. No matter who then, that this particular baby dragon chose to impress, he would definitely get along with it -or at least he would like it. He supposed there was no promise that the dragon would like him. 

After a few moments, his hand came away from the shell of The Tough Cookie Egg, and he stepped back from it, figuring it would be time to move on to the next. Of the two eggs thus far, Zairren wasn't sure which of the two he liked more. Though there was a constancy and security in that strength and determination of the Tough Cookie Egg, which was something that he took comfort in to some degree, there was no denying there was some serious mystery behind the Stalker Geist egg that wanted to keep pulling him back in that direction. He felt as though that particular egg was something special. He felt that whatever baby dragon hatched from it would not be one that could be handled by just any candidate. 

Zairren let his eyes search back in the Stalker Geist Egg's direction once more before meandering off in another direction. His wandering though, was aimless because he hadn't yet decided just which egg to touch next. So, instead of bee lining toward his next target, the boy mulled about with the rest of his class, searching over the tops of the eggs or admiring them as he passed them beside them, until he could make his choice.
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:02 pm

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Bladen5_zps37bf8d0b

Bladen was hesitant at first to approach the egg which he had originally thought about going to touch but had since been nervous to get so close to the Queen. After considering though, he decided that it wouldn't be such a bad thing to touch it, I mean he felt compelled towards the thing. Obviously he liked the way it was positioned as if protecting the Gold Egg and it's mother.

He was determined to do this now. He bowed again as he moved closer to the large egg. The egg was large in comparison to others but so near the Gold, seemed much smaller. The bright orange of its shell was meant obviously to distract attention from the glittering Gold one behind it.

Bladen was a little more comfortable now in touching the Eggs. He tried to be as respectful as possible. He was a tall man, even by Weyr standards, so when he knelt to touch the eggs it was because to stand and bend would be much too difficult a reach. His palm tingled slightly at the touch of the shell.

A smile was immediately on his face as he instantly related to the confident protectiveness of the egg's inhabitant. The dragon within must want to defend others and had the confidence to pull it off. He wasn't sure he was going to feel like this particularly but he felt there was something about this one which really struck a chord with him. He felt similarly about the people in his life and he spent Turns already training to protect the people he loved.

When he removed his hand he looked up before standing. He was careful to walk with a purpose and not to walk into any eggs or other people as they all meandered about. His eyes were quick to find another to catch his eyes.

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Veyani7_zpsda0d8d44

Veyani heard Teylarrin and laughed. "The shell only looks dirty. See my hands are clean." She showed Tey her hands.  "Have you found any you've liked so far?" Veyani asked politely because she didn't want to talk too much but she also liked Teylarrin and didn't want to be rude. She was just so excited to go and touch another egg.

"I think I'm gonna go over there. That one is all alone too." She said spotting the Lonely Street Rat Egg. "You can come with me if you want."

She wasn't going to force the other girl to follow but having heard what had happened to her last time she was on the Sands, she didn't think it was wise for Teylarrin to walk about alone. Also she was heading for an egg that was far from the Gold so there would be no reason for Teylarrin not to feel comfortable following her.

She made sure to lean down to place a hand on the top of the dark gray egg with mottled silvery blue and gray colors. It was kind of pretty in it's own, non-flashy way. But what she felt while touching it was an intense loneliness. The egg didn't want companionship, it wanted to be alone, content to be with itself.

Veyani didn't understand it. She felt tears come to her eyes suddenly, unbidden. Why would anyone want to be alone? She took no time at all in removing her hand. Now feeling rather somber herself as she thought of the one person she had been trying not to think about. That lonely feeling she understood but hated. She never wanted to feel that way again.

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Thanekar_zpsbbf1824b

An egg partially camouflaged by its coloring caught his attention next. He walked close to the grouping of two eggs. The Theiving Rogue egg is average sized and although unlikley to carry his future Bronze (because nothing else would do) he still felt drawn to it.

He felt as soon as he touched the egg a kindred spirit. The hint of dishonesty was actually kind of interesting and a little surprising compared to the last egg. The thought that the dragonet inside might be the kind to cheat at dragonpoker was most amusing and something he would love to see in action.

He felt welcomed by the little one inside, welcome to stay as long as he wanted. Thane felt more at ease than when he first touched the egg even. Then finding another layering of the dragonet's personality through the egg to be fun and a little mischievous.

Thanekar was absolutely on the same page as this one. The havoc the little one would bring to Weyrling Training would be awesome. He wanted to see it. He wanted to know this one. Realizing perhaps someone else might be interested in touching this egg eventually and having no way of knowing how long he had actually stayed with the egg, he took his hand away and once more stood to peruse the others.
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:25 pm

Ember frowned and quickly went to apologize to Teylarrin.  She thought she'd kept her touch rather light, but apparently it wasn't light enough.  "I'm so sorry, Teylarrin.  Are you all right?"

More candidates were arriving, though, some jostling for a better position in the doorway, and whatever Teylarrin might have said was lost.

Letting the youngest go first, just as Bladen was doing, the former barmaid waited patiently, knowing she would get her turn.  The eggs were quite the distraction for everyone, after all, though she noticed a couple of the girls hung back after they took their turn to greet the Weyrwoman and her great golden queen.

Pushing aside the distraction, Emberlynn gave Karene and Galadrieth a deep bow and a respectful, "Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to get close to such beautiful eggs."  A little flowery perhaps, but at the same time, it was heartfelt.  This was the first clutch she'd born witness to, and it was certainly an awe inspiring experience.

Duty finished, she moved on towards the eggs.  Indylari received a smile, whether she saw it or not, as did Emerene, though Ember was curious at their potential disinterest in the eggs.  Perhaps it was because they'd stood for too many clutches already?  Though Ember herself couldn't imagine it would ever get boring.  The different colors, the auras coming off of each egg…

With a shrug, Emberlynn continued on between the eggs, keeping her hands clasped in front of her to show she was not yet touching any (and to resist the temptation.)  She had reached close to the center of the clutch and stopped there, turning a slow circle to take in each egg on its own.

It was a difficult decision, given they were only allowed to touch four eggs.  They all looked wonderful, and drew her like a moth to a flame.

Making a decision, she stepped towards the Vivacious Child Egg, just taking in the lovely sparkles on it shell before slowly reaching out a hand.  Her fingers spread wide, she allowed her hand to hover just over the shell in anticipation before she finally, allowed her fingertips to touch the shell.

Happiness was the first thing she received, which fit so well with the bright blue of the shell, and surprised her not in the least.  It drew a wide smile from her face, and her hand settled more solidly on the shell.  Brightness and light, a childlike enthusiasm.  Did all dragonets put off a similar aura, then, given they were still babies?  Or was it just this one?

It was difficult to move away, even though she definitely wanted to find out the answer to that question.  She also wanted to know just what the dragonet inside looked like, but that wouldn't happen for a few sevendays yet-- they all would have to wait to find out.  If she had to guess, though… she'd say it was a green or blue.  Just given the personalities of those she'd met already, it matched, anyway.

But what about the others?  What would they feel like?  There was no way to tell by the shell, but for with the queen egg, so she would just have to guess, and then compare notes with the other candidates.

That thought in mind, she determined it best to try touching an egg she'd not seen anyone gravitate towards yet.  One that perhaps wasn't as brightly colored as the others.  Or perhaps one that seemed to be attempting to hide.  Like the Cowardly Knight egg.

Smiling at its attempt to blend in with the sands, Ember slowly moved through the eggs keeping a careful eye on their golden mother, so Galadrieth could see she was making no sudden moves.
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:04 pm


S'jiro stood at a short distance from the hatching sands where Galadrieth's clutch was lain. The Bronzerider stood with arms folded over his chest, observing the candidates where his presence would not be immediately noticeable. He didn't want to distract them. The entire touching ritual was something of almost sacred nature to the Weyr, requiring a good deal of reverence in respect to the Queen and those still developing dragons who were not yet born. It was an incredibly special ritual.

Thinking back on the first time that he participated in a touching, S'jiro's mouth turned up into a faint smile of rememberance.  For a moment afterward, he reveled in the sensation of that ever active telepathic link between himself and Zemarith, glad that the two of them had met and become bonded. He couldn't imagine his life without the ruddy bronze, and wouldn't even want to think about what if that were the case. Life without his bonded would be a verye meager existence indeed.

Pushing further musings over the matter out from his mind, the Bronzerider felt the mental soothing croon of his dragon as Zemarith made his own love for his rider clear. He was happy with S'jiro and knew that the feeling was mutual between them.

His heart embraced by the warmth of that love they shared, S'jiro felt a certain measure of peace come over him. He couldn't think of any other time that he felt anything similar in his whole life. Except perhaps in the time he was with Veyani. Even the affection between he and his sister was different.

Musing over that, a chuckle rose from under his breath when S'jiro realized that Zemarith had become confused as he'd let his thoughts seep through their open connection. Zemarith was both confused, and a little jealous. Perhaps even pensive, he thought.

Don't worry big guy. You know how much you mean to me. My life couldn't be complete without you. It's just,..

No, there was nothing for him to add where thoughts were concerned in regards to Veyani. The two of them did not belong together. He had come to that realization before, and now he had to stand by that decision to forget that any relationship could ever develop between them. He had Indylari now, and Indylari was ten times the woman that a farmer's daughter like Veyani could ever become. They were born worlds apart. There had never truly been any hope of he and Veyani being together.

His parents had been right. Everything having to do with her, was just momentary curiosity to be quenched by their brief and steamy affair. It was nothing more. He had used her as he had intended to use her from the very beginning. He had proven his point. S'jiro had effectively made Veyani believe that she could be loved and accepted by he and his closest circle of friends, only to find out that he had fooled her. It had all been a part of the horrible game they played, and in the end, he had become Veyani's first love and afterward, once he had taken her trust and love, he crushed her heart and spoke whatever cruel words it took to remind her just how insignificant she was, and just how little she meant to him.

S'jiro found himself staring out over the sands in a mental haze then, gazing off toward where Veyani stood beside a dragon egg. In that moment controlled by a more hopeful subconscious, the Bronzerider imagined the feel and taste of her lips, the scent of her hair when his face was buried in it, and some part of him wanted to yearn for that again. It was all a sweet temptation to him until some grumbling from Zemarith broke him from the momentary reverie.

Reluctant to dismiss the memory of their togetherness so quickly, S'jiro cleared his throat, shifting in his stance and turned his eyes elsewhere, thinking to find Indylari where she stood.

What? You know my mind is made up. It's a smart match, Indylari and I. Don't you see it yet? Our parents were right to put us together. There is far more benefit to Indy and I being together, than Veyani and I. He paused for a physical breath, which in turn, interrupted the flow of thought through the telepathic conversation with the Bronze dragon. Indylari and I will be good weyrmates soon.

He just hoped, offhandedly, that Veyani never impressed a Gold. That would make everything all the more awkward. Though he would have the excuse of enjoying her company briefly if Zemarith ever flew her queen, but even dragons usually saw the difference in highborn and lowborn blood. There was some quality in highborn that lowborns simply could not possess, which kept them from frequently impressing metallics.

Veyani was a commoner though, and if she impressed at all, it would be to a green. The most common and insignificant of all dragons.

Feeling his perspective of things well tried and justified, S'jiro felt only a mild agreement from Zemarith as he set his full attention on Indylari, wondering when the Queen would allow them to approach the Golden eggs. So, S'jiro stood back continuing to watch, eyes now on his fiance.


Zairre had been considering his choices, searching, searching, to see if there was any one last egg in particular that seemed to jump out and grab his attention.

He watched as Bladen walked in the direction of the bright orange egg, but for some reason did not feel inclined to follow suit. He watched others take their time loitering around the centermost eggs upon the sands, and he himself wandered there for a moment without any particular direction, cautiously keeping his hands to himself.

Eventually, his eyes fell on the Lonely Street Rat Egg, feeling as though that egg might hold some interest to him. Zairren would have headed straight for that particular egg, but unlike the other two that he had taken the time to stop and touch, there was apparently a small line forming to lay hands on this one.

Pondering if he should wait, move on, or be happy with touching just the two, the boy paused to consider and wait.

After a moment, he walked up beside the egg, somewhat across from Teylarrin and Veyani, where they stood laughing at something between them. When Veyani touched the egg and suddenly tears cropped up into her eyes, Zairren wondered what she must have felt at the mottled egg shell.

Just as she began to tae her hand away then, he spoke, "If you don't mind, I'll touch it next."

So, as soon as her hand was withdrawn, he placed his own palm upon the egg's surface, feeling only a twinge of any kind of connection between he and it. But, he did sense the contentness with independence. Glancing up to Veyani then, there was a vague curiosity there in his own eyes as he wonered what had gotten the girl so worked up.

He supposed.. the egg did feel just a little lonely.

Still, seeing as whatever it was that had upset Veyani still affected her, Zairren addressed her again, "Is it because he's alone?" Referring to why she had started to cry.

Taking his hand away from the egg, the former Blood Moon member was fairly decided that this was not the dragon for him, and putting one hand in his pocket, he glanced briefly back toward the edge of the sands where gold candidates still awaited their turn to approach the queens most prized daughters, wondering if the touching would be over soon.

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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:00 pm


Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Tey_zps991fcd85

Teylarrin rolled her shoulder at Emberlynn’s mention of touching it. She could almost feel the phantom pain creeping up on her at the memory. It mixed well with the dull throbbing that pulsed through the still knitting muscle. “Ah’z fiyan,” she assured the young woman. It really was not. It had hurt. She was hurt. She had no clue as to how long it would be before she were well again. She may never be fully healed. She had heard tale of wounds that only healed along the surface. She hoped that her own injury would not be like theirs. She longed to be completely healthy again. If nothing else, she had learned her lesson about sneaking up on sleeping Queens.  “Y’aint godda whir’eh nun.”

     Teylarrin’s attention returned to Veyani when she asked which of the Eggs the Igen girl liked. “IAh dund ne’ow,” she confessed as her eyes scanned the multicolored lumps that that were sprinkled about the cavern. “Ah dun godda tuched ‘em ull duh less tehm Ah  wud ‘ere. Ah did’in ne’ow dey wuz ae’ggz, thuow.”

   Her gaze swept passed the Popular Princess Eggs. She could not tell if it still had the gluestones on it.  She was at the wrong angle for that. “Ul’mussed ull uh dem,” she corrected. “Ah dun tuched dat Guld wun, bud Ah did’un gid tuch duh utter Guld wun cuz Ah did’un ne’ow dat id wuz dare uh’tul duh draggie dun wuk ub cuz shay buh hyd’un id.”

   As Veyani started to move off, Tey-Tey patted the top of the Egg that they had been standing alongside. “Buh-bai, filtheh ae’gg.”

  She followed along with the older girl until they came across the gray and silvery-blue egg. It seemed to effect Veyani and in none too pleasant a way. Teylarrin laid her hand on it next to her friend’s. This egg felt lonely, but it was a lonely by choice rather than by circumstance. She nodded at feeling, in understanding. She had met people like that back at her old home in the cothold. Some folks were just like that.
  Her communion was cut short by Zairren’s arrival. She withdrew her hand, gently lowering it back to her side. “Ah gez,” she answered him. She was not sure if he was speaking to both of them or just Veyani. She would not have been surprised if her presence had gone unnoticed. She was used to that. “Bud id wunz tuh beh u’llun.”

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Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:05 pm

Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Opp5CkJ

Situated near the others, the Cheerful Casanova egg was a markedly handsome egg with its swirling colors and turquoise mixed into it. The closer he got the more he felt the sense of freedom and zest for adventure emanating from the egg. It reminded Torianu of growing up at the Hold and having fun with his squad mates. The moment his hand made contact with the slightly larger egg, he laughed aloud, the sensation bubbling from his chest like the carbonated drinks that the Vinters sometimes created. Every stress about the Hatching dissipated while in contact with the dragonet within the egg, and the man couldn’t help but want to sit down and tell the egg stories of his family, sister, squad members and all the fun he had ever had. He was so sure the one within would enjoy them that he resisted the urge and instead let his mirth subside.

He remembered the hurried way the other Candidate had moved away from the same egg, and wondered why the other man would have done so when the egg was so entertainingly carefree. Tori was reminded, the moment he thought of it, that each person would sense the eggs differently, and decided the other man, Bladen he thought the name was, probably didn’t have as much enjoyment with the Cheerful Casanova as he had.

Around him, other Candidates made their touches, but Torianu was more interested in his own choices. His hand still rested lightly on the shell of the egg, and he mulled over the touches he had encountered so far. It seemed letting intuition guide him was in his favor, since he hadn’t had a negative reaction to any of them - and most of them simply didn’t peak his interest like the three he had seen so far. If he pushed his luck he could touch one more, for a grand total of four eggs, and then back away... Lest the golden queen’s temper be tested by him. Tales of her mauling one of the other Candidates flashed across his mind and he shook them away, that wasn’t his concern. He hadn’t tried to make pretty rocks after all.

With a reluctant sigh, Tori let his hand drop from the shell, smiling. “You were fun, thanks for scaring away my fears.” he said to the occupant. The cluster of eggs in the center of the clutch were so close to each other that his paranoia of being though to touch more than his share tried to take over again. Instead of giving any thought that he was doing so, he folded his arms in front of him as he moved back a step or two. If they were so carefully placed in the warmest part of the sands, that group had to be special to the queen. He wouldn’t risk her ire if she were keeping a swirling eye on them. He found it odd that so many of the central eggs caught his attention as he made a slow circuit around them, eyeing them and trying to decide if they called to him as well.

When he got to the egg farthest from the small group, he stopped. There was something about the plain, khaki colored egg with its mottled dark tans and browns. He couldn’t place his finger on it but he kept his arms crossed anyway. He wouldn’t be seduced into touching the egg if it wasn’t the right one. Within a seconds, he realized what it was that caught his eye. His outfit, the lovely pantsuit and tailored top vest his mother had gotten for him before his trip to the Weyr, matched the main color of the egg. A grin, almost as if he knew something others didn’t, played across his face. Was he really going to touch the plain egg because of his outfit? He sure was. Torianu stepped toward the Forgetful Flirt egg and knelt down to touch the average sized egg. Charm and joy infused Torianu with so much force that he almost fell backward as if receiving a physical blow. It reminded him of the excitable spit dogs in the Kitchens when he had visited his sister. Just as suddenly, the sensation pulled away, and seemed to be watching him. At least that’s what it felt like to him. His grin widened with the thought of an excited dog running up, and then backing away as if in fear of retribution. But even as the thought crossed his mind, the happy, joyful presence was back and the man couldn’t help but shake his head at the playfulness of it all.

“Silly thing.” he murmured, patting the shell. “I think you’d be fun to spend time with. Thank you.” He took his hand away and looked up toward the bulk of Galadrieth. Something odd caught his eye, but he couldn’t place it and dismissed it from his mind. A lump looked out of place, but he didn’t know if it was simply a play of the dimness of the Hatching Sands. It faded from his mind as he backed away from the inner circle, dipped a deep bow to the Weyrwoman and her queen, and walked away from the clutch to ponder his choices.
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:59 pm

Veyani was not exactly sure what to say when Zairren spoke up. She heard Teylarrin answer and thought perhaps she should just leave things at that. After all, she really didn't think anyone felt the exact same emotions from what the eggs gave off. "Just reminded me of something I find painful to think about." Unrequited love was probably the most lonely feeling in all the world.

Normally she was quite easy to talk to and maybe if they weren't on the Sands looking at and touching eggs she might have been more of a conversationalist. However she really wanted to shake this feeling and hoped that with the next egg she would feel something completely different.

Glancing around the sands, she had no idea that S'jiro was there watching. If she did know the whole crying thing would have been made so much worse. She had been trying without great success to pretend she wasn't affected by his presence if he happened to be in the vicinity. Again it was a very good thing, she had no idea he was there.

"I think I see another egg I'd like to touch. Nice chatting with you..." She trailed off because she could not remember his name for the life of her. A glint from the light of the cavern on a shell caught her eyes then and she began to walk toward the iridescent cream Egg with faintly swirling colors of the rainbow. The egg was on the left side of the cavern but closer to center than the other eggs she had visited thus far. Veya didn't check to see if Teylarrin followed but of course the other girl was welcome to do so.

When she approached the egg, she thought about the beauty of the shell and the way the light reflected off of it. After all the artwork and fine furnishings S'jiro had exposed her to, none of it compared to these shells. Veyani was still of the opinion that nature was more beautiful than anything humans could create.

She leaned over again to put her hand on the shell, this time her hand trembled slightly, tentative because of what had happened with the last egg. This time though there was a completely different feeling coming from inside the egg. She could feel the unlimited potential and general happy contentedness coming from the one within. But it was clear that even though there was a heavy amount of content there was still a thirst for new things, to follow a dream to make the dragonet even more happy.

Her mouth curved into a smile. Yes, this was much better. In this state though she didn't really want to leave the egg at all.


Indylari too did not hear or see S'jiro and remained where she stood watching the others touch the eggs. Unlike Veyani, her thoughts were rarely concerned with her fiance. Instead she tended to focus on her future. The next Gold to Impress should be hers and then she wouldn't be expected to marry anyone at all. That was her hope at least.


A small group of five eggs near the center of the clutch, grabbed his attention next. Bladen knelt next to the bright sky blue egg because he found the color most intriguing. Just the aura around the egg would habe been enough to draw him in. He liked the positivity and confidence that the dragonet was exuding. As if nothing could dissuade it from it's path, the dragonet was ready to deal with anything that came into its path.

Even though he found this one interesting, he had no intention of lingering there too long. He wanted the girls to be able to touch the gold eggs after all. Especially Ember. The tall young man did his best not to seek out her petite form among those on the Sands.

Maybe afterward they could talk about this experience though. Could be a good way for them to start being friends. Now that she wasn't a bar maid and he wasn't a Hold guard, there was nothing wrong with him being interested in her. No matter what she said. Still he was going to attempt the friend thing first. Sometimes it seemed women needed space and time in order to admit to feelings. Who knew what she had to sort out for herself emotionally right now. So Bladen would wait and do his best to be a good friend or shoulder to cry on if and when he was needed.

His eyes resting on the next and last egg he would touch, he began to walk in the right direction, doing his best to be careful of where he stepped.


Thanekar was not at all thrilled that his brother was also looking at eggs but he avoided contact with him for now. Maybe after the touching. He also wasn't thrilled that his sister was snubbing all but the Gold Eggs... what a snob!

To prove he wasn't as much of a snob as his sister, he went to touch one of the smallest eggs. A light irridescently sparkling egg which he put his hand on without expecting much. But then he shouldn't have judged it would be sweet based on appearance. Immediately he was flooded with thoughts of being competitive and ambitious. Raising his eyebrow in shock, he then felt the dragonet's indignation at him not taking the little one seriously.

Someone had a little person complex, he thought with a chuckle and removed his hand. He doubted very much that he would be impressing what was in that egg mostly because he was pretty sure laughing at it was a great way to piss it off. He removed his hand and went on in search of his final touch.

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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:59 pm

(Note: Everyone can still finish playing their non Gold Candidates touching the eggs )

As Candidates began to filter out of the Caverns. Karene beckoned the Gold Candidates forward. She waited, her hand on Galadrieth's neck. She didn't evaluate them out loud but she knew which young women were dying to come closer and see the Golden Egg up close.

Not the least of which her own daughter, a light blue stare resting on the young woman. Did she really want this? She could not see how any of her children would want to be like her. Especially not her eldest daughter, who by all accounts not only ignored her advice but seemed to be most hurt by the lack of attention from her. Obviously that was one of the problems with riding a Gold dragon, lack of time for family with an expectation that one will have a family.

Her eyes moved to the dragon healer candidate, Falyn. She had stood before and being well educated and from a Holding family she might seem like the perfect choice for a Gold. At the same time, Karene was concerned the young woman might be more concerned about what was happening in Ista Hold right now to have her head on straight for the Hatching. Family was important, no matter the distance.

She caught a glimpse of the raven haired girl coming from the entrance. Indylari had been faithfully assisting the Headwoman for quite some time now. Being the daughter of a minor holder meant a certain amount of education and training too. However Karene didn't particularly care for the reservedness of the young woman. She preferred to talk to people with open temperaments but despite trying to draw some emotion from the woman, she never seemed to quite get there.

Eyes moving to the newest arrival to Fort Weyr, Emberlyn. A Barmaid. She didn't have much opportunity to speak with her or even find out anything about her past life. She was likely less educated than the others but she had something else. There was a certain charisma and something behind her eyes that suggested she might know more than she would ever let on. Even if she failed to Impress, Karene would like the chance to talk to her.

Intrigued as she was, the Queen rider's eyes moved back to the Golden Egg. Reassuring her own Gold that all would be well, with a gentle mental touch.

"Come closer ladies and circle the egg. I want you to touch the egg one at a time. Then tell me, why you want to Impress a Gold dragon, rather than any of the others?"
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:37 pm


Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Tey_zps991fcd85

Teylarrin was not really sure what the difference was between a Gold Candidate and a Regular Candidate. Where she was from, dragons did not have much of a presence. She had seen them from time to time. Mostly that meant a passing shadow darkening the ground as they flew by overhead. Occasionally one would land near the cothold to do whatever it was that that dragons did. In all honesty, she did not know what that constituted either. She figured that someone was bound to tell her eventually. That was what the Candidate Masters were there for, wasn't it? And for that matter, what made them Masters? She had not seen any Candidate Apprentices or Candidate Journeymen since she had arrived. It was all very secretive, it seemed. Someone really ought to look in to it.

Seeing as how she was a girl and that appeared to be the only requirement for Gold Candidate, Tey-Tey decided to hang around and see what the fuss was over. She filed in alongside the others. She glanced at the women on either side of her. She was only about waist-height to everyone else in the chamber. It was of no concern to her; that was the things had always been. It just made it a bit more difficult to look at faces.

Teylarrin's attention was drawn back to the Weyrwoman. She listened to the announcement, then eyed the oval next to the lady and the Queen. She had already touched that Egg, so she was not overly eager to be the first in line. If anything, she was more interested in the other, hidden, one. Still, Karene had asked a question and it was only proper to answer. Tey-Tey readjusted her oversized hat so that it sat more on the back of her head. With the brim so high she could better see the others and they: her.

"Ah'm mar intrest'id inna parpul 'un," she told Karene. "Cuz parpul iz muh faver'id culur."

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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:06 am

It might have been her imagination, of course, but Ember would have sworn the Cowardly Knight Egg shifted away from her as she approached.  Surely that wasn't the case, though?  The shell appeared solid enough that the dragonet inside could not be seen-- how it would it then be able to sense a shift in the light?  Of course, it could have been the sound of her footsteps, but again, wouldn't whatever liquid cushioned the little one inside help muffle the sound?

In any case, she continued to move closer, though only a couple of steps at a time, just in case Galadrieth were watching and knew something she didn't about the egg's occupant.  When no more movement came from the shell, she stopped next to it and slowly raised a hand.

Frowning at the faintest sense of… fear?… she received, even at this distance, her fingers involuntarily curled as she drew her hand back slightly.  Was it really afraid?  Surely a strong dragonet wouldn't be afraid of a human it would soon outgrow.  Would it?  

Then again, they were still just babies and had no idea of the world beyond their shells.  And many of the women she'd known spoke of talking to their babes in the womb to reassure them, and get them used to the sound of their mother's voice.  Maybe the same concept would apply here to the dragonets, even if she were not their mother?

So, wanting to reassure the little one inside, Emberlynn gently reached forward and let her hand rest gently against the speckled egg.  "Shh.  There's no need to be afraid," she soothed.  "There's nothing out here to hurt you.  Just some young men and women who are waiting for you to choose one of them when you hatch.  It will be all right.  You'll see."

And again, it might have been her imagination, but she rather thought she sensed the faintest querulous curiosity, as if the dragonet inside wanted to believe her.  "Soon, you'll see," she repeated with a smile and a tiny pat to the egg.

Knowing there was not much else she could do at this point, the former barmaid stepped back and turned to glance over the eggs nearby.

Knowing she needed to trace a path back towards the Weyrwoman, Ember carefully wove through the eggs closer to Galadrieth.  Mindful of the queen's watchful eyes, she chose the Fearful Voice Egg next, as it again called to her like the Cowardly Knight Egg..  This one didn't seem to be hiding so much as possibly wanting to be closer to its mother.  And before Ember touched it, she gave Galadrieth another respectful bow-- it certainly wouldn't hurt to show her gratitude for the opportunity again.

The Fearful Voice Egg didn't quite give off the same fear as the previous one she'd touched, but she didn't hesitate to give it the same reassurances before she stepped away.

The golden egg not far away drew her eye next, though that was to be expected.  And she'd get a chance to touch it once all of the boys had finished their turns amongst the eggs.  But no one seemed to be gravitating towards the Trusty Sidekick Egg-- or at least she hadn't seen anyone do so.  Why, she wasn't sure, since it seemed a perfectly fine egg to her, even if it was less exciting in terms of color.

Once she reached it, she could tell there was no fear or uneasiness emanating from its shell like the previous two.  The dragonet inside may not be in need of soothing or encouragement, but would it need something else?  

Lightly placing her fingers on the shell, she discovered that it seemed to need nothing, and was content just as it was.  Not as openly confident as some of the others were, it still knew what it was, and that it had its own place among dragonkind.  A good thing, too, and perhaps its attitude would rub off on its siblings once they hatched.  Because surely the same thing would happen to dragonets as did humans in that regard?

Emberlynn could see no reason why that wouldn't be the case, sentient as the dragons were compared to other beasts.  So until proven otherwise, it was what she was going to believe.  "You take care of your brothers and sisters, ok?  They'll need your support, I'm sure," she told the egg.  "Especially a couple in particular.  I think you'll know them when you come out of there."

Perhaps it would be one to hatch first, so it could lead the way, even?  Or at least if it hatched at the same time as the previous two, they could help each other along.  Or something along those lines.

Whichever the case was, Ember was sure the dragonets would choose the best partner from among the candidates, and she for one couldn't wait to find out what was inside each egg, and who its occupant would choose.


Iraellium was still getting used to this whole candidate thing.  Here at the Weyr, he'd been given a chance to start over, to escape the memories of the loss of his father and his mother's subsequent reversion to a more childlike state. Here, he could try to forget his disgraceful release from Crom's Guard and the girl he still wished he could see every day.  Not that any of that was easily forgettable.  But he was able to try here, without the reminders to dog him every step of the way.

Of course, he'd found it interesting that there were other former guardsmen here.  Not that any of them had come from Crom, but it at least gave him some common ground, a place to start when attempting to talk with his fellow candidates.  He also hoped at some point he'd have found possible sparring partners in them, but had yet to approach the subject.

There were also plenty of girls here.  With a gold egg on the sands, there were more female candidates than usual.  But there were also dragonriders and other weyrfolk to choose from if he so desired.

Not that he did at this point.  His heart still belonged to a certain cousin of Crom's Holders… though Faranth knew what she thought of him now.  He'd not heard from her since he'd left the hold.  Not even a letter.  But he still held out hope that she was waiting for him, unlikely as that was to be the case.

With a sigh, Iraellium ran a hand through his hair and told himself to focus on the eggs.

That was what he was here for, after all, wasn't it?  To touch the eggs and see what they felt like, get a feel for some of the baby dragons inside.  Not that it would affect his Impression, he'd been told-- the dragons would choose who they would choose, regardless of who touched the shells harboring them.  It was a nice thought, though, that he might even today connect with the mind of the lifemate that would choose him.

Then again, he could always be left Standing, too, despite having touched some of the eggs.  Which wasn't as happy a thought, but he knew it was a possibility and needed to be prepared for the situation if it occurred.

For now, though, he'd touch the four eggs he'd been told was allowed, and see what happened.

Having greeted Karene and Galadrieth as he'd been instructed, Iraellium took a moment to survey the Hatching Cavern.  The eggs on the sands, the stands, the opening high above for dragons to enter and light to shine in…  It was instinctive to catalog the exits, determine if there were any threats, keep an eye out for suspicious activity.  He knew he needed to keep an eye and ear out for the golden mother of this clutch, just in case someone behaved in a way she would take exception to.  But he would also try to keep an eye on his fellow candidates, in the hopes of preventing such an event from happening.

Slowly making his way through the eggs, the former guardsman eyed those closest to him.  He wasn't sure if he should choose  those he would touch carefully, or just complete the act so he could have it done.  They'd been given no real guidance in that regard, so he supposed it didn't matter.  Many of the other candidates had touched a couple of shells already, so he probably should be a little more quick about it at this point, though.

The Stalker Geist Egg was close by, it's light gray shell reminding him of mist rising from the ground.  It seemed a strange effect for something that was born of a dragon and not painted by human hands.  It was nice, though, and something about the egg drew him.

Reaching out a hand very slowly, he laid it against the shell, surprised, though he shouldn't have been, at the warmth he felt on the hard surface.  Whatever was inside gave off the impression of a looming shadow, something watchful and almost ominous.

Frowning, he waited a moment to see if the feeling changed, or if it was just his own emotions at the moment.  But the impression he received didn't change.

Drawing back, he eyed the egg, wondering what it meant.  Was it the dragonet inside that had made him feel that way?  Or something else?

Moving on would be the only way to find out.  So he strode past the closest egg and moved on to the next, choosing it for the slate coloring that reminded him of the Stalker Geist Egg.  This one gave no impression of swirling mist, though-- the deep gray coloring was unblemished, broken by nothing but its own curvature.

Laying his fingers against the shell, he half expected it to feel the same, but this one was most certainly different.  The Practically Perfect Egg felt strong, stern.  Proper and proud.  Nothing to fear or be leery of.  Such a difference from the other egg that he took a moment to absorb the feeling.

What did the others feel like, then?  Deciding to stick with the gray toned shells to possibly more easily compare them, he headed for the Moral Innocent Egg.  This one had some brighter colors to it, though there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to them.  Blue, green, yellow… All lighter colors, and when he touched the egg, it gave off a much lighter feeling than either of the other two he'd touched.

It felt younger, less worldly, if that were possible in a dragonet that had yet to hatch.  Naive, maybe.  A baby, with the easy trust of the young.

The thought brought a wry quirk to his lips as he pulled his hand away.  The young dragon would learn soon enough that trust shouldn't be given so easily.  There were hardships in the world, and those who would deceive, or use power for their own gain.  Or to prevent others from attaining their dreams and goals.

But far be it for him to disillusion the dragonet now, if he could somehow do so by speaking to it.

Instead, he moved on to make his final choice.  There were several available in sticking with his theme.  But one in particular seemed to draw his interest.  It had drawn others, as well, but he'd heard no rule against more than one person touching the same egg.  So he headed for the Filthy Funlover Egg.

This one looked dirty, smudged.  It clearly wasn't sand that covered the shell, though, as it wasn't the right color.  So was it truly dusty?  Had it rolled around in the bowels of the lower caverns?  He doubted that was possible, despite the egg's appearance.

It didn't smell either, once he reached it, and he actually bent slightly closer to eye one of the dirt smudges.  It didn't move when he gently swept a finger across it, so it was clearly part of the shell itself.  Strangely enough.

The impression he received from this particular egg was of great curiosity.  A desire to dig in to whatever tasks it was given, and maybe even into the sands beneath it.  As if it couldn't wait to emerge and get started.

That explained the dirty appearance, then, he thought with a faint smile.  A dragon who would dig into its work, sometimes quite literally.  It was certainly something he could appreciate.  "Hold that thought, buddy," he ended up telling the egg, patting it lightly.  "The work can wait until you're ready to hatch."

With a last look at the egg, he stepped back and surveyed the cavern once again.  Most of the others were done, and the girls were heading for the Weyrwoman in the stands.  Which meant it was time for him to follow the others out, as he most certainly was not going to Impress the dragonet that emerged from the golden egg.

Maybe this would be an opportunity to talk to the other candidates a little more.  He could ask what they thought of the eggs, if nothing else, right?  They had that experience in common, to go with the chores and other things here.

It was another step in building a new life here, finding a new place to belong.  Doing chores, meeting people.  Distracting himself from his memories.

And hoping there would still be a place for him here at Fort Weyr if he failed to Impress a dragon from this clutch.


Emberlynn wasn't nearly as worried about touching the queen egg as Teylarrin was.  Yes, she was cautious after what happened to the other girl, but she believed following the rules set down by the Weyrwoman would keep her out of trouble.

Stepping forward to take her turn to touch the egg, the former barmaid very gently laid her fingers against the shell.  The happiness that emanated from the egg made her smile.  And she had to chuckle faintly at the clear impression that the egg knew how pretty it was, and enjoyed the attention it received.  The dragonet inside would surely be a handful for whoever Impressed it, if that were any indication.

Allowing herself a short moment to savor the proximity as she had done with the other eggs, Ember stepped back to her place in the group around the golden egg.  And then she turned to the Weyrwoman to answer her question.  "To tell you the truth, ma'am, I can't say I do want to Impress the gold more than any of the others.  I would honestly be happy with whatever color would have me."  

It was the truth, nothing more, nothing less.  Though she could be charming and dance around the truth when necessary, this wasn't one of those times.

"However, if this lovely egg would hatch, and the dragonet inside find me worthy, I would do my best to live up to the expectations that would be placed upon me."  A little flowery, perhaps, but still the truth.  Because she wasn't going to speak about how she'd like a dragon of any sort to have the ability to travel all over Pern, and to be free to visit her siblings whenever she wished.

With a faint bow for Karene, Ember then stepped completely back into her place to allow the next in line to take her turn.
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:44 am

The woman entered the sands and bowed to the Weyrwoman and her queen, it was only proper. She did it every time she came to a Touching Day. Surely the pair knew her name by now. She had certainly been a Candidate the longest by now. Falyn held back, watching the other Candidates go about their choosing and touching like the dutiful people they were. The blonde woman didn't want to be here. She had been passed over too many times to be excited this time. But... she made her way into the Sands anyway, and stared at the sea of eggs before her. She could probably have touched them, but none would have seemed right. They had tried that once before. Nothing had Impressed her that time either. It was enough for her, though, that even if she didn't Impress at this Hatching, she would still be the one caring for the dragonets as they grew and making sure they grew properly.

That thought made her smile.

The gold candidates had been told to wait. She was fine with that. But the Popular Princess egg did draw the eye with its beauty. The cremes and pinks that swirled on the glittery golden shell caught the little bits of light and shimmered prettily. Falyn faltered, perhaps she wouldn't mind touching the egg, just to see what kind of personality this little dragonet would have. It couldn't hurt to try at least.

Falyn let herself wait for the moment they were told it was alright, watching as each potential rider went forth through the seas of color and the expressions on their faces as they came away and left the sands when they had touched their four. One man was particularly well dressed, and the Dragonhealer was surprised her managed to leave the Sands without so much as an extra piece of dirt on him.

A smile lit her face as her mood shifted. Even if she didn't impress... she reminded herself that she would be in contact with these dragons regardless. And besides, everyone liked to watch another person's first touching!
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Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:52 pm

Emerene went with the rest of the girls lined up to touch the glorious golden egg, thinking that she might not mind to be the first to touch it, but all the same, she didn't mind if she were last. All she could do was stare into the glittering swirls, considering just how perfect the shell alone was. She could only imagine what divine creature was waiting to be born from it. That very thought excited her, though it didn't help that she may have already been picking up on what confidence and happiness emanated from it.

She'd been gazing on the egg so intently that she hardly heard the words that were spoken around the group, and likewise, hardly noticed that everyone else had already touched it, leaving her for last. Or maybe near-last. She hadn't really been paying attention.

So, after most of the other girls had already taken their turn, Emerene finally stepped forward to lay her hands on it. She hardly looked at her mother, nor Galadrieth, as she was far too enticed by the nearness of that most alluring presence -the golden egg. Both hands lifting together, the were placed with a tender care atop swirls of glistening pink and gold. Immediately, Emerene was assaulted by happiness magnified many times over. Assaulted indeed. More like tickled by a million feathers. Emerene felt light and joyous, absolutely enthralled. So much so that she laughed aloud. And it wasn't just the kind of girly giggle that usually rolled off her tongue. She laughed a mirthful, heart-felt laughter as though some secretive joke had been shared between the little Queen and she. The laughter simply couldn't be helped.

When she realized that she'd probably been a disruption of the reverence, Emerene fell quiet, letting her laughing subside into giggles.

For a moment, she brought a hand up to cover her mouth, just until she could control it. There was an urge then however, to share some obstinate assurances with the little Queen, and so, she bent forward to rest her cheek gently along that contour of marbled finish which was the glorious egg. Emerene was not an overly physically affectionate person, no matter how outgoing she might be, so it probably seemed very strange that she had done so. Closing her eyes briefly in that moment, she spoke to it, "Of course you're beautiful. Even if you belong to someone else, you'll always be beautiful."  

Straightening her posture then, the little queen within must have exuded a very strong sense of self-admiration, because it possessed the girl briefly. So, correcting herself with an almost subconscious assertion, Emerene's eyes lit with fire, "No. I was wrong. You are the most beautiful."

The fight in her eyes stood as a challenge to any who would doubt the truth in those words. She was utterly sure of them... though, as she stood back from the golden egg and took her place with the rest of the girls in a circle about it, Emerene's consciousness, thinking self seemed to return to her. As it did, she seemed to sink back into her own thoughts, starting to giggle again at the bubble of joy that had tickled her when she first touched the Queen's shell. She couldn't quite get rid of the sensation that it left behind.

Two, maybe three breaths passed, before she realized that she hadn't answered her mother's question yet. Her cheeks must have warmed in embarrassment, knowing that she had been remiss in her belated reply, because they were turning a rosy shade. But she'd blame it on the heat of the  sands.

Looking to where Karene stood, Emerene composed herself appropriately once again, answering as best she could, because she hadn't ever thought of why she should become a rider. At least, not beyond making a name for herself and being recognized for her own power instead of living in the shadow of her mother. Though... not having put much thought into it would cause her to take another few moments for thought before she could supply the kind of honest answer that was required. So, squaring herself to face her mother, and then meeting the woman's eyes, Emerene declared in a tone that was filled with as much confidence as the little queen nestled on the sands between them, "The blood of Pern's greatest riders flows within me. There is nothing else that I am meant to be. I cannot imagine living my life as anything else, nor would I want to live any other life, than as a Queenrider. There is no greater honour in all the world, and it is Pern's most illustrious Weyrwoman who I will be learning from. There is nothing that would make me more proud than to become a Queenrider and be able to .. train under my own mother."

The deep feeling behind those words was genuine, but the finishing thought must have made her a little embarrassed again, because Emerene averted her gaze, suddenly not sure what her mother would think about everything she had said.
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PostSubject: Re: Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates)   Touching the Poetry of the Air Clutch (Candidates) I_icon32

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