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 Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)

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Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Empty
PostSubject: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:34 am

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) 44fe7102-4d3e-4bdc-a572-9024936e4c5a_zps1daef988

It was early morning. Certainly earlier than Karene wanted it to be. She’d settled her baby down in his crib near her bed and was about to lay down again when Galadrieth began to hum. Of course it would be right before dawn. She quickly washed her face and pulled her hair back into a net of gold and jewels before putting on a dress for the occasion. She wore a golden hued gown with dark green and ivory threading. Karene, being a Goldrider, had the good fortune of living near the Hatching Sands so despite it taking her a few minutes to get ready, she was there in a flash.

All thoughts of Karendris were out of her mind but her personal drudge would see he was taken care of. He was sleeping when she left anyway.
She took her seat near to the Sands and waited. Her Weyrleader would be along soon and then there would be the inflow of Weyrfolk, riders and Candidates. The Clutch was hatching. Each egg had been turned and examined by Galadrieth every single day. She was a doting mother and in fact almost too protective of her clutches for Karene’s sake.

She wouldn’t even leave the Sands till after they were all partnered, although she would never hinder a dragonet from finding his or her life mate, the Queen was there simply to encourage and help fill the Sands with warm and welcoming thoughts. They were wanted; the people and dragons were waiting to meet them.

As soon as the Candidates were all assembled the Candidate Master would tell them to stand in a semi-circle. Those who were for Gold Impression only were to stand before the Gold egg in a semi-circle. The large golden shell glistened in its own corner of the Sands. Galadrieth had set her apart on purpose so that the Candidates would have an easier time. But through all of this the Queen seemed rather more smug than usual.

This is a glorious day. Are you ready to let them go dearest?
I am. They will do well. They will make us proud. Your daughter is on the Sands today too.  Are you ready?
Definitely not.
Do not worry. She will be fine. The Gold one won’t harm her and Emerene knows how to act around dragonets. She’s a smart girl.
I know. I know. I’m still worried. Let’s just focus on which one is hatching first…

And one egg was beginning to shake more vigorously than the others. The barest hint of blue hide shown from the crack until he finally pushed his little head through the remainder of the shell. The hide was lovely icy, light blue color. He had dark colored speckles on his belly and across his muzzle. And just as he decided he’d done enough to get out, he tripped on his shell and made a frustrated noise before stabilizing and standing.

No sooner had the dragonet from the Moral Innocent Egg hatched than another blue emerged from the nearest egg, the Thieving Rogue Egg. This dragonet was a beautiful tropical sea blue color which might make one think of a calm and relaxing time on the beach. However quite the opposite is true of the little guy. Proving this, the bold and adventurous dragonet wasted no time exiting his shell with an obvious confidence in himself. He was unconcerned about what everyone else was doing. As he walked and stumbled in the Sands there was a roguish look in his swirling eyes which were focused on the Candidates. He would find the "right" one.

Dragonet Impressions:

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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:23 am


Syra bounced on her heels as she waited for herself to finish using the privy. It was an exciting time right now... the eggs were hatching! The golden queen had begun her humming during Syra's circuit around the Weyrbowl keeping in shape, and she had made her way quickly back to her weyr to change and make herself presentable. As soon as her proper clothing was on, rank cords and all, Syra grabbed a carafe of klah and a pair of mugs and raced to Rasenth's ledge, vaulted to his back and the pair were gliding toward the Hatching Sands - she wouldn't miss a single egg hatching.

Rasenth released his rider to the entrance of the Sands and took up the humming of Galadrieth, adding his own thrum to announce the hatching. Syra was the second to arrive, after the Weyrwoman. The Weyrlingmaster, ever grateful for her position, made her way to stand behind Karene after giving her and Galadrieth the appropriate bows of respect. "Weyrwoman, good to see you this morning. Klah?" The stimulating drink was just the perfect amount of warm that it wouldn't burn one's mouth as the bluerider poured a mug and offered it to the woman.

The woman was sure her klah addiction, and morning workouts, were well known but she had never been one to miss a single hatching, and tried to make a point of being one of the first to arrive. She had never been the true first however, not even given the chance. The bluerider was afraid that Galadrieth would have an adverse response to someone besides her bonded being first on the scene. "Shining Galadrieth, beautiful clutch as always. I can't really offer you klah, but maybe Rasenth could fetch you something to feast on?" she quipped, always polite and knowing the dragon could hear her from where she was - though not really expecting a response.

Syra sipped her own mug of klah idly. Today would be the day she saw her next weyrling class for the first time, and the small pad of paper in her pocket would help her to memorize dragon names with their human pairings. The woman had fallen silent thought, and watched with great industry as the first two eggs began to shake. Moral Innocent and Thieving Rough would be the first it seemed, fighting it out for position to be first, but Moral Innocent beat it's sibling. Both were blues and Syra's chest swelled with pride, she loved the blue dragons. It was a sight to behold as she settled in to watch the rest of the hatching.

Last edited by Suri on Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:17 am


At the gold's first humming Tori was awake. He sat straight up in bed and looked around. It wasn't long before Saolth bespoke him, telling him that X'ilor and himself were off to fetch Tori's mother and sister. Tori owed the man immensely for that favor. He struggled out of bed, rushing to don his white Candidate apparel, cleaned his teeth and ran a comb through this hair and then set off at a jog for the Hatching Ground. Once there he took a moment to gather himself into a proper manner, straightened his clothing and stepped into the cavern. The hum was louder, added to by the dragons, and the mass of Galadreith was looking over her eggs as usual. When he knew the gold could see him, he bowed to her and Weyrwoman Karene and went to stand where they had been told, trying not to look as restless as he felt.

Torianu was delighted that he was one of the first on the scene and wouldn't miss anything. He saw the other woman, the Weyrlingmaster he was told, pouring a mug of klah and desperately wished he had had the forethought to have had some himself. She looked entirely too awake for her own good, he thought. Rumor had it that she was awake with the sun and running the Weyr Bowl before any normal people were awake. X'ilor had warned him that she often made the weyrlings do the run with her. Syra was supposed to be a hard task mistress, but she never asked anything of them that she herself wasn't willing to do.

The man groaned. Did that mean she would expect them up and running the Weyr's rim too? He had had enough of drills in his soldier life to know that he would be doing whatever she said anyway, but the thought didn't make him any less tired. Tori supposed he would find out soon enough.

Some time passed before Saolth told him that his family was in the stands, settling themselves quietly so as not to disturb anyone. He couldn't see them, but he knew his sister was watching and his mother was smiling - so he smiled too. Two eggs began to shake, releasing blue dragonets and Tori watched them with careful eyes so he could sidestep them if need be. Ungainly dragonets meant injuries to those who weren't vigilant.. He settled in to wait, his dragonet would be there somewhere... it was only a matter of waiting for it.

Last edited by Suri on Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:20 pm


Emerene had been very early to rise, making her way to the store rooms where she was needed to help the Headwoman that morning. Before they got started, the Headwoman had told her to grab a bite to eat, and so, Emerene sat top one of the storage crates with plate full of food on her lap, huddled over it to bring her fork to her mouth. If she could eat quickly and be done with her tasks early, maybe she'd have some free time a little later. She'd been wanting to spend some time with Veyani to share gossip, but Emerene'd been too busy lately.

Mouth full of omelette with vegetables and pulled, roast herdbeast, she nearly choked when she heard the hum of dragons start. Emerene's chewing slowed, as she stopped to listen, wondering if she'd been hearing things, but there was no mistaking the sound.

Setting her plate aside, Emerene jumped down from the crate and bolted from the storage room, making her way to the candidate barracks where she would have to hurry to get dressed in her Impression-Whites.

Afraid that she would be late to the hatching, or arrive after her gold had hatched, she ran as fast as she could. Throwing the door to the barracks open, and nearly running into another of the girls who was on her way out, Emerene opened her trunk and pulled out the white candidate robes and the sandals that went with it. Disrobing of her normal clothes, the robe was drawn over her head, letting her slender arms through it first. Small hands smoothed over any wrinkles that formed, straightening its fit about her lithe figure, though it wasn't at all form fitting.

Slipping a white pearl bracelet over her hand, it had several rows that encircled her wrist, tied together at some point with a gossamer ribbon. Likewise, since her hair was already half pinned back, she brought some wavy curls forward to frame her face and added a couple of pearl-ended bobby pins to the twist in her hair at the back of her head.

Making even more haste then, she rushed from the barracks to join the other candidates on the sands.

S'jiro & Z'rim

The Bronzeriders from the elitist jerk's club had decided to at least mostly attend the hatching together, so as soon as the dragons' hum began, S'jiro and Z'rim were walking to find a seat near the front row where they could watch. Of course, immediately S'jiro looked for Indylari, as he was most eager to know if she would impress, over any of the other candidates. In a way, their futures were dependent on this event in a way that the future of others was not.

S'jiro didn't want to think about it in a negative light though. If Indy impressed, he should be happy for her, for that reason; but if she did not, then they would certainly be living a (decidedly) happy life together as weyrmates. Forever.  

He and Z'rim chit chatted idly as they took their seats. Soon, both of their heads were turning to look for Sh'nar and L'mar -the other half of their infamous foursome.


Decidedly, the candidate's clothes that he'd been given, though a loaner set of tunic shirt and nicely tailored trousers, were by far some of the nicest clothes he'd ever worn. He had come to treasure the other two or three sets of clothes given him by the Weyr's Headwoman since he'd come with the bare minimum belongings of his own, and had insisted that there was no need to return home to gather any of his other belongings; even if he had, there was not much else for him to gather together to bring to the Weyr with him. His mos valuable possessions were already here.

As soon as the humming began, Zairren watched the other candidates hustle to get suited up for the big event. He assumed that's what was going on anyway -he hadn't been at the Weyr for longer than three sevendays or so, but he did distinctly remember something about dragon humming; which is presently what resonated through the entire Weyr. Seeming to take his time getting ready, Zairren wasn't in the same rush that most of the other candidates were in. Somehow, he didn't anticipate that all of the eggs would be hatched quite so soon. He'd had the opportunity to watch birds in the wild and their babies took time for little beaks to poke through.

Regardless, Zairren also didn't want to be the last one to the sands, or to be late and elicit the wrath of the Candidate Master later. Reaching into the trunk that held his belongings, he pulled out the candidate''s robes that'd been given him, but left the sandals beneath the clutter of other things; he'd anticipated going onto the sands barefoot like many of the other candidates planned on doing.

Zairren laid the robe out flat over his bed, disrobing of unnecessary garments before replacing them with ceremonious white gown of sorts. The boy felt strange wearing such a thing and didn't even bother finding a mirror to find out just how ridiculous he must have looked. He didn't even want to know. But, if it was completely necessary to wear such a thing, then he was willing to do so to stand for the hatching. And heck, everyone else was going to look ridiculous in the things, too. At least he wasn't the only one.

Quickly folding the rest of his things and placing them back in the trunk, Zairren went out from the Barracks, walking to the hatching sands.


The Weyrleader felt himself start to glow with pride rather unexpectedly, where he was already bent over some documents at his desk, which detailed a change in one of their wing formations that he wanted for Empyrean to be the first to practice.

"There. It looks like that will do it."

His lips pulling into a pleased grin, he thought that he was feeling rather too smug about having worked out all of the kinks in it, until he heard Taroth's hum. The smug pride suddenly made more sense.

You scoundrel, you. I guess I'd better get ready for a hatching.

The smile remained extant across D'nier's expression as he pushed back his chair and stood, walking into the next room of the Weyrleader's complex so that he could pick out a suit to wear. He hadn't done much to get himself dressed yet that morning, since he was still in the privacy of his own weyr, so he was quick to pull on some tailored pants of dark, silken bronze-brown cloth, and a white dress shirt that tucked into it. The shirt was slim fit, and had been styled fashionably up the front of the chest with narrow pleats at either side of where it buttoned, and there was slight ruffle at the throat that was matched by a small backward ruffle sewn into the wrist cuffs on the shirt as well. The Weyrleader slipped his arms through a false-layered vest of both matte and sateen black before pulling on a a suit jacket that was made to match the dark bronze-brown pants flawlessly. The fit couldn't have been more perfect.

Over his bad eye, D'nier placed his leather eye patch, tying the ends of the head-band that held it in place, at the back of his head.  A little styling of his hair with a wetted comb, and he was ready to make his entrance with Karene.

He'd barely had time to make his way there on foot, having let Taroth fly down to perch himself near Galadrieth, by the time the first of the eggs was beginning to show signs of hairline cracks across it's surface.

As he stepped up beside Karene and the Weyrling master, giving both women his customary roguish smile and nod in greeting, the man was also looking between them, thinking that he should have brought his own klah, but it had been forgotten on his desk. "It is a very good morning, isn't it ladies? Both of you look stunning, as always."  Letting his gaze flow over Karene's form where she stood in her finest dress, he didn't mind if she knew that he was eyeing her because he found her attractive. It wasn't as though he had never looked at her in that way before, and it certainly wasn't an insult, even if the two of them had long ago come to an understanding that between them there would never be any sort of real romantic attraction.

"I'm interested to see who impresses today. It's going to be a full day of excitement, no matter what." That good eye of his passing its twinkling gaze sidelong to where Syra stood, he offered in a voice that was lowered somewhat, "And I'll bet a full mark that this young man right here," indicating Torianu, "Impresses today. I have another mark that says the fifth egg to hatch will be a Brown."  Of course, there was no way to judge whether or not that was a safe bet, he and Syra had developed an (un)healthy history of betting against one another, and also of playing eachother in dragon poker. She was one of the few people that could beat him at dragon poker with some regularity, though they were about even, 50/50 on wins and losses. The odds were unusually not in his favour when it came to playing against her, and so it had become his game to try to beat her in any game of chance that involved bets and gambling.

Last edited by Eloaene on Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:03 pm


Syra grinned, "Two marks says Emerene impresses gold today, and I'll match your bets for Torianu and the fifth egg. But... I think Torianu will be brown or bronze and I think the fifth egg will be bronze." She stuck her hand out from under her crossed arms, offering him a hidden handshake on the bet. The woman knew she had the marks for it, she had won their most recent dragon poker game after all, and that D'nier was good for his bets.

The Weyrleader was looking dapper in his suit, but Syra rather thought Torianu was outmatching him in his shimmery white outfit. She made a note to ask him where he had gotten it tailored, she could use a pretty white outfit and N'kai would probably make it for her for the right price. The sketchbook she held came out, and she started sketching the Weyrleader pair in their outfits, and the arriving Candidates in theirs. The lay of the eggs and the bronze and gold dragons were on the opposite page as their riders, and each Candidate got their own page where she would fill in their dragon later. It was Syra's way of keeping tabs on who Impressed what, what markings each dragon had and their names. The bluerider kept journals for each Weyrling class, and their training regiemes and how they performed. This particular journal was hidebound with a tiny clasp and a filigree tree on the front. The best part was that it was expandable.

Syra smiled up at the man, "Remind me to get shards for these weyrlings. I want to have a special token for them later." she didn't say that a small piece of them would go in the journal too, on the initial pages, but she was willing to put marks on it that D'nier knew her habits. Her own necklace, made from Rasenth's eggshell, seemed to grow warm on her chest where it lay hidden by her blue shirt.

You see? Even when I'm not with you, a part of me always is.

The bluerider chuckled quietly, Of course love, we were meant to be together always. Looking at the Weyrleader again, she thought he looked somewhat rougish with his eyepatch. It was endearing. Her eyes wandered over Karene's form, beautiful for an older woman, and the dress she wore. Though she didn't have romantic feelings for either person she was in company with, she could appreciate their looks... and in D'nier's case, she could appreciate the way her body responded - even if she was never likely to fall into bed with him any time soon. Syra thought of N'kai again, and a blush rose. Now. There was a handsome man. With a shake of her head she refocused on the Hatching and her drawings.

Facial drawings, profile style floated above the body image of each person she drew, detailed and expressive so she could use them for reference later, and the outfits just as much so in their own right. Everything else was stylized and unimportant.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:28 pm


The sound of the humming reached Teylarrin's ears. Her lids parted halfway, groggy as her sleepy eyes were. Someone was making noise. A lot of someones. The melody from outside was mixing with the rushed clatter going on inside the Barracks. It was too early to deal with this. Back home, she would have already been awake for some time. Bad habits had taken root, however. She had grown used to sleeping in until daylight since she had first arrived at the Weyr.

She tugged her pillow from underneath her, plopping it securely over her head. It muffled the clamor but it did not drown it out entirely. Drawers were sliding. Lids of chests were slamming. People were gushing. Someone mentioned that the Eggs were hatching. Eggs? Eggs?!

Teylarrin sat bolt upright. Half of her fellows had already gathered their garments and taken leave. The rest, it seemed, were in the midsts of getting dressed. Tey-Tey threw her blnaket off, paying no mind to the fact that most of it ended up on the floor. She slipped out of the bed. She hurried over to her own footlocker. She yanked the lid up; contrary to its name, it was never locked. She tugged off her jammies, pulling the white robe on in its place. She snatched the spare robe and ran out of the room, completely ignoring the bareness of her feet and the wildness of her hair. The Candidate followed the throng of people down the hall. She cut off to a side passage, breaking away from the rest of the crowd. She had to make a stop before she went to the Sands.

She circled around the Weyr to where the other young people stayed. She peeked her head in through the open doorway. "Psst. Seirsha," she called in whisper. She waved the Brat over. She did not wait for the girl to come to her, though. She crossed the room on her own first. She glanced around to make sure that no prying eyes were looking her way. Not that it was a likely occurance, people had a tendancy to ignore her presence. "Loog whud Ah gawt." She reached up the bottom of her robe. She fished around for a moment before pulling out a second one. She thrusted the spare Candidate's Robe in to Seirsha's arms. "Yew cun gid uh Draggy, tew."

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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:57 pm

Emberlynn was certainly no stranger to a lack of sleep.  Here at the Weyr, her scheduled day ended earlier than it had at the Wild Green, but she still found herself staying up late.  Most of the time she could be found in the dining cavern, chatting with whatever weyrfolk remained there.  Sometimes other candidates joined her, and sometimes not.

Last night, most of them had gone to bed before she had.  But she'd been too busy entertaining a table of older riders who returned the favor with stories of their Impressions.  Which she found rather oddly appropriate now that she was being summoned by the Candidate Master to the Hatching Grounds.

Hurriedly tossing off her blankets in excitement-- the adrenaline rush certainly did a lot to blow away the fog of sleep-- the former barmaid grabbed the simple shift she'd been given to wear and threw it over her head.  She shimmied out of her bedclothes and into it in record time, ran a brush through her hair, and followed the steady stream of candidates to the entrance to the Hatching Grounds, where they'd been told to line up.

The faintest pang of regret that her siblings weren't here to experience this event with her filtered through the anticipation.  She'd tried writing to them a coupe of times since arriving at the Weyr, but had yet to receive a response.  They would have loved being part of the spectacle she was certain she was about to witness, and she wished it were possible for them to arrive right now, before everything began.

It wasn't going to happen, of course.  So, once the Hatching was over, if she didn't walk away with a dragon, she'd decide what to do.  Perhaps she could convince another rider to take her to the settlement to try and physically see her brother and sister again.  And if it didn't work, well… the Weyr would surely keep a place for her open, wouldn't it?

Shoving those thoughts aside, Emberlynn forced herself to focus on the task at hand: follow the others, form up in their designated places, and wait for the eggs to hatch.


Iraellium hadn't slept particularly well the night before, himself.  He'd been caught up in memories, both good and bad, before he'd gone to sleep.  And then his dreams had disturbed him enough that he'd not been able to rest again.  Finally giving up and not wanting to wake anyone else, he'd left the candidate barracks and found a quiet spot outside in which to run through a practice session and some meditation.

It had worked to a point, but he was still a bit keyed up when he returned to the barracks.  By then, the Candidate Master was waking everyone else, and he had just enough time to wash up and change into the white robe he'd been told to wear for the occasion.

Taking a deep breath, he followed the others to the Hatching Grounds and filed in when they were told to do so.  The sands were hot beneath his feet, but he'd learned  long ago to ignore his own discomfort in favor of paying attention to his surroundings.

People in the stands behind himself and the other candidates, many he knew were being brought in just for this event.  Eggs and the gold who clutched them in front of them, many shells rocking and vibrating as the dragonets inside prepared to emerge.  Grown dragons perching above, humming loudly enough that he could feel it in his bones.  Candidates chattering in hushed tones around him.

And through it all, the faintest thread of hope, that maybe, just maybe, this would be the event that cemented his place at the Weyr, that it would be proof that this was to be his home now.

Not that he planned to return home if he failed to Impress.  The cothold he'd grown up in was no longer home, either, any more than Crom was now that he'd been dismissed from the Guard there.

No, if no dragonet chose him, he'd remain here to Stand for future clutches, if they'd allow him to do so.  And if not, he'd find some other way to make himself useful.  Because there was no other choice at this point.

For now, he'd wait and see what happened, whether one of the new hatchlings would come to him or not.  There would be time for the rest later.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:28 am


Falyn woke in her workroom to the sound of loud humming from the Weyr’s dragons. It was another Hatching Day. The woman sat up, brushing dried herbs from her cheek where she had fallen asleep, her body was stiff with the awkward sleeping position and she tried to stand. It was with some urgency that she ambled to her room and stripped from her outfit and into her Candidate white garb. Hatchings were beautiful and even if she didn’t Impress - again - she would be able to watch over the new babies like she always had. She supposed she could call it a small blessing that the rest of her was presentable enough not to take the time to wash.

Her outfit had been the same for some time, at least since her adult form had filled out and she had grown a woman’s body to go with it. Falyn’s father had insisted that she at least look like a Lord Holder’s daughter in her line of work, and on the Hatching Grounds, so her wardrobe was filled with beautiful clothing she almost never wore. But the Impression dress was something different, on a whole other level.

The short sleeved dress flowed to the very tops of her ankles, not long enough to brush the ground, but enough to cover her. It’s details were intricate and delicate, and possibly the dress alone kept her going. A pair of gloves, usually tucked in her medpack, and a slim pair of slippers finished the outfit. A delicate golden band was her father’s attempt to tame her blonde hair, but it usually disappeared into her locks. She put it on anyway, it helped tie in the dragon tooth necklace of gold that her Master had given her as a reminder that one day she would have a gold of her own. Her fingers trailed over the chain and a smile touched her.

Falyn hadn’t even wanted to stand for this clutch. She had thought it was over for her, and the rejection was causing a cloud of depression to flow over. Jang had convinced her thought. D’nier had tried, but she hadn’t been convinced until the Healer had talked to her. His words had touched her in a way that no one else’s had since she had first been asked to be a Candidate and the gold had turned away from her.

"There's no harm in standing again. And no knowing whether you'll impress, unless you do. If you don't stand, then it is the same as if you did not impress.. but for a young lady with your unique skill, there's no reason to despair if you don't walk off the sands with a baby dragon, because you have many to care for already. Many who will look to you for their health and happiness almost as much as they look to their riders. So.. if you stand, do it for the experience. Not everyone has this opportunity."

She had almost cried. He had reminded her that she was watching something more beautiful than a marriage... The bonding of two spirits perhaps far more connected than any two humans could ever be. Healer Jang’s words had lit the spark in her that wanted an Impression, they had reminded her why she wanted it too. With that in mind she finished changing, a smile lighting her face. Her feet slid into the thin shoes and her medpack went over her shoulder. Falyn was ready to face the queen egg again.

The Dragonhealer strode quickly through the workshop, out the doors and toward the Sands. She wasn’t the first, or last, to arrive... But she had arrived. Falyn squared her shoulders before entering the cavern, took a deep breath, and braved the huge, hot Hatching Ground filled with the singing of dragons announcing the birth of the infant dragons. Falyn made her way toward the queen and the Weyrwoman, “My duty to you Weyrwoman Karene, Galadrieth,” she dipped a deep curtsy, “Always a pleasure to be presented to your daughters.” she said to the gold. Having done her duty, she handed her medpack off to the Weyrlingmaster, Syra, who took it and set it beside her leg as she always did when Falyn was standing.

With a nod of thanks the young woman made her way to stand in the semi-circle of gold candidates to await the dragonets hatching. She stood with a confidence that she had been missing in previous hatchings. Regardless of what happened today, Jang’s words had re-lit the flame of hope in Falyn, and she would stand for golden eggs until she was told she couldn’t any longer. Falyn smiled.

Lesera & Anuleesa
(Lesera left, Anuleesa right)

Lesera had wanted to look pretty for her visit to the Weyr with her mother. It was Hatching Day for the Candidate class, and the bronzerider that Tori had sent to them was waiting impatiently outside their dwelling while she and her mother quickly dressed for the occasion. The letter had said it could happen any time, and that a dragonrider would be quickly there to get them. They must hurry. Neither she nor her mother wanted to miss Torianu’s impression - and they were convinced that he would. Lesera had been charged with informing her brother’s former squad of the outcome - bets had been lain on it. The urgent knocking on the door had alerted them.

Lesera threw it open and X’ilor stepped inside, “The hatching is happening, get dressed if you wish to attend.” Anuleesa stood in the hall doorway, overhearing. She rushed off to slip into her dress. Lesera did the same. She held the tight bodice open so she could step into it, settling it below her armpits and adjusting the fit over her chest. It seemed to tighten like a vice; there was no way it was coming off by accident. The hem brushed her ankles and she slipped into some flats while her mother, donning a similar dress, stepped up and quickly braided her daughter’s thick hair into a braid down her back. It made Lesera feel infinitely more elegant in the simple dress she had chosen. Anuleesa’s hair was pulled back into an intricate ponytail that showed off her angular face - the model for Torianu’s own exotic features.

Anuleesa’s blue dress accentuated a woman’s curves, made more prominent by child-bearing. Her mother’s chest managed to fill out the dress much better than Lesera’s still-developing one, and the asymmetrical hem came up to her knees in the front and draped to her ankles in the back. It was beautiful. Like her daughter’s Anuleesa’s bodice fit tightly to the top of her body and flowed outward and downward from there. The dresses were meant to be quick on for exactly this occasion. A deep blue drop stone hung between Anuleesa’s breasts, and a pink stone was slipping over Lesera’s neck. The necklaces had been gifts from her father, and they came out for special occasions. This was one of them.

They were ready in less than seven minutes. The pair had practiced. A small velvet bag near the door held Torianu’s Impression gift, their father had not forgotten his son when he had gotten the necklaces. Tori’s was a silver chain interspaced with a smoky faceted stone that could have been brown or bronze, it shimmed between the two. “We’re ready.” Anuleesa announced, tucking the bag into her bodice. X’ilor ushered them out, closing the door behind them, down the steps to the Courtyard where Saolth waited. It was fortunate that neither woman was heavy, the bronzerider thought to himself.

Neither family member was prepared for the cold of between, and neither was the dragonrider. It was haste that drove them toward the huge creature. Lesera was surprised her mother didn’t flinch at the size; she herself had. It had appeared gold at first - a shining statue in the Courtyard. But she remembered. Bronze was for men, gold for women. X’ilor bundled them into a blanket, some tiny protection, before settling their straps and getting astride. “Three breaths, try not to panic.” Anuleesa nodded, and Lesera took a deep breath.

Cold. Colder. Coldest.

They burst from the bone-chilling cold and darkness into the Weyr Bowl that bustled with activity. X’ilor landed and pointed them to the stands where the women sat, quietly surveying everything. Lesera began to suspect that this was not her first time at a Weyr. A loud hum rang through the Weyr and Lesera’s body vibrated with the feeling of hundreds of singing dragons. The chill of between took some minutes to dissipate but the heat of the Hatching Sands helped. Lesera spotted Torianu and waved, but realized that he couldn’t seem them from his position in the semi-circle of Candidates.

She could have been one of them, but she hadn’t wanted to leave her mother. Lesera didn’t want her mother to grieve like she had lost another child for months like she had before recovering from Tori going to the Weyr. Anuleesa’s hand touched her knee and squeezed. She knew. She was proud, but she knew. Lesera smiled at her as the first two eggs began to shake...
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:14 pm


Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) NyssaTlina_zps1c9ae5fd

It was early.  Too early for any sane people to be awake. Naturally, Tlina had been up for some time. Someone had to make the Junior Lady her breakfast. Galaeanyss did not trust these Fort people to do it right and she lacked the authority to command them -she was only a guest, after all. That meant the glorious duty fell upon her handmaiden. Like pretty much every other duty under the sun.

Tlina was busy mixing ingredients in to a large bowl. It sat right next to the other two bowls.  She could not have them all mixed together before they were individually formed. Segregation was an import part management, or so she had been told. It soundly like BS to her but if she did not do it 'correctly' the first time then she would be stuck doing it 'correctly' the second.

The blonde stirred the thick goop with her wooden spoon. She was only vaguely paying attention to goings on about her. Her Lady was sitting on a countertop behind her, 'supervising' or so she had said. The people who actually belonged there were doing their work to make sure the Hold's breakfast was ready on time.  A group of men were milling past. It was all very normal. Only one line stood out for her: one of the men gave mentioned that he had just come from in from outdoors where he had heard from a different person that they had heard from the watchman that the clutch at Fort Weyr had just begun to hatch.

  Tlina dropped the bowl.  It gave a loud clack as it hit the table.  Many eyes turned her way.  "Dragons are coming!" She turned and ran out of the kitchen. She dashed through the dining hall, down a corridor, off a side passage, and up a flight of stairs. She loved Dragons and Firelizards, and Whers and Babies. She was not about to miss out on any combination thereof.

  Tlina burst in to Kier's room with such force that the door slammed against the wall. By then she was already half way across the chamber. She jumped up on the bed. Straddling the lordling's waist, she yelled, "Dragon's are coming!" She snatched him by the shoulders. She hefted him a handlength from the mattress and shoved him back in to it, again and again, each time repeating "I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go!"

  Galaeanyss stopped in the doorway. She was slightly out of breath.  That little servant of hers could move when she wanted to. "What are you doing?" she snapped.  "Get off of him!"

"Baby Dragons are coming at Fort Weyr," was Tlina's excited reply. "I wanna go!"

  "That's not even your Weyr," Nyssa said as she began to cross the room.

"It would be if you were better at you job."
Tlina looked down at Kier, whom she had yet to stop shaking. "Let's gooooo or we're gonna miss 'em!"

  Nyssa grabbed Tlina by her shoulders in much the same fashion that the handmaiden held Kier. "Get off of him," she commanded. She not wait for Tlina to do obey; she simply pulled her off.

Tlina was unperturbed by her removal. She quickly crawled up the mattress to lay her head next to Keir on his pillow.  "Can we go?" she asked with a gaping smile. "I wanna go."

  Nyssa took hold of Tlina 's ankles. She gave them a good, solid yank. The young woman was jerked from the bed. She landed with a sizable plop on the floor.

 "Do forgive my handmaiden," Galaeanyss said to the lordling. "She's is a moron."

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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:03 pm

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Karene4

Karene smiled warmly at the Weyrlingmaster as she entered. It was perhaps one of the few times one could catch the Weyrwoman in a not so serious mood. "Lovely to see you this morning as well, Weyrlingmaster. I hope you are ready for a large and challenging class."  Knowing there were two Golds would be enough to give any Weyrlingmaster a lot of extra work but the clutch itself was larger than usual. Who knew how many personalities would be at play?

Declining both offers, "Thank you but we're both just fine. We'll be feasting soon enough." Karene added. The Godlrider's attention was soon back on the Sands. Two eggs were already beginning to show signs of Hatching. Cutting things a bit close weren't we?
All will be well. You will see.

Watching the Weyrleader approach she greeted him warmly, “Weyrleader.” She was never put off by being looked at, probably because she was just a little bit vain herself. Also when it came to D’nier, he’d already seen her completely naked so it wasn’t as if it were wrong for him to be looking at her now. She was feeling good about the Hatching and obviously, her feelings had translated to how she appeared to those around her.

She on the other hand, was much more discreet when looking at him. It was a day for celebration. Especially for their dragons. Taroth and Galadrieth were proud and coming across as such, even affecting their riders. “Have fun betting. “ She said to Syra and D’nier.  Karene never was one for gambling. She didn’t have any use for it because she already felt like she had won.

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Thanekar4_zps417ff136

What is with all this humming.... five more minute... He groaned into his pillow, slowly coming to the realization of the word humming and what that meant. Suddenly he shot straight up in his cot and though the rush of lifting his head so quickly made him light headed, he ran over to where he had his robes waiting.

He would have to have a talk with these dragonets later. They couldn't have waited a couple more candlemarks. Most teenagers he knew needed their sleep. That of course included him. He'd forgive these crazy dragons later, when he was more awake and wasn't rubbing sleep goo from his eyes.

Once the robes were on, he didn't waste any time rushing to the Sands. On the way, he realized he hadn't thought to brush his hair or was his face. Eh, there would be time for that later. He was much too excited to think about being clean.

Today was the day when he would meet his future dragon!

He was quick to shuck his shoes at the entrance of the Cavern and position himself among the semi-circle of Candidates around the Eggs.  The first two to hatch were blues which was nice and everything but they weren’t Bronzes. So though he watched them, because he wasn’t about to get hurt due to some clutzy blue, he had no interest in Impressing to either of them. Perhaps that was a horrible way to go into a Hatching but like his sister, nothing but the best would do for him. (and of course, he believed Bronzes to be the best)

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Veyaheader2_zps3d993369

The humming did not wake her, she was already awake but laying in her cot in the Candidate Barracks staring up at the ceiling. Veyani had been waiting for this day since she was Searched and maybe even before that. This could be her chance to change her fate forever. She had always been a big dreamer and now her dreams might just be coming true. She was both nervous and excited but the excitement won out over the nerves.

She was up out of her cot with everyone else. In her hurry to get her robes on and such, she didn’t even think she might want to wear shoes to the Caverns. Knowing that most Candidates stood on the sands barefoot, she just assumed she wouldn’t need shoes. By the time she got to the Hatching Cavern though she regretted her choice. Going from the cold stone floor to the hot sand was going to be a lot to get used to.

Initially, when she stepped out, her foot reacted and immediately jerked back up off of them but she had more willpower than she might let on. With the slightest grimace she stepped to where the other Candidates were standing in their semi-circle. Catching sight of some other people she knew, she smiled but planted herself firmly between her sister, Jayna and brother, Mikrean.

When the first egg cracked, she gasped. The pretty light blue of his hide clearly visible. A blue! She could almost jump up and down, she was so happy to see the first dragonet clearly fumbling on his way to find his new life mate. As he did so, another egg quickly hatched, revealing another blue, but this one was a completely different hue, a color she had yet to see. Veyani was enthralled by him at first so she kept her eyes on him.

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) 27652af8-bbe6-4dd0-9934-a5f7302f7c8f_zps7e030f95

He had always been the more composed of his family so when the Candidate Barracks became chaotic, he smiled. Calmly he walked to his own robes and put them on carefully. He was used to the inspections drilled by the Guard, even when it came to proper attire. Although at times, it might come across as being rigid, he figured he simply understood the importance of small things that other people might overlook.

Bladen was not one of the first to arrive at the Hatching, nor was he the last but he had been in absolutely no hurry. By the time he arrived he didn’t have much time to really collect his bearings and see who he was standing next to. Nodding to one of the other former Guards, Iraellium, he went to stand next to him. They were both rather stern looking he supposed. As soon as he had found himself a place to stand within the broad semi-circle, his eyes scanned for yet one more person and once he saw she was there, he would feel much better.

Emberlynn wasn’t hard for him to find. She never was, despite being petite. Maybe because he had already memorized some of her mannerisms which was probabbly a really bad thing to think about right now. He reminded himself though, that later, better or worse, he would have to steal her to congratulate her. Bladen thought of anyone here, she should Impress. Maybe simply because he was in love with her but regardless she had been Searched and she seemed to him to understand what was going on with the regular people of Pern more than anyone else he knew. She would make a wonderful ambassador in that way and he had no doubt she could do anything she set her mind to do.

He was rather similar in that aspect. Bladen had never failed to finish something he was tasked with doing. Likewise, he never failed to achieve what he planned to for himself. He was driven in that way. Most of his family seemed to be. The Guard mentality. There was a moment or two when the whole cavern seemed frozen in the quiet after the loud crack of the first blue coming from his shell. Shortly he was followed by a second blue and Bladen found himself diverted by their clumsy attempts to walk. They were not pitied or laughed at because every person in that cavern was instantly drawn to them. They were beautiful and sweet and Bladen couldn’t see how anyone would ever not wish to Impress a dragon regardless of their color.

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Indylariheader1_zps37796094

When the humming began, she was prepared but afraid. Afraid of what would happen if she failed to Impress once again. She didn’t think she could bear it. Nothing S’jiro tried or did seemed to make any difference to her heart. She wanted to pretend that she might be able to come to terms with the situation but when she tried she felt so empty.

With a sigh and a glance in her looking glass, she touched up her hair and made sure her Candidates robes were fitted properly. The sandals she wore were golden colored and had straps that came up criss crossing on her ankles.

Normally people would say there was nothing to be nervous about. There would always be another time. Indy was not stupid. There wouldn’t be a next time for her. Once she was married only one thing would be expected of her… to provide S’jiro with children to send back to the Hold. Neither of them would have a choice in that either. Even if she would want her children to be raised with her.

So with a lot of pressure on her to Impress the Gold dragonet, she went to stand in the smaller semicircle around the Gold egg. Glancing over at Falyn, she knew exactly why the other woman would be nervous to Stand. Once you’d been there a few time and been disappointed, it seemed that failure was inevitable.

Convinced as she was, she decided to brush those thoughts aside. Even as the two lovely blues escaped their shells, she decided to focus. She needed to have warm and welcoming thoughts.

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Seirshaheader

The plan had been just to sneak close to the entrance. That was what she had been thinking of doing anyway. No harm to anyone if she just wanted a closer look. Seirsha had no way of knowing that a Candidate was going to throw white robes at her and tell her to come with them. She had said she wanted to see the eggs up close. This was PERFECT!

Young as she was, she knew how severe the consequences might be if something were to happen. Honestly, she didn’t see the harm. She threw on the robes and didn’t even care that perhaps she had taken them not really thinking things completely through. It wasn’t like she was old enough for a dragon to take interest.

Laughing at her own giddiness, she said, “Race you to the Hatching Sands!”

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) A9d77079-7dd7-454c-adfb-85522e099200_zps92fe9e53

The Bronzerider, like most, had a vested interest in what was happening today. Today there would be a new Goldrider and that meant for him, another chance at power. Yes, even on days like this, he was thinking about how to best advance himself. Thoughts like those had been less prominent when he knew Belisse would do anything he asked of her. Anything. Now, she was in Ista and far from his influence and he would have to find someone who could provide him what he needed.

Joining  Z’rim and S’jiro in the Stands, he said very little. “Blues…” He sighed in boredom. “Do you think Indylari will Impress this time?” He was rather of the mind that S’jiro was screwed. He’d have to marry her because looking at the other possibilities and how meek S’jiro’s lady could be, he didn’t really see that happening. Besides, that would make things awkward if she were to Impress.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:41 pm

The blues were walking by the Candidates. Not surprisingly the Theiving Rogue blue was in more of a hurry and nearly toppled his brother over. Although it seemed that he looked back at the lighter blue and apologized. He wasn't a bad little guy, just busy.

The blues each seemed to be looking for different qualities in their lifemates despite being the same color group. While the Moral Innocent blue needed even more time, the Thieving Rogue settled on a youth who he felt had just the right sense of adventure. He waited a moment, as he had stopped directly in front of Iraellium. Lifting his eyes to his new rider's he locked on to him emotionally right there.

Hurry, maybe we can sneak some extra food while no one else is looking! Ramming his head into the poor young man's thigh, C'mon I'llium! Reiterating the fact that he wanted food by physically pushing on his new rider. The blue seemed to think his rider would already know his name which might not have been much of a stretch but he found out, it was rather expected or seemed to be. You will call me, Borsaioloth.

While the Moral Innocent blue was still considering his options a green Hatched from the Tough Cookie Egg, immediately stealing some of the lime light. The green's hide was a lovely dark jade as she emerged, a picture of strength. She would be a larger green and exuded her toughness as she walked. Anyone who seemed lesser because of weakness she ignored but a few did briefly catch her eyes. Impressing when she found "the one" she nudged her new rider firmly in his chest, You are strong. You will be my rider.
The green's new rider, voiced to the crowds the name of the green, "Her name is Prisnyath!"

While the attention was off of him, the Moral Innocent blue had made his choice and not among the male Candidates gathered. The girl whom he Impressed to was all smiles for the pretty blue There you are. I love you.
The little blue's voice was full of love and relief. "His name is Trausth!" Was all the crowd would hear as she led the little blue behind the newly impressed Prisnyath toward the feeding tables.

While the last two Impressed left the Sands a larger egg (The Intellectual Snob) shook and broke through the shell at long last it seemed, revealing a very indignant Bronze. He didn't particularly like how difficult it was to extricate himself from the shell that tried to cling to him and he nearly tripped over his feet in order to escape the gooey stuff. Gross.  

The whole cavern seemed to breathe in a gasp of pure delight in the revelation of a Bronze. A good, sturdy well proportioned Bronze too. He was taking his time, evaluating boys he passed by. Despite his size he made every effort to move without looking all that clumsy.

The first Candidate he took any time to notice was Torianu but he quickly overlooked him. His eyes ever watchful for the one who would be his. He was a clumsy Bronze, not purposefully but because of his size and awkwardness.

As he moved past more of the young men, he had neglected to give himself a lot of space between himself and the Candidates gathered. The Bronze almost tripped over one of Bladen's feet, causing a scratch that bled out on the Sand. In trying not to fall one of his wings spread out toward the Candidates and hit Thanekar in the head, knocking him to the ground where he lay unmoving, blood began to trickle from above the young man's eye.

The rampage of the boys continued as he nearly ran Zairren over to get to HIS rider. Luckily for Zairren he had guard training and reflexes.
The dragonet was in an ill humor now. Not because of the Candidates but it seemed to him despite all his hard work trying not to be clumsy, he seemed to be a clumsy Bronze anyway. However he knew all  would be forgiven and forgotten shortly because he could sense his was close. He could almost see him!

The dragon locked multi-faceted eyes, swirling in a rainbow of colors and emotions onto Karene's other son, Karevik. The red hair even at a distance unmistakably his.

You are lucky K'vik for I, Erudith, have found you!

His tone suggested that he had pride and narcissism in abundance while his words belied a strong intellect. Something which had drawn him to Karevik, now K'vik, to begin with. A nudge to K'vik's shoulder suggested or more demanded, he wanted food and pronto!
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:07 pm


Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Tey_zps991fcd85

Teylarrin was caught somewhat off guard by Seirsha's reaction. She had expected at least a little resistance. It was silly of her to thought that. Who would not be eager to have a draggie all of their own? She passed over the robe hastily. There was no telling how much longer the hatchlings would wait before, well, hatching. She hoped that Seirsha was not upset that the garment had been fitted for someone smaller than she. Some people got all testy if their calves shown bare. If the girl noticed, she did not say anything about it, choosing instead to challenge Teylarrin to race.  "Okay!" the tiny Igen teen replied. "Last one there is a rotten wherry!"

Despite her prompting Teylarrin was quick to fall behind. She had shorter legs than her friend. Worse, her muscles only allowed her so much use before they began to knot up. She was forced to slow her pace lest she feel the wrath of her injuries. Even the bouncing of her rushed footfalls was enough to send small bursts of pain through back. No, she was just going to have to settle for being the rotten wherry today.

 By the time that she arrived at the Hatching Grounds most, if not all, of the other Candidates were already assembled. She quickly scuffled out to join them. The hot sands added their welcoming warmth as she made her across them.  A quick glance showed that she had already missed a few of the draggies. She hoped that hers had not already come and gone.  That would be a bummer.

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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:32 pm


“I’m always ready Weyrwoman, I just hope they are ready for me.” the bluerider had a reputation as a hardass with her weyrlings, but it paid off in the end when the Weyr gained disciplined riders for their wings. Syra’s attention went back to the Sands where the eggs were beginning to rock with earnest. Deciding it was high time for her to be out on the Sands with her future class, Syra vaulted down to the group, landing with a bone shaking thud. Falyn’s medpack bounced on her hip as she straightened. It was farther down than she had expected. With a grin, she looked up and winked at D’nier. They would settle bets later.

When she had recovered enough, the Weyrlingmaster went to stand somewhat behind the waiting Candidates, watching as the blue dragonets scrambled from their eggs and made their way toward potential lifemates. One boy, impressing one of the blues, was being headbutted enthusiastically. Syra smiled, loving that young dragons announced themselves on a wide band with their lack of control over their speech. That would come later, with lessons. She heard the names and when she looked back to the second blue dragonet, Syra saw the moment of impression for one of the female Candidates. She cheered loudly, excited for the young lady. Syra turned her back for a moment to speak to the three Impressed riders, “Take them through the door to the feeding tables, remind them to chew! Baby dragons can choke on the chunks of meat.”

When she turned back, a larger bronze emerged from his egg, Rasenth thrummed in her mind. He was pleased with the young blues, and happier still for the bronze. Syra’s dragon loved hatchings. Her excitement changed to worry as sturdy bronze made his way down the line of Candidates, cutting one and knocking one of the Weyrwoman’s children out cold. The Weyrlingmaster made a beeline for the new bronzerider when she saw the dragon Impress him, told him where to get food for the new baby, and turned her attention back to the injured Candidates.

Falyn had rushed over and was gesturing wildly for her medpack, forgotten over Syra’s shoulder, and the woman ran to her. Falyn stripped it from her in haste, tossing a wad of gauze at Bladen to staunch the bleeding and looking at Thane. He was unconscious, and there wasn’t much the Dragonhealer could do for him but carefully dab the blood away from his head, “Weyrlingmaster, can you have your dragon bespeak Jang?” Syra was sure the Healer was near but she did as she was asked, Rasenth, please bespeak Healer Jang, she flashed an image of the man to the blue, and tell him a Candidate needs his attention for a head wound. Neither woman could do much for the young man, Falyn because she had specialized on dragons and a human was far from the many-colored creatures, and Syra because she had little to no training at all. Falyn’s attention had gone back to Thane, trying to stop the bleeding of his head wound with pressure while she waited.

The bluerider decided that Falyn had it under control for the moment and turned her attention back to the hatching, keeping her back to the fallen Candidate and Dragonhealer in an effort to turn aside any other potential threats.


Tori’s breath caught in his chest as he watched the blue dragons Impress, the green and finally a bronze emerge from their eggs. The clumsy, ambling gait of the babies amused him, and he found it rather endearing that the bronze seemed frustrated. When he finally had his feet under him, mostly, he came to the line of Candidates - straight toward Tori. His nerves made him shake a bit, but in a split moment, the bronze had swung away from him and went on down the line.

The soldier-trained man watched, a little regretfully, as he was passed over, but it was alright he decided, when he saw that the ungainly dragon had injured Bladen and knocked Thane out completely. One of the gold Candidates, Tori thought she was also the Dragonhealer, had rushed toward them from her corner with the gold egg and was attempting to tend the injured pair. Her focus didn’t seem to be on the gold egg, but she was near and medical trained to an extent, he supposed, so he turned his attention away toward the eggs again. One of them was his, he could feel it.

Lesera & Anuleesa

Lesera cheered as new pairs moved off toward the feeding room at the other side of the Cavern. Two blues, a green and... A bronze! That had be Tori’s dragon! She was convinced further when the dragonet went toward the white robed man, but sighed with defeat as it turned away toward others.

Anuleesa, for her part, sat with a smile on her face, but her nervousness was evident. She knew, even if her daughter didn’t, that Hatchings were not always safe events - people got hurt. The woman was glad when her son wasn’t one of the injured, and Lesera shook - worried. The young man on the ground was going to be okay, right? She looked at Anuleesa, the question in her eyes, but her mother shook her head, she didn’t know. Lesera thought her mother was being awfully calm for a woman who had never been to a Weyr before - but then, she didn’t know if her mother had been before. They both turned their attention back to the eggs, eager to see what came next and both assuming that the young man in white would be tended to.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:08 pm


As Sh'nar arrived to sit with he and Z'rim, L'mar not being far behind, S'jiro was still looking for the arrival of Indylari. His eyes fell over Veyani first, though, and caught the way in which her foot jerked in reaction to the heat of the sands, but let a just noticeable breath of relief flee from him, relaxing his shoulders in slight, as her focus on impression apparently steeled her will to endure it. Every rider remembered how penetrating the heat of the sands was; even if one wore the sandals to at least protect one's feet from anything sharp like rocks, they did little to protect one from the intensity of a prolonged stand in the dragon's nest.

After seeing Veya step out onto the sands bravely, he figured he should have anticipated as much, letting his eyes depart from her to rest on his best friend who'd come. "Hey. Yeah. All blues, so far." The little bronze had yet to make his grande entrance into the world. "I don't know. I mean... she's obviously impressible, but..." The Bronzerider didn't finish the thought, as he may have been thinking along the same lines as Sh'nar, just afraid to make any mention of his doubt aloud. There was no telling who a dragon would choose to impress to, because even if there was high empathy in a person, only dragons knew what dragons looked for in a life partner.

S'jiro's eyes turned back out over the sands, finding Indylari there, and wondering about the prospects of it all. "We'll just have to wait and see." because there was no telling what would happen, and whatever happened could not be helped. Either way, they were stuck with the end result. So, there was no use worrying about it now. S'jiro had already accepted a future with Indylari in it.


Walking across the sands wasn't so bad. Well, not at first. Emerene had worn her sandals because every outfit required them, even at hatchings. After a little while though, her feet started to burn with much discomfort, and she started shifting her weight back and forth from one foot to the other, letting one seek temporary relief before placing it back down.

Emerene's eyes only flitted up briefly to see which colour dragon had hatched next, before settling on the pink and gold queen egg that she and several of the other girls now stood around. She had to turn her head over her shoulder a bit to see, but it all seemed a less interesting than watching over the Queen egg at her own feet. Of course, when a green popped out of its shell and made its way toward the group of candidates, she had to watch and see if her friend Veyani or Teylarrin impressed. She almost sighed in disappointment, but there were still several eggs left to hatch.

Of course, at the sight of a bronze, the girl craned her neck to find where her brother had gone to stand. Excited at first, to see the Bronze wander in Thane's direction, a smile started to form there on her lips; only, the next breath was a fearful gasp!

"Thane!" So worried for her brother, she wanted to rush to him, but there were already others around him who were bending to help, and the Weyrling master also, was soon rushing to his aid. Of course, she didn't know if she could leave her spot even if she wanted to, because what if the gold decided to hatch, and she wasn't there? She didn't know what she would have done in that instance, so it was better that Syra and Falyn were there to lend their skills.

The girl turned her eyes down once more to where the golden egg rested, feeling more and more nervous. She was nervous, and with all that was going on with the other candidates, felt as though the hatching was in chaos. Time seemed to pass slowly, but it went by so fast. She couldn't wait for the queen hatchling to break through her shell and make her choice for a life-partner.

Emerene was starting to understand just how different Standing was in comparison to sitting in the sands and watching. There was so much more anxiety and anticipation. So much more hope. Every emotion felt heightened.

Her eyes turned again, back to Thanekar, just as Jang was carrying him off the sands. A sigh of relief reduced the fright that had momentarily occupied her, because at least Thane was in good hands now -and no longer on the sands where he could be trampled to death by a baby dragon.

When she looked on the golden egg once more, it was with returning focus. A whisper parted her lips on the next breath, "Come on. You can't be fashionably late for your own hatching, can you? You can do it. Everyone's waiting for you."


Knowing the sands would be hot, Zairren stepped out onto them as the first of the blues was hatching. He didn't flinch at just how hot the sands were, nor did he seem to pick his feet up in an awkward walk that many had adapted in order to accommodate for the sake of comfort.

The boy watched with neutralized expression as each dragonette came forth from its shell, though his eyes danced with excitement between them, following the path of each. Each time, Zairren's eyes always returned to that one egg he had his heart set on. Hoping to see the trace of fractures along the surface of its shell, he was staring so hard at it, that he almost missed when the Bronze, who was not so little in comparison to the previous blue hatchlings, careened in his direction.

The boy, who he'd heard was named Thanekar, was struck, and Zairren's eyes were wide to see that the boy went down, hitting the sands with what may have been a serious head injury. He could already see the stream of red blood from the wound, but was unable to offer help, because the Bronze's rampage didn't stop there.

Luckily for Zairren, he was able spin out of the dragon's path, having evaded the collision by a hair's-breadth. He felt the brush of the hatchling's wingtip at the blouse of his robe; it didn't graze past his body though, since the robe was a lot of excess fabric. Still, it was a close-call, and Zairren had managed to remain on his feet.


Hearing Rasenth's call just before he'd arrived, he didn't necessarily need the Weyrling Master's run down of events, because he could see it from the distance he was at. Still, he thanked her as he rushed onto the sands to tend to the Weyrwoman's son. For, as much as her children or anyone else might want to believe, Karene had no great attachment to her many offspring, but Jang understood things differently. The Senior Healer may never stood on the sands, but he himself was not lacking in empathy; the man had also been here a good number of turns long enough to have gathered as much from the mother-of-many -which included the mother of dragons at Fort. Without a doubt, he knew that Karene would be greatly concerned for her son.

Jang's arms were under the boy to carry him off the sands as quickly as possible, to get him out of harm's way. Believing that it was okay to move him freely, he stood, cradling Thanekar in his arms "Thank you Falyn. I'll take care of him now."

Before turning away, the Healer called to Syra, "Thanks, again. I've got him. He'll be okay."

With that, Jang was moving off the sands and to where a number of his assistants had arrived with a few first aid supplies and a couple of stretchers for any more severely injured candidates to be carried off to the infirmary on. Having joined the assistants, Jang deposited Thanekar on one of the stretchers so that they could get him to the infirmary. There were other Healers there who could see to him. The jarring he'd received from the hatchling seemed to have likely just shocked the boy's nervous system for a moment and caused minor concussion; he should regain consciousness before too long.

So, for the time being, Jang remained near the sands, looking out over the rest of the candidates in case there was another need for him.

[hope that works!]


The Bluerider had gone to sit near where the candidates all entered and left from the sands. He'd played a part in Searching several of the candidates for this clutch, and so he had a specific vested interest in viewing the entire event to find out just who would impress this time around.

Jezefine had joined him, being his 'date' to the event so to speak. She sat next to him and they were chatting and guessing who each baby dragon would amble off toward as they hatched. The Bluerider and his bonded had developed a notably strong sense of searchable candidates, so the impression rate of those they brought back to the Weyr with them was fairly high. Though, sometimes it took two or three hatchings to see all of those within that percentage impress. Still, N'kai was feeling hopeful about this particular group, and was all smiles. Each time that another blue impressed, he and Jezefine raised their hands in cheer, offering applause to the new bonded pair.


The Weyrleader was smiling in his roguishly handsome way as Syra accepted his bets. After the Bluerider moved away from them, that lone eye of subtly golden hue, was turned back to Karene. "Would Karene, the only Weyrlady over whom my heart would ever pine, agree to a little celebration of our own later on, all things allowing?" Such as demand for their presence at the celebration feast too late in the night. For, even though D'nier understood that the Weyrwoman's preference was not for him, he certainly enjoyed her company and found her quite beautiful. She was a sophisticated woman -and that was essentially his type. So, if they could sneak away unnoticed, before either of them was too tired, he would like to disappear with her, for a while.

D'nier halfway expected her to turn him down however, because he knew that her preference was not necessarily for him. It never hurt to ask, though; and D'nier being the amourous man that he was, had to try.

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Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:31 pm


Thanekar watched as the first blue Impressed to one of those Guard Candidates, there were like fifty of them. It was weird! The second one’s choice surprised him. The little blue chose a girl… What was the world coming to? Crazy dragons! Not that Thanekar had anything against girls but Blues just weren’t supposed to go on Impressing women. It was again, unusual and he totally had to blame Taroth and not his mother’s Gold, for this.

The Candidate watched as a green Hatched and while he found her coloring quite lovely, he had no intention of Impressing a green. Not that the green had any interest in him either. She chose her rider so much more quickly than the blues had. The young man whom she had Impressed, Thane didn’t recognize, so he could be one of the newer Candidates.

Miracle of miracles, a Bronze hatched next. Like everyone else, the breath caught in his throat. The clumsy young beast did his best to make his way close to the Candidates without mishap but he seemed doomed to failure. Thane held his breath as he watched the dragonet walk past Torianu and then Bladen. Was the dragon heading for him? He thought so. He believed it so much that he didn’t think that he could be hurt by the Bronze, but unfortunately he was proven wrong.

The dragonet began to trip over Bladen’s bleeding foot, Thanekar wasn’t prepared to have the wing hit him in the head. The room went black in that moment as his body fell forward onto the sand.


Veyani watched as the blues found their lifemates. She was a little surprised and excited to see the lighter colored blue Impress to a girl. How interesting! This Hatching was going to be awesome! Of course, she wouldn’t ever think differently because she’d never seen a Hatching before. There were some difficulties already, the sand on her feet, making her want to hop on one foot then the other for relief. Sheer will was the only thing that kept her from doing so.

The young woman watched the lovely jade color green then Impress a boy. She seemed to think he was one of the newest Candidates. If he could impress at his first Hatching, then so could she! She watched in amazement of the size of the Bronze who Hatched, though he spared no thought for anyone but himself it seemed to her. What an arrogant little brat.  Typical.

Maybe she wasn’t given the little guy the benefit of the doubt, but Bronzes in general seemed to have a natural arrogance. This wouldn’t bother her so much if she had not experienced first hand, just how mean their riders could be. She saw the carnage the dragon had inflicted slowly on some of the boy Candidates. The worst being when the Bronze knocked Thanekar to the ground. She could see the blood in on the sand.
Was he going to be alright?

She stood wide eyed, wondering why it took so long for someone to get over there but then remembered how Galadrieth was said to be on the Sands with a clutch. Fear of Gold dragon, trumped fear of damage to the young man. Falyn left her spot near the Gold egg to come and see to Thanekar which helped her feel a little better about the situation and the Bronze was ushered away from the rest of the Candidates by the Weyrling Master.


The ex-Gaurdsman watched in amazement as Iraellium was the first to Impress of the Clutch. The blue whom had chosen him was a lovely color and Bladen found himself wondering at the amazing circumstances of Impressing. I’llium was now a dragonrider, joining the ranks of some of the people he most admired. He didn’t really have the same reaction of some of the others when the young woman Impressed the other blue. He understood it was rare but he also thought, why not?

Bladen watched as the next, a green with a tough persona, walked along the semicircle of Candidates in Search of the “one.” Unlike the blues she was wasting no time. Once again he wasn’t exactly shocked by her choice. The young man she Impressed seemed perfectly capable of handling her tough persona.

He was however shocked when the Bronze emerged from the next shell. Although the dragonet was clumsy, he was much larger than his clutchmates thus far. He may have been in awe, for just a moment at the discerning and intelligent look in the dragonet’s multifaceted gaze. And while lost in wondering about the great beast, he neglected to notice where the darn things feet were going.

Wincing as dragonet claws scraped against his foot, he bit his cheek to keep from making a sound. Stern faced in the wake of the dragonet’s assault of the young man now on the ground, he didn’t know what to do other than to see if the young woman who was trying to help the boy needed help.

“Can I do anything to help?” Like carry the kid off the Sands? Bladen could easily lift him, being that he was one of the tallest people there. Then it would be much easier for the Healers to look him over and get him to the infirmary.  As soon as he asked, Healer Jang was there to do just that. Nodding to the man, understanding there was little he himself could do, he hoped the boy would be alright.


The young woman wasn’t really paying much attention to the small dragonets and who they Impressed. Indylari would be interested in something having to do with the Gold Egg. As impressive as the little Bronze seemed to the crowd, he was nothing in comparison to his Golden sister. She knew this from Turns of Standing. However, she did feel somewhat concerned when the Bronze hurt a Candidate. She couldn’t tell who it was at first but felt a lump in her throat when she realized like most of the other people on the Sands that it was the Weyrwoman’s son.

She came from a world being a Lady where who your parents were mattered. At the Weyr, among the Weyrfolk, perhaps it would be seen more like a Candidate was a Candidate and who or where you were from didn’t matter. Still she had to think when people realized it was Karene’s son who was lying there perhaps more of the Healers would be brave enough to step out there. But even as Thanekar laid there bleeding onto the Sands, his younger brother, Karene’s other Candidate son, Impressed the Bronze. It was almost ironic.

Hmmm, she thought, glancing over at Emerene. It seemed to her that it was bad luck to be Standing with the Weyrwoman’s daughter. Bloodlines seemed to matter to dragons more than the people of the Weyr might admit. The more time passed the more she felt her chances dwindling. Emerene had the dragonrider blood to Impress, the rest of them might just be out of luck.


Sh’nar nodded, looking out at the Candidates. Yes, well, that was what they were all here to see. Who would Impress the Gold? At which point, Cymrioth gave a mental chuckle. What? I know something you don’t know. And what is that.? He asked, noting that the response was more chuckling, he glowered.

Hopefully the eggs would get on with it already. He wanted to see who Impressed the Queen dragon. He kind of hoped for S’jiro’s sake it was Indy and on the other hand, hoped it would not be for the very same reason.


The Weyrwoman smiled at D’nier, partly because he was being the rogue she knew he was inside and partly because she was happy. I don’t understand why you hesitate. Galadrieth was clearly listening in on her conversation again, even though she had a clutch to watch. She kind of had to agree with the Gold. There was no reason to hesitate and she’d been taking care of Karendris during much of her free time. She hadn’t had time to really relax.

Although she doubted very much he would ever truly pine over a woman, she did answer amiably, “A little celebration sounds fun.” And it could be, given they were able to get away later. Karene didn’t see any harm at all in spending some time with D’nier, especially as they would be coming off such a wonderful high from the Hatching.

Karene went back to watching the Impressions, hearing the cavern grow quiet at the arrival of a Bronze. She wondered briefly just how many metallics were in this clutch. Galadrieth had surely outdone herself.  The Bronze was a clumsy thing, more than once making her wonder if he shouldn’t give the boys more room.

Even as she had that thought, she saw one Candidate fall onto the Sands after beign knocked over by a wing. The sudden realization of who was on the ground hit her and she paled significantly. “Thanekar.” She whispered, hoping he would be okay, not permanently injured or retarded mentally or worse….dead.  

A pale hand reached out for D’nier’s, for while she wasn’t often someone who needed strength, she did need it right at this moment. After she realized he was receiving care and with reassurances from Galadrieth that he was fine, she could turn her attention to who actually Impressed the Bronze. They were being ushered to feed the dragons but she could still see that her other son had Impressed the Bronze.


Racing Teylarrin to the Sands, she knew her long legs would carry her swiftly. She was past the other, smaller, girl in no time really, allowing herself no time to look back. The sooner she got there, the sooner she could see dragonets. She’d like to think Teylarrin wouldn’t wait for her either.

So when she arrived, she pretended she was a Candidate. What the grown ups didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
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Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:28 pm

The eggs hadn't gone still just because there was a Bronze terrorizing the Candidates. While he was busy Impressing two more eggs had hatched. The first was another blue from the Filthy Funlover Egg. He practically bounced out of his shell and was quickly on his way to Impressing. In fact it took him almost no time at all and he was Impressing to his life mate.

Food, food, food, Candidate, food, food... He hopped over to his rider and repeated, Food, food, food... It was as if he thought if he repeated it over and over, that food would appear. Soon his lifemate was rubbing under his chin and calling out the newly Impressed name, "He is called Kemenyth!"

The other egg which hatched while the Bronze was causing a raucous was the Verdant Prodigy Egg. A very dark emerald green emerged, some parts of her body looked almost black because of the wet casing inside the shell keeping her hide wet. She looked out at the Candidates and whimpered in obvious distress over something. When she made her way towards the Candidates, desperately trying to avoid being touched by them while searching for her rider.

She was another one which seemed to need more time. Although there was a very real possibility that one of the dragonets might not find their lifemate. This thought had Galadrieth intently watching the little green even as other dragonets began to Hatch.

They were hatching more rapidly now and in groups. The Nicest Egg in the Weyr hatched next, revealing a rosewood colored brown who was on the lookout for his rider. Much more like his speedier siblings, this collected and cool brown found his rider rather immediately. He knew who he wanted.

The young man who Impressed him heard the suaveness of his voice reverberate in his head.  Hello, hello. I'm Bharosth and you are mine. Now let's see about food.

The young man shouted to the crowd, "His name is Bharosath!"

Meanwhile the green had yet to find anyone she fancied among the Candidates and was still Searching for the perfect fit. No one was rushing her but it was clear that Galadrieth was growing increasingly concerned.
Another green hatched then, clearly afraid to come out of her shell. It didn't seem all that safe...the green stuck one leg through the large whole she made and stumbled backward at the dryness of the air and the brightness of the glows.

Eventually the green from the Fearful Voice Egg exited her shell completely but kept looking around her as if afraid something would happen. She trembled a little as she took one then another shaky step forward. The green seemed almost too nervous to look for her lifemate. She didn't have to wait long though, the one of her, brushed aside the other Candidates in her rush to come forward. She was a soft spoken young woman who had been Searched only a couple sevendays before the Hatching. The girl comforted the green who spoke sweetly, It is so big and open and bright. Why is everything so strange? Hold me?

Her new rider hugged her for a moment and encouraged her to head over to where others were eating. The girl catching on to the tradition, said, "Her name is Passerith!" Though it was meant to be a shout very few would be able to hear the soft spoken young woman's words.

It was at this point a loud keening was directed at the Stands and not at the Candidates. The Verdant Prodigy green had taken to staring up at one person in particular in the Stands.

Galadrieth's tail twitched slightly and her eyes swirled with apparent irritation.

Lesera, come down from there. How can you be so cruel? I need you. I am hungry.

The green wailed up at her, eyes staring right at the young woman in the Stands seated next to her mother. With another piteous wail, We will do great things together, my Lesera. Come on, did you not hear I was hungry? The green waited with the patience of a...well...she didn't really feel patient at the moment. She was starving! The green cocked her head to the side. I have no idea why you would hide all the way up there, away from your Zelenyth but it is not amusing. The slightest irritation in her voice reflected her hunger and impatience and her need. She wanted Lesera closer, and she didn't like the thought that maybe the person she wanted didn't want her. She had to be loved by someone even if she was a little different. Even if she was a little dark and solitary.

While the green was acting quite pitifully, waiting for Lesera to come down to the Sands, the larger Stalker Geist egg hatched. Those who saw him suddenly gasped for he almost looked to be covered in blood at first. As his long body began to dry, it was more apparent that he was a deep reddish brown in color.

Another brown and wasn't he interesting? He wasn't pleased with the wailing either. If she was going to be loud, couldn't she have been gifted with the voice of say a beautiful soprano instead of a squalling child? Shaking the remnants of shell from his body, he didn't dare move until he had gained his balance. His eyes were all over the place reading the fear at first, the discomfort, every one was watching him.

If a dragonet could smirk, then this one was smirking. The room was his to command. If he stepped one way, they would follow. Oh how he enjoyed toying with them, first pretending he was going toward the girls to Impress and then quickly turning his attention back to the boys.

The brown, sniffed at Torianu's shirt and then sneezed. Not quite the right person. He needed someone with more of an edge. He stared at Bladen a moment, what a good two shoes! No way! Then he saw Zairren. Now there was someone worth looking into!

He rushed over to the Candidate, careful not to step on or trip over anyone. Perfection was his. The deep voice of the brown came out in an almost seductively, dark way Z'ren. The dragon nudged him in the chest roughly.Come away with me. You are now a dragonrider of Pern and have no need for these others. Draugarth will be the one to show you great things but first we should eat.

Then the dragonet nipped his new rider in the shoulder. Z'ren! Food. Now. Or you'll become the meal.

With that the attention he had was lost as the Popular Princess Egg began to rock and Galadrieth moved her tail to reveal a second Gold Egg which was also moving violently. The two Golds seemed to be in a race, who would Hatch first?
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Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:25 pm

Lesera and Zelenyth

Lesera watched avidly as the eggs cracked and revealed their little wet, hungry occupants. A blue, and brown came next and made their Impressions which the young woman cheered for. By the end of the Hatching, Lesera was sure she would have no voice left. A little green hatched and milled about and the girl’s heart clenched in fear for the young thing. What happened to babies that didn’t Impress? Did they die? She was overcome with a desire to prevent that, even if it meant the wrath of the Weyr. Come on little one, anyone would be happy to have you! she thought, trying to will the green to Impress. From the corner of her eye Lesera saw the Golden queen was also getting upset and her panic rose, if she chose to save the baby... Would Galadrieth maul her? Anxiety clutched Lesera as she watched, the keening of the infant dragon made her ache with the desire to help, somehow. Why was no one going toward it? Why!?

The green dragonet turned toward the Stands.

Lesera froze.

Her mind exploded into a million sensations that she couldn’t understand all at once, but one. Hungry. She was hungry. A voice spoke to her urging her to come down and feed herself. No, not herself.... Zelenyth. Lesera trembled. Her body exploded into motion as she ran to be as close to the front as she could, “Her name is Zelenyth!” she roared, copying those she had seen impress already. “I’m coming! But how...” she had seen a woman vault over the side, and it hadn’t looked too hard... But as she came to the decision to jump down too, Syra was there looking up at her.

“Come down Lesera, jump and I’ll catch you.”

The young woman didn’t need to be told twice, Anuleesa, assisting her onto the edge of the stands, gave her daughter a gentle nudge, sending her into the arms of the strong woman who almost buckled as she caught the newly Impressed girl. “Go to her! Take her to the feeding room.”

Dimly Lesera nodded, looking up toward her brother. He was the Candidate. Tori was supposed to be the one to Impress! But he was smiling, the pride was clear on his face and he motioned to her to get on with it! Lesera beamed down at Zelenyth, “You are beautiful, and we are each others. I’m sorry I upset you.” she lay a hand on her dragonet’s muzzle and leaned down to kiss her on the tip, “Let’s get you some food.”
The pair ambled off, Lesera not used to the heat of Sands through her thin slippers and the young green still trying to get her land legs. As they passed by, Lesera leaped into Tori’s arms to hug him, but he soon put her down and pushed her toward the feeding area. He was proud, but they could celebrate later.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:33 pm


Tori watched the hatching with fascination. There were more eggs to hatch but he was trying to divine what it was about certain Candidates that made them get their lifemates. He saw the green hatch and wail piteously as she hunted for her lifemate and the sound made his head ache sadly for her. None of the gathered people seemed as if they were what she wanted, and she kept creeling. Just as Torianu was about to step toward her to help her head swung to the stands and she called out loudly to Lesera. His sister had stood, he could see where she and his mother were watching now, and Lesera’s shock was plain to any who were watching. From his place Tori could see that her world had dimmed to the whirling, hungry eyes looking up at her and begging her to come down.

Anuleesa, smaller but strong for her size, lifted Lesera to the edge and the Weyrlingmaster caught the pink-garbed girl and guided her to the ground. It was then that another egg hatched, a brown emerging, who came to him. As it drew near, Tori knew it wasn’t his. The infant dragonet sniffed at him and the man placed a hand on its cheek, “You are not for me, go on now.” he said warmly, and it sneezed. Had Torianu cared he would have been upset at the dragon snot on her robes, but instead he was pleased as he watched it progress to its rider and Impress Zairren, Z’ren. He corrected himself.

His attention turned back to Lesera as she leaned down to kiss Zerenyth, a lovely name Tori thought, and start her march to the feeding room. They came close and Lesera leapt at him, barely giving him time to catch her, and he embraced her before whispering in her ear, “I’ll see you in the feeding area, go! I am so proud of you.” He kissed her cheek as he released her and gave her a push to the feeding tables where platters of raw meat were set out for the new pairs. Zerenyth seemed to stare at him for a moment but soon turned away to look at his sister, and the man watched their progress for a moment before turning his attention back to the hatching eggs.

A gasp went through the crowd as the golden egg began to rock and the massive bulk of Galadrieth moved to reveal a second gold egg the same color as her own hide.


Visible relief coated Falyn’s face as she wiped a hand over her sweaty forehead. Thane had been taken off the Sands by Jang and Syra was busy pacing the line of Candidates with her notebook ever present. Bloody gauze and other mess from her med pack littered the ground around her and Falyn quickly scooped up the mess and shoved it into a spare pocket on her bag for things to throw away.

She was so occupied with cleaning up her mess that she didn’t see what was going on around her as more dragonets hatched and Impressed. The wailing of one caught her ears but it was soon helped and as she stood up, Falyn saw the girl in pink making her way across the Sands gazing down at her new lifemate. Hefting her bag she turned and gasped with everyone as she saw the golden queen move to reveal a second golden egg.

Two golds!? Falyn was rooted to the spot, a good distance from either egg as her shock cemented her feet. Is this why D’nier had wanted her to stand?


The Weyrbred woman smiled. Her daughter had Impressed a green from the Stands and her son was still on the Hatching Ground waiting for his dragon. Anuleesa was utterly proud, so much so that silent tears streamed her cheeks. It saddened her that she would be returning to the Hold where her daughter, husband and herself lived, alone. She cheered loudly for the new pairs and held her breath when one brown made his way toward Torianu, but it was directed onward to another young man.

Lesera had long since disappeared to the feeding area and when the massive golden dragon moved to reveal another gold egg, Anuleesa was on her feet with a loud gasp as she craned to get a better look with everyone else.


Once Thane had been removed from the Hatching Grounds, Syra stopped her protective vigil near him and the Dragonhealer and went back to pacing and drawing. She looked up with the sounds of more eggs cracking, watched a blue and brown Impress, a green hatch and another green Impress and the realized that the first green to hatch was creeling in confusion as she milled through the Candidates and seemed to find none that suited her. The bluerider began to fear that the greenling would go between soon if she didn’t Impress, but even as Rasenth’s confident tones rumbled in her mind, telling her to have faith, the little dragonet looked to the Stands where a girl in pink was standing and gazing down. Impression!

“Her name is Zerenyth!” came the loud cry, and the girl looked around for a way to get down to the Sands. Syra knew that look, she raced over and called up to her, hearing the green baby say its partner’s name, “Come down Lesera, jump and I’ll catch you.”

The girl was hefted and nudged over the edge, landing in Syra’s arms heavily and the Weyrlingmaster almost dropped her before easing her to her lifemate. “Go to her! Take her to the feeding room.” For the girl’s own ears she reminded her to tell her dragonet to chew and the pair moved off in the right direction.

A brown had hatched but Syra’s eyes were on the moving form of Galadrieth who was shifting out of the way to reveal a second Golden egg. Syra gasped as part of the collective, and looked toward the waiting Candidates. Two would Impress... Had D’nier known!? That scoundrel! She glowered, but it disappeared quickly when she realized he hadn’t used the knowledge to bet with her. It was just as well, the fifth egg had been blue and she had lost her one bet. Now it was up to Torianu to Impress a brown or bronze, and Emerene to impress one of the.... two gold eggs.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:08 pm


The candidate's eyes had been resting anxiously on each of the latest hatchlings to come forth, but there was nothing that could have torn his attention from the egg of the Stalker Geist once it started rocking. That was the egg that Zairren was most anxious about. The Stalker Geist had most intrigued him, on the day of the touching.

Blood? Was that what was smeared across his hide? Was the little dragon injured? Zairren glanced over to where the Healers were congregated toward the far edge of the sands, but none of them seemed to be stepping up to help the baby. His heart was full of worry. Upon second glance, as he turned his attention back to the hatchling, Zairren realized that it wasn't blood. The dampness of his hide had simply caused the very dark, reddish tinge to appear like the stain of blood -just like an oxblood stain on wood.

He watched as the baby dragon stood, testing his balance and taking his time to stabilize himself while he looked about, obviously searching for his rider. As soon as the baby Brown started walking though, it seemed that his legs were quite sturdy; he didn't wobble at all. In fact, he was quite agile on his feet. With wonder, Zairren followed the Brown's movements, willing that the dragon should turn and look his way, but he wasn't sure that that was at all effective.

Zairren thought that it was obvious the little brown was taunting the girls, and even some of the boys, testing their fear of him as he moved across the sands. Somehow, Zairren thought that their fear seemed to please the dragon, but he didn't remain to tease them; surely, like the other hatchlings, he was eager to find his life mate and quell his hunger.

When the Brown made his way toward Torianu, Zairren's heart started to sink. He was sure that in that moment of interaction between them that there had been impression. It surprised him then, when the hatchling sneezed violently on Torianu's sleeve and turned away from him. Had there not been any impression after all?

Apparently not.

The brown was moving on to Bladen, but getting closer to himself, though again, Zairren thought that perhaps the brown would choose the other young man instead. But the dragon spent even less time investigating the man who was Bladen, letting his eyes wander about the ranks of boys once again. But the dragon's eyes stopped when they met Zairren's.

The boy froze, feeling a sudden pain in his stomach. Subconsciously, Zairren winced, but he was unable to remove his eyes from the dragon. Staring deeply into the Brown's eyes, it was then that an unfamiliar but alluring voice, much like the voice of Temptation, seeped into his consciousness, naming him Dragonrider.  

Zairren's eyes widened as both elation and relief flooded through him. He was grinning, but too stunned to shout for joy and proclaim their union. Likewise, the Brown had come up and head butted him, in which instance, he stumbled back a couple of steps, but never lost his footing. When the hatchling craned his long neck to bite at his rider's shoulder, Zairren realized whose hunger it was that had taken over him, and so his thoughts turned quickly to the feeding area. As, much like his bonded, Zairren disliked going hungry. And Draugarth was right; they didn't need to be here any longer. They didn't need to wait on anyone else.

Making their way in a rush from the sands, Draugarth took off ahead of his rider, eager for his share of meat. He'd been cautious before, not to step on unsuspecting candidates, but now that he'd found his rider and they were on their way to the feeding area, he would let nothing stand in his way, to keep him from being the next one to take what food was his. Of course, if it were another clutchmate that got between he and his meal, that was another thing completely.

Barreling by Lesera and her Green, Draugarth gave little warning that he was going to pass them up and run them both off the path if the had to. Zairren barely caught the Brown's intention in his subconscious by the time his bonded had run up along side Zerenyth and in order to assert that he was going to be the next in line for the juicy herdbeast that already filled his nostrils with the scent of blood, the Brown leaned his body into her, in an attempt to let his weight divert her. Snapping at the green testily, Draugarth passed her by; but only after sensing that his rider was following close behind. If Zairren wasn't going to feed him, he would chew on his shoulder a little harder next time. Food was theirs!

The weyrling rider was keeping pace behind the dragon, but had run on ahead of them without realizing just how hard his bonded had pushed his clutchmate. Of course, Draugarth's competitive drive to acquire as much food as he could gorge himself with was hard to ignore, which made it difficult to stop to apologize. Because, in all honesty, Zairren too, was competitive and during his time in the Blood Moon Squad, their instructors would use the withholding of meals to make the boys work harder. Those who couldn't keep up, or those who crossed the finish line last, usually went without dinner at the end of a hard day. The drive to win was ingrained in him and food often had something to do with it. Thus, given the circumstances now, he felt compelled to reach the feeding area first. His world was survival of the fittest. And Draugarth approved.

Zairren and Draugarth reached the feeding area, and the little brown went straight for the most succulent-smelling pieces. Of course, the pre-cut meat that he dug his nose into were pooling in blood so, though he managed to gobble his food down rather neatly, the dragon still had rivulets of crimson streaming down his chin.

For a moment, Zairren stood beside him, staring on him with such wonderment, that he forgot that he was responsible for reminding the hatchling to chew. So, he quickly intervened, "Draugarth! You're supposed to chew."


The Weyrleader's roguish grin spread easily, ear to ear, when Karene agreed to some private celebration after they'd done the rest of their duty to the Weyr. He'd be sure to request the Weyr's best wines be delivered to them so that they could enjoy their drink while they enjoyed being in one another's company.

"Well, it is my lucky day then; even though I'm losing bets left and right, so far."

The man's eyes returned to the sands then to see a Bronze born from its shell, and looked on with increased interest. He was always curious to see who would impress the metallics.

Moments later, D'nier sat up straight when Thanekar was knocked to the sands, craning his neck to see. Of course, Syra and Falyn both were there, and he could see that they would take care of him. But still, he wanted to confirm with Taroth.

Taroth? The mental question was implied by the images shared in their mind's eye, and momentarily, he felt at least some minimal reassurances from the Bronze that Thane was at least not dead.

The Weyrleader squeezed Karene's hand when she took his, doing his best to offer some reassurances. "Judging by Healer Jang's behaviour, it seems as though he'll be just fine. If anything were seriously wrong, I'm sure Jang would have gone with him to the infirmary." Giving the Werywoman's hand a squeeze again, he cupped his other hand over the top of both of theirs, adding a touch of comfort to the hand hold.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:55 pm


Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Tey_zps991fcd85

One of the boys had been injured by a baby Dragon, Teylarrin noted. Well, a couple of them had been, but only one looked serious. The boy bleeding from his head. She hoped that the wound was not as bad as it seemed. He might die. That would put a damper on the rest of the day, maybe even part of tomorrow. Some of those Dragons were mean. This one knocking a boy out.  That Queen that had tried to kill her. She had been under the impression that these animals were supposed to help people. Her faith in them was shaking. They were clearly not as nice as she had been told.

     She continued walking backwards, slowly making her way to where the other young women were clustered. Her eyes were on the events surrounding Thanekar. She was not paying much attention to where she was going. It was not until she bumped in to Emerene that she turned around. She mumbled an apology and stepped off to the side. She did not know the older girl very well. Emerene came off as a snob and so Teylarrin kept her distance. She had enough experience with uptight people from back home to know that it was better to just stay out of their way.

Now that she was paying attention to what she was supposed to be, she noticed that some of the other Candidates were bouncing uncomfortably in the dirt. She did not see what the problem was. It was not cold like the stones outside. They were not as hot as the sun-baked rocks out in the dessert. She had shake her head. These cold-climate people were silly.

  Some more Eggs began to rattle. It took only a moment for them to crack and the little animals inside to hatch.  Out came another Blue. There were an awfully lot of those, she thought. They were pretty but they did not concern her much as anything but idol curiosity. Those were for boys, after all. She had missed the one that Impressed a girl as she had been away collecting Seirsha at the time. Shortly thereafter came one that was almost red. She wondered if it mated with one of those Blues if they could get some purple Dragons. There were already red ones like that one, orange ones, blue ones, green ones, yellow ones, and brown ones.  Purple was the only color that was missing from the rainbow. Except for brown, which was fairly certain was not a part of a rainbow. It just felt wrong to keep that one color out of the loop.

  After the Blues, soon came a Green.  It wondered all about looking for whatever it was that Baby Draggies looked for in people. Tey-Tey thought that maybe it would be interested her.  It came near her and then it went, deciding that she was not the person that it wanted. Apparently she was as invisible to them as she was to people. It finally settled a girl from the Stands. Teylarrin wondered why it went looking all of the way over there. There were plenty of boys and girls on the Sands. Didn’t it know that people up in the seats were not available choices? It must be because babies were not that smart.  Eventually it would learn better and then it would be ashamed at its faux pas. She had already forgiven it, herself.

    Now that the little Green had finished its hunt, Teylarrin went back to watching the other Eggs. The large Queen shifted. Tey-Tey slipped behind Veyani. It probably would not do much good as Vey-Vey wasn’t thick enough to make for a very good shield, but any added protection was better than none. She caught a glimpse of that other Gold Egg. She had seen it before.  No one else had paid much attention when she had tried to tell them about it. That was probably because they had not seen it during the touching day.  The Queen had been sitting on it again. She would have thought that her weight would have broken it. Eggs must have been much be more durable than she had suspected that they were.

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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:50 am


The young woman was watching Thanekar being taken from the sands, paying less attention to what else was happening. While she had her attention elsewhere another blue Impressed. She was thinking the same as Teylarrin, why so many blues? She was much less likely to Impress one of them! Of course during her mental complaint a brown hatched, which of course she had zero chance of Impressing. There was a green who had hatched while she was being silly and not paying attention but she seemed less interested in those on the Sands as she directed her attention elswhere. She cried and wailed and made Veyani want to reach out to her but that would be dangerous. The green wasn't hers. What happened if she didn't Impress now?

Veya took her cue to be concerned from an obviously anxious Galadrieth. It wasn't going to be good if the green didn't Impress. Oh Faranth, please let her find the person she was so readily pining for. She didn't think she could bear hearing the little thing wail one more time.

Her distraction cost her missing the next green who had been shy and not wanting to come out of her shell at all. She Impressed to a quiet girl that Veya had only interacted with briefly in lessons but seemed like a very nice girl. Shy people were just a little harder for her to get to know. Hopefully if she Impressed too, they could be friends.

Passerith and her rider were on to the Feeding area when teh  piteous dark green hatchling was able to finally coax her rider down from the Stands. Impression from the Stands was a rare thing and it made Veyani curious. She would like to know this girl too. She was happy though that the dragon Impressed and thought the pink dress the girl was wearing actually looked pretty cool next to the dark green dragon.

Next the red hued brown came out of his shell and walked toward the girl Candidates. Veyani sucked in a breath not because she was afraid but because she had no idea why a brown would come over here. Once he had either scared some of them into thinking he would rampage or given them false hope they might Impress, he walked back over to the boys.

He Impressed another of those Guard type Candidates, Zairren. She remembered him asking about her at the touching. Maybe he would be able to reign in the obviously manipulative brown.

Veyani watched with wide eyes then as Galadrieth shifted. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Teylarrin move behind her. She was afraid and for good reason, thought the Candidate. She broadened her own stance, to look more wide, more protective. No dragon would get to Teylarrin without going through her. Because, she was so strong and built and everything. Acting tough wasn't the same as being tough. A dragon could probably see through her act but it was too late now.

She caught a glimpse then of why the Gold had moved. Another Gold? Like most of the weyr it seemed, she was in a hushed shock.  


Once Thanekar had been moved he focused his attention as best he could to the Hatching. A green hatched but obviously was having trouble finding who she was looking for. Then a blue, who quickly Impressed a young man, followed by a brown and then another green. In all that time the other green failed to Impress.

Like many others there, he wondered if there was anything he could do. Especially noting the agitation of the Queen dragon. Luckily it seemed there was someone for her, even if it was strange to see anyone Impress from the Stands. He was just glad the little thing Impressed finally.

Seeing the next brown, who was almost more red than brown in some places, head toward the female Candidates he thought he might have seen it all then. But the dragon had been toying with them all and made his way back to the boys. Sneezing on Torianu and then promptly moving to stare Bladen in the face.

There was no Impression though as the brown moved past him to Impress to Zairren. He wanted to wish the other good luck because he had a feeling Draugarth was going to be a handful. But he didn't say anything as a hush fell over the Cavern. Galadrieth had moved, revealing a second Gold Egg. He felt himself swallow hard and he looked in Ember's direction. Maybe he underestimated just how good her chances were to Impress.

Not that he ever really doubted she could but he did worry about his chances with her if she Impressed a Queen and he didn't Impress. He wasn't trying to doubt himself but he was old to be a Candidate and the likelihood he would Impress at all was low and lower still the chances there would be another Bronze in this clutch and that he would choose Bladen.

He had never wanted anything so much in his life and she could be taken from him forever.


She knew that people were Impressing to the lesser colors as she watched the Gold egg with an intensity that bordered on obsession. Her eyes were only taken from the egg once, at the wailing of the small green. She was then able to witness the rare Impression from the Stands. They were lucky the girl had come to watch because if she hadn't been there the green could very well have gone Between.

Her eyes back on the Queen Egg she saw Galadrieth move herself farther away, revealing a second Gold. All at once Indylari's heart beat just a little faster. This could be her chance. Hope had risen from the depths of her chest and she knew this was her last Hatching but she had twice the chance of Impressing than she had before. This could be it. This could be the beginning of her freedom.


Karene didn't mind his gambling so long as he was able to do his work, which he was. She couldn't say she liked gambling herself. Although she supposed life was often a gamble in and of itself. She'd probably be great at gambling if that was the case because she was always getting exactly what she wanted.

D'nier's concern for her son was kind, "He has a thick head, I'm sure he will okay." Stubborn little brat, really, she thought. "But my other son Impressed the Bronze." She said with a  smirk. "K'vik is only thirteen, this should be interesting." His red hair was so easy to find because it was so dark a hue. Unlike her own which bordered more strawberry then red.

As she watched the girl Impress from the Sands, she grimaced. Impressions from the Stands meant not Searching well enough...they would need to do some increased drills then. Or maybe they would like to explain to her why that girl wasn't on the Sands to begin with.

She didn't like seeing Galadrieth anxious over her little ones Impressing. There should be no need for her to be. Tucking that part of her thoughts away for later, she focused on the movement of the Gold, she was revealing the second egg. Karene knew this was going to be a big moment and could sense the immense amount of pride welling up in Galadrieth. Queens didn't have multiple Golds in one clutch, it wasn't done. At least it hadn't been done in all the Turns she had been alive.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:37 pm

The Charismatic Puppeteer Egg gleamed the dark honey Gold color of its dam. As large as the other Gold Egg and possibly less patient, the dragonet inside began to make quick work of her shell. The Popular Princess Egg which housed her sister, sensing the urgency of the other began to vigorously break out of her shell. It was a race. Who would be first? Who would claim the best of the best?! Neither was willing to back down. So strong was the rocking of the two eggs that Galadrieth backed away, careful not to touch any of the eggs still on the Sands. She would allow the crowd to see what was happening. Her two daughters were glorious, strong and determined. In essence she believed them to be perfect.

In the end, it was really difficult to say which ungainly dragonet emerged first. The Popular Princess Egg revealed a sunny, almost buttery colored Gold with patches of light yellow gold throughout her hide. Even wet her hide seemed to sparkle like her shell and her persona. She wasn't afraid to take a wobbly step towards the female Candidates gathered nearby.

Her sister, equally lovely but having a hide which smoothly transitions between a bright coppery color gold to a yellowy gold. There are no blemishes or markings on her at all, merely the smooth transition from a coppery gold to a more yellow gold. She is slightly lighter than Galadrieth but nowhere near as light colored as her sister.

This Charismatic Puppeteer Gold also began with an awkward step toward the Candidates. She wasn't upset that she had farther to go and rather saw it might be to her advantage. Surely she'd know how to walk better before she got to them. She made it a point to walk slowly, letting her sister see how poised she could be. The Popular Princess Gold, pretended to ignore her sister as she moved on wobbly legs, head held high with pride closer to the girls.

Unfortunately The Popular Princess Gold, was just as clumsy as other Golds before her. Due to the large size of these dragons at Hatching it was much harder for them to control their movement. Normally being patient had little effect, it took the Golds a long time not to be clumsy on the ground. So despite her sister trying to be ready before she neared the girls, the poor Gold was just as doomed as she was.

Being the closest meant getting first pick and as far as The Popular Princess Gold was concerned, that meant not having to risk her sister taking what was so obviously hers! The lighter Gold was soon close enough to almost touch the girls and her wobbling had gotten no better. She tried to move more slowly but she tripped, lurching forward and crushing two pretty young girls to the point where one was most certainly dead and the other might never walk again. '

Anyone who stood for a Hatching knew the risks involved. Especially when Gold dragonets were involved. The lighter Gold, stood slowly, eyes whirling in confusion and pain and fear, echoing the emotions of those around her. She looked back at her mother for support. Why were they all afraid? It was an accident. Galadrieth sent the little Queen encouragement and love. Keep looking sweetheart. She is here.

As both Golds stole the attention from onlookers, the other eggs had not stopped hatching.

A small pale colored green hatched from the Shooting Star Egg but noted that almost no one saw her. How rude! With a huff of irritation she shook off the remainder of her shell. Unlike the giant Gold things, she could walk just fine without hurting anyone. Yes, she was small which meant she could move around without the clumsiness of the larger ones.

She walked in the direction of Veyani and Teylarrin, who was hiding behind the blonde. When the green was directly in front of Veyani, she used her long neck to peer around the girl and look at Teyalrrin.

Just because they don't notice us, doesn't mean we aren't special.
The green practically shoved Veyani to the side, in order to nuzzle Teylarrin in the chest. I am Astraiath. Using her maw she clutched at Teylarrin's robes to pull her forward. They won't see us. We should go eat before the big ones get there and ruin everything.

As the Golds continued to distract attention from the other hatchlings, another green hatched, from the Forgetful Flirt Egg. This green waked among the Candidates, nuzzling one then rubbing her head against another's arm. She was interested in meeting them all it seemed and was very friendly. Almost too friendly.

Finally she settled on a pretty youth whom she practically barrelled into with the joy of finding. The newly Impressed, heard her charming and seductive tone, My lovely rider, Lethiath is here. Can we not eat now? Come, come, the food is that way.

As the green happily walked off with her newly impressed. The Revolutionary Dreamer Egg shattered into pieces. The dragonet within shook the remnants of shell from his dark blue hide. Streaks of gray ran along the under side of his wings and along the end of his tail. He walked toward the boys, paying little to no attention to the Gold dragonets. They were clumsy things and couldn't keep up with the more fluid movement of smaller clutchmates like himself. He was eager to find his lifemate.

He didn't waste any time looking among the girls, he knew his rider was among the boys. When his eyes latched onto a tall blonde, the Impression was made. Do you think we can go eat now? I am starving. I promise there will be plenty for the others. I only want my share. "His name is Wyscanth!" The young man shouted to the Stands as the two walked off in the direction of the feeding area.

At around the same time another green had hatched from the Vivacious Child Egg. If a dragon could skip then she would be doing so. Her little legs created an almost bouncing stride as she hopped toward the girl Candidates. She was playfully, ducking in and around, looking for her lifemate. The green was in a light hearted mood and for those who paid attention seemed to be searching as if playing hide and seek with her future rider. When she found her, she called to her, Gotcha! The green almost pounced on her new lifemate. Come on! Let's go and play!

"Her name is Kharisth!" The girl called out with a grin and eagerly went back to paying attention to the green as they left the Sands.

The Charismatic Puppeteer Gold was drawing closer to the girl Candidates and righted herself just in time to keep herself from falling in her sudden haste to Impress before her sister. The Popular Princess by contrast was now taking things a bit more slowly. She was searching for her lifemate, she didn't want to hurt her.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:21 pm

Two blues.  His first hatching, and two blues had hatched first.  Whatever most weyrfolk thought of the occurrence, Iraellium was still in awe of the dragonets stumbling across the sands.

Ungainly and awkward, they lurched on their feet, sometimes forward, sometimes sideways, but clearly seeking something.  Food, probably.  And their lifemates, whoever they were.

Somewhere among the Candidates were two men, or women he supposed, who would bond with the new dragonets and be forever changed.  From what he understood, anyway.  No one in his family was a dragonrider, so he'd had no one to question about the experience.

Then again, no one in his family had been a guardsman as he had, and he hadn't needed a frame of reference then.  He'd simply been given an opportunity and taken it, hoping to leave his home life behind for a time and better learn to cope with it.  Just as he had when he'd been Searched.

Only this time, he was truly hoping for a life-altering change.

That all depended on the dragons, of course, and whether one of the newly hatched would choose him or not.  It wasn't something he could control himself, as he had with training to be a guard.  He simply had to wait and see, like all the other candidates.  Which was really easier said than done, now that the moment was at hand.

Watching the two blues as they passed young men and women by gave him hope, yet at the same time caused him to wonder if they'd do the same thing to him.  Was one of these dragonets to be his?  Or would he have to wait even longer?

As one of them neared, he was sure he'd be passed by.  Steeling himself for the rejection, he closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly to center himself as he'd been taught.  But when he opened his eyes, he was instantly caught in a sea of swirling orange.  The color seemed to morph as he watched, the faintest threads of blue and purple mixing in, deepening and enhancing the orange.  The sight was both hypnotic and soothing, despite the gnawing in his gut that was beginning to make itself known.

Time seemed to stand still for those few seconds, and then a voice spoke, breaking him out of the trance.

Hurry, maybe we can sneak some extra food while no one else is looking!  C'mon I'llium!  You will call me, Borsaioloth.

The blue head butting into his leg nearly caused him to lose his balance, unexpected as it was.  But he caught himself and instinctively reached a hand out to stop the dragonet from shoving him again.


He wasn't certain any sound had come from his mouth, unable to hear it over the rushing in his ears.

Why are you not moving?  I want food.  Lots of food.  We must find it before the others, so we can get extra.  You should be moving.

Iraellium's-- no, I'llium's-- cheeks began to crease with a smile at the impatient insistence of the little blue.  His blue.  Borsaioloth.

"There's no need to rush.  There's plenty for everyone."

Hurry! was all he got in response.

"All right, all right.  Come on, then."  If it was food Borsaioloth-- his blue!-- wanted, then it was food he would get.  Far be it for I'llium to stand there and enjoy the moment when there was a hungry dragonet to feed.  "This way, Borsaioloth."

The little blue gave a little grunt of apparently agreement at his thoughts, but followed along beside him readily enough.

A couple of times he wobbled and I'llium had to reach out and steady him, but once Borsaioloth found his footing, he navigated the sands as if he'd been running along for days, weeks, months, instead of mere moments.

And then it was all the newly Impressed bluerider could do to keep up.


Blues!  And such pretty little blues they were, Emberlynn thought, excitedly watching each shell crack and release its occupant.  The dragonets fought so hard to emerge, shook off whatever bits of shell remained, and immediately began to survey the waiting Candidates.

They moved quickly, drawing the eye even as other eggs continued or started to rock.  Snaps and crackling could be heard, and it was obvious other dragonets were about to emerge.  But her eyes remained on the blues, waiting to see what they would do.

One chose his lifemate quickly, another former guardsman like Bladen, though he was not also from Fort.  The young man was most certainly bitter about something, and she hoped for his sake that the blue who found him would help whatever wounds he carried to heal.

Before the other blue could Impress, though, her attention was drawn to a lovely little green. Her darker hide contrasting with the bright color of her egg's shell.  It was clear she would be larger than most dragons of her color, and that she already knew how to put use her size to her advantage.

Ember rather thought the young man she chose was a perfect fit, though that would obviously remain to be seen in the days to come.

In the meantime, the other blue had managed to come closer to where she, herself stood, though he chose another girl down the line.  And it was clearly love at first sight for the pair, just as it should be.

In fact, she'd not seen a chosen Candidate yet without a smile on his or her face, a clear sign that it was impossible to contain the joy and excitement the event caused, no matter how deeply troubled the human half of the pair might be.

Smiling at the thought, the former barmaid shifted her gaze from the newly Impressed pairs walking off the Sands, to find a bronze had broken through the Intellectual Snob egg while she'd not been watching.

Handsome he was, though he seemed to care little for the shell that had kept him safe for the past several sevendays.  The sands were apparently causing him more trouble than his smaller clutchmates, though he made a great effort to move across them with the ease and grace of his color.

Until he reached the Candidates, anyway.

There, it seemed, his excitement was getting the better of him.  Or perhaps his age, given that he'd just Hatched.  And he caused quite the stir as he first nearly tripped over Bladen-- Ember winced in response to that and glanced quickly to the Stands to see if she couldn't spot a healer nearby-- then knocked Thanekar to the ground with a flailing wing.

A healer was definitely necessary for him and Emberlynn instinctively moved in his direction, though she kept an eye on the bronze in case he decided to come towards the girls.

After nearly running over one of the other boys, the bronze finally stopped, finding his rider at last.  And she was happy for the pair, truly, but also worried about the injured still on the Sands.  Surely they needed to take Thanekar to the infirmary?  And possibly bandage Bladen's leg?

Before she could reach either of the boys, Falyn was there, and so was the Weyrlingmaster.  They seemed to have it well in hand, though Ember herself ignored the next eggs hatching and continued to thread her way through the Candidates, staying just on the edge of where the girls stood, in case she could be of any help.

It wasn't long before a healer arrived and carried the Weyrwoman's son out of harm's way, for which she was grateful.  And Bladen's injury must not have been too horrible, as he remained on the Sands.

Trying to catch his eye, Emberlynn hoped the bleeding and pain would stop quickly for his sake.  Sharp talons had to hurt…

Her attention was soon drawn to the eggs again, as more gasps emanated from the people in the Stands.  A few more Candidates had been chosen and were leading their lifemates towards the waiting food.  A blue, a brown, a green… and there were more dragonets emerging, almost too quickly for her to follow them all!

The piteous wailing of another green drew her ears, and she wondered why the poor creature would make such a sound.  Surely her person was here?

Biting her lip in worry, Ember hoped she wasn't about to witness the loss of a baby dragon.  She knew it happened, but such sadness would mar the experience for everyone, especially the poor dragonet.

But the little green remained where she was and appeared to be staring at someone… in the Stands??  But who?

More gasps drew her eyes away from the dark colored green, her own voice added to the chorus at the sight that greeted her.

A brown had hatched, though he at first appeared to be blood red.  A potentially ominous sign, a warning that the Red Star was looming close, perhaps?  Or simply a young dragon?

The way the dragonet eyed the Candidates was certainly disconcerting-- he almost appeared to be searching for his meat among them, instead of a lifemate.  Indeed, when he finally chose one-- another of the former guardsmen-- he bit at the young man's shoulder in impatience.

It was some consolation that Emberlynn knew dragons could not innately be bad, but it was clear this one was either of a superior intellect to most, or his animal instincts were far closer to the surface than most.  Perhaps it was even a combination of the two.  Whichever the case, his new lifemate would certainly have his hands full!

As the brown pair began to walk off the Sands, her attention was finally drawn back to the lonely green, whose calls had become more demanding, even as they implored her rider to come to her.  And apparently the girl had finally heard, for as Ember watched, she jumped down from the edge of the Stands, landed in the arms of the Weyrlingmaster, and hit the ground running towards the poor little green waiting for her.

The former barmaid sighed in relief as she realized that no, she wasn't about to witness the loss of a dragonet, and smiled at the look on the newly-made rider's face.  They were certainly going to be happy.

Once again, a collective gasp, this time the loudest it had yet been, rocked the Hatching Cavern.  And Ember turned to fully face the eggs.  Her line of sight encompassed most of the remaining shells, though she also had a clear view of Galadrieth's tail… and the egg it had been hiding.

Another gold?!  Two?  How did two happen in one clutch?

Her mind reeling at the thought, Emberlynn once again wished her siblings were here to witness this with her.  Not only was this a Hatching, but such a momentous one as this occurred so rarely…!

Two golds!

It didn't even matter if neither of them chose her-- to be standing here while history was being made… what a story she'd have to tell later!

Every sense heightened as she took in the sights, sounds, smells… the hot sand beneath her feet was entirely ignored as she watched the two glittering golden eggs rock, shake, and fairly explode as the dragonets inside pushed there way out.  Beauties they were, one lighter in color, the other more closely resembling Galadrieth's deeper golden tone.  Brightly gleaming hide drew the eye in two directions, and Ember wasn't sure which she should watch.

She settled for glancing between the two, noting the difference in how each moved, one more slowly as if she knew how clumsy she was, the other a little more quickly, clearly making a dash for the Candidates waiting for her.

Wincing in pain for the two girls who had merely been in the way of the ungainly gold, Ember closed her eyes for the briefest of moments.  She wished when she opened them that the girls would be all right, but she knew better.  They'd all been warned, of course, but that didn't make it any easier to witness the damage to the innocent young women.  Thanekar's injury seemed much less brutal, and she hoped once again that he was going to be all right.

Taking a step back out of caution, not fear, Emberlynn continued to watch the golds as they approached the Candidates, hoping she could move quickly enough out of the way if one was bent on choosing one of the other girls next to her.  "We should spread out a little more," she told those closest, hoping to give the golds a little more room to maneuver and keep more of the young women waiting to Impress safe at the same time.
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Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:17 am


Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Tey_zps991fcd85

Teylarrin watched the dragon and the girl in the pink dress depart. The Green’s whining had left a ringing in her ears.  It was almost as though she could hear it calling still. While she did think that taking a person from the Stands was both cheating and unfair to those who had been properly Searched, she could not say that she was unhappy that the Dragon had found that girl. If it made a habit of crying like that all of the time, she was even kind of glad that it gone for someone else. She would not have been able to handle that for long. That would not have worked out well for either of them.

  Rubbing a fingertip in her ear to try and massage away the lingering sound, Tey-Tey returned her attention ahead. That was when the Gold began to move. Her instinctive reaction was cower. Vey-Vey’s was to form a human shield. She doubted that the larger Candidate would do much to stop a rampaging Dragon.  She could absorb the first blow, sure. Beyond that Teylarrin would be on her own. That did not do anything to diminish the gesture, however. She was glad that she had friends who were willing to do stupid things for her. That was the difference between a regular friend and a good friend.

    Teylarrin situated herself so that she peer through the gap between Veyani’s elbow and her side. It was not much space though and she could only make out a portion of the Hatching Sands. Indeed, she even missed the approaching Green. She received quite a start its head popped around her flesh wall. She got another one when it spoke.

It was strange. It was as if another portion of her mind unlocked; a part that she had not known was there. A new group of thoughts were suddenly filling her head. It was like they were hers but not. New sensations flooded her. They had the same ghostly quality as the thoughts: it was a part of her but different. It took a moment -which could have been a second or four but it felt like several minutes in her sudden state of hyperawareness- before the realization of what had happened struck home. “Astraiath!” she cried.

 Teylarrin looked around at the people who remained on the Sands. She looked the Veyani for confirmation. She knew why she had come, but it was all so very different when it actually happened. She could not believe it. This was her new friend, her baby, her draggie. Then the Dragon snatch her. She yelped as she was pulled from behind the other girl. It was only then that meaning behind the Hatchling’s words sank in. Her gaze when to the Gold Dragon that had fallen on the two girls. “Yah, weh shud gow.”

I am a better walker than they are.
They can't even stand up.

Teylarrin was not going to argue. She did not want the Green to choose someone else. There was also the fact that Astraiath had not maimed anyone due to her newly hatched status.  And Golds were mean. They did not care who they hurt as long as they got their way.

They only care about being the center of attention. They are only special on the outside. We're special on the inside.

It had not occurred to Teylarrin that Astraiath could hear her thoughts. In hindsight it made sense that the ability would go both ways. How else could Riders and Dragons communicate?  “Riyte. Leds guh.” She gave Veyani an encouraging pat before turning toward the entrance. She could feel gnawing emptiness in her gut. She had not had breakfast but she was not sure that it was her hunger that was bothering her. If it was Astraiath’s then the little Green was doing a marvelous job not to eat her own wings.

 Teylarrin walked slowly so that the newborn could keep up.  She did not want to push the Green too hard, even if the Dragon insisted that it could do it. She threw a shocked expression toward Seirsha as she passed by. “Ya gawd tuh gid wun, too,” she said with stopping. She needed to fill that baby’s gullet.
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Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!)   Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' (PotA Hatching!!) I_icon32Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:00 pm


When Galadrieth moved, it was apparent that there had been two golds laid; and one had been protected. 

Two golds!? Emerene thought. She had never seen something like this happen before. Had it ever happened before? She couldn't remember any ballads or tales that spoke of two golden eggs in the same clutch; but then, admittedly, she didn't always pay the most attention in her classes. Sometimes she was just too busy with other things. 

The girl's attention was so focused on either of the hatchling golds that she hardly noticed anything else going on around her. The other girls around the circle, and anything that went on in the stands or across the rest of the sands was nothing more than a blur to her. There was nothing else in the world that exists that was more important than Gold. 

Gasping in shock at the unexpected fatality, Emerene was both horrified and sympathetic. It was tragic that these kinds of things happened on the sands, but it was a risk that every one of the candidates took when they agreed to stand. Emerene could feel what uncertainty the little gold must have felt then, as she looked up at Galadrieth, feeling sympathetic toward either of the little ones, because it was all they could do to simply stay on their feet. And taking those first brave steps forward were crucial to their survival. Were they scared? They needed to bond!

Emerene felt herself tiring of the wait, and deep from within her, the desire to reach out and make contact with one of them brought fort a mental call that she hoped would reach them. Specifically however, she had hoped to comfort the poor little one who had stumbled over the candidates. But if either would listen, she was there for them. Be strong. There is someone here for you who will love you and be with you forever. Just look and you will find her! She glanced between the golden dragons then, willing her own self to stand firm and become as bold as they, as they took their first steps.
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