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... now they must watch their abundance of luxuries fall away, making room for the tools of survival, and witness this time of relative peace wither into the same fears that harper's ballads had warned them about for generations.
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 Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)

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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:12 pm

The idyllic life of a lady, pregnant with her husband's heir and with no care in the world, was hers for a brief time. She was afraid to move wrong, or get herself worked up because of the baby but she did her best to be calm and not distress the unborn too much. She'd felt the little one move within her more than once but this week there had been nothing. She was very concerned but she knew everything would be fine, everything always worked out fine for her in the end.

So that morning she went about her normal business. Eolyn met with Courisse who was her Headwoman and they discussed what should be done that day. By mid-day, something was clearly wrong with her though, she became feverish and began to have severe cramps. She didn't make it to the infirmary before a drudge had to carry her. She was weak, shaking, her cramps were unbearable and there was sweat dripping from her head.

Eolyn was placed on a table in the infirmary immediately but there was little to be done that wasn't already happening.

Lyria was there at her side immediately. Ariadne at her elbow, handing her whatever she needed. The two worked well together and had gotten into a groove. They didn't speak much at first, trying to help lower the Lady's fever first thing.

Eolyn reached for a hand to hold on to, there were tears in her eyes from the pain and what she knew must be happening. Ariadne took her hand and almost cried too, she had to look away from the other woman's face.

"I'm losing the baby, aren't I?" She said so softly, it was like she hadn't even spoken but more her thoughts were audible.

Ariadne nodded, "Yes. We'll send someone for Courisse and Lord Rihan immediately." As she said it two of the drudges were already speeding out of the infirmary. Lyria and Ariadne continued to treat Eolyn but there was nothing to be done for the baby. Nothing they could do. It had not been in the womb long enough to live outside of it.

Ariadne held on to the young lady holder's hand as she pushed the dead child out of her womb. It was tiny, only about six inches tall but it was dead before she ever cast it from her body, it was clear that it had not been alive. She must have had some kind of infection which would be the cause of her fever. The weakness and the cramps were likely from the miscarriage itself and now the loss of blood. They were going to have to help her stay hydrated.

"Can you tell if..." Eolyn said, trying to sit up. The numbweed must be working.
"A boy." Ariadne said to her gently. As she laid a hand on her shoulder to push her back onto the bed. "Drink some water." Ariadne insisted while Lyria did what needed to be done medically.
Eolyn's tears were falling into the cup as she tried to drink from it. Her hands were too shaky, she nearly dropped it. "I'll try later." she said, thrusting the cup back into Ariadne's hands.

Eolyn was inconsolable, rightly so. She couldn't stop sobbing, so they finally had to knock her out, to get her to rest. "I'll clean up, Lyria so you can speak to Courisse and Lord Rihan." Who were no doubt waiting impatiently to be admitted.

The two drudges parted ways as one went in search of the headwoman and the other in search of the Lord Holder.

The one searching for Courisse started in the office but ended up finding Courisse in the kitchen. "H-headwoman. It's the Lady Eolyn. She's losing the baby and she's awfully ill from it." The drudge made it clear that Eolyn was already in the infirmary and someone had been sent to find Lord Rihan.

The drudge did find the Lord out inspecting the grounds. "My Lord." He bowed quickly. "I'm sorry to interrupt but this is an emergency. The Lady Eolyn, she is very ill." He didn't want to be the bearer of bad news and was trying to hide the sadder part of the news, "The baby is dead. I'm sorry my Lord. They have Lady Eolyn in the infirmary."

No one knew how Lord Rihan might react. His new wife was possibly dying and his heir had not yet even had a chance to breathe his first breath. He would be devastated. There was no doubt. Everyone knew he doted on his wife.

When they got to the infirmary no one was being admitted. There were things to put in order before anyone saw the Lady. They had to make her presentable, for her own sake. She didn't want to be seen covered in blood. Once she was thoroughly cleaned up, Lyria went out to the hallway.

"There was nothing to be done for the baby. I'm so sorry. Eolyn is young and strong, there is no reason she cannot fight off this illness. I do believe she somehow has an infection that started in her uterus and progressed to making her and the baby ill. The miscarriage being the result of the illness, I cannot say how much of her is suffering from the illness. The fever is down for now. She has passed the child, what will be coming from her now is simply the afterbirth and placental tissues." She paused.

"We had to sedate her to keep her from sobbing so harshly. Its impossible to say how much her grief will affect her recovery but I hope you will both try to keep any blame from her and help her to see there will be other children in the future. If she dwells on her failure to carry her child to term she could very well lose her desire to live and then there will be very little we can do for her."

Opening the door, she stepped aside, "She should wake up soon." They were free to visit her now. Ariadne moved away from the bed and went to help Lyria clean everything they used.

Once they were out of earshot and sight, Ariadne let the tears roll. "I truly think she is too sweet to have something like that happen. How senseless is that loss?" she shook her head. Lyria agreed but they both had children now, Lyria took care of the baby Courisse had carried and Ariadne was pregnant and had a three Turn old daughter. Reassuringly she said, "I'm sure the young couple will have another baby started in that womb in no time. I wouldn't worry. She is young and the infection will clear up and she'll be stronger for it."
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:57 pm

Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Bess10

When the news reached her ears, Courisse froze in place, turning pale and dropping the bread basket that was in her hand. Some of the loaves were wound up tossed to the floor in her hurry to leave the kitchens and go to her Lady Holder's aid.

Courisse was already crying, in a terrible fright, by the time she made it to the infirmary. But, the healers were so frantic over her condition, they weren't admitting anyone to see her. So, Courisse would have to wait.

For several minutes, Courisse paced, waiting impatiently just beyond the threshold, for the time she'd be allowed to see Eolyn. Her eyes searched every few seconds also, for Rihan, who would certainly be on his way here promptly.

Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Gackt19edit

Rihan had been with Drien, his Steward, and one of the master crafters who was assisting them int he construction of a new project when the drudge came to him. The words barely had time to register in his head before he was shoving everything in his hands at Drien, so that his cousin could take over for him. It was with greater haste than at any other time, that he rushed to find his beloved Eolyn.

Having run all the way to the infirmary, Rihan was the next, after Courisse, to arrive; that was, outside of the healers. He was forced to wait, by order of the healer in charge, until they'd finished stabilizing his wife and washed her and moved her to a clean bed before he was able to see her. Respecting the healers a great deal, Rihan waited impatiently with Courisse until they were admitted.

The young holder shooed everyone else away after receiving the full report on her health status, so that he could be with his wife. Rihan examined her, seeing that the small belly she'd had disappeared, and she seemed terribly warm and drowsy; was she even awake? They must have given her a lot of fellis.

Rihan set a hand to her forehead, testing Eolyn's temperature. She still had just a little fever. He took his own kerchief to blot her face dry, and then bent to kiss the top of her head. Before he said anything, he'd kissed her face several times.

"Dearest Eolyn. If you're afraid, just close your eyes and I'll be there, protecting you. I am here for you. I love you." Truth be told, Rihan felt that those few words were the only words that need be said. There was no other way he'd be able to comfort her -except just to be there with her, lovingly supporting her.

Rihan too, was scared. He was scared that he might lose Eolyn.

He was also saddened by the loss of their child, but that reality had not yet been fully realized by him. He was too focused on Eolyn's health.

All the while, Courisse was wringing her hands anxiously, or clutching handfulls of her skirts, unable to otherwise contain her nervousness about the whole situation. As soon as Rihan went to Eolyn's side, Courisse moved to the opposite side of the bed, situating herself there, so that she dind't crowd him. She knew as long as she allowed the Holder his space and time with Eolyn, he'd have no qualms with her being there.

"My Lady, I'm here for you, too. My Lady, Eolyn? Are you still awake?" Courisse took one of Eolyn's hands, giving it a squeeze. Of course, she was still crying.
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:43 pm

She woke groggily from the fellis. The healers had done what she would have in their position so she couldn’t really fault them for making her rest. Anyway, waking up was worse than falling asleep. Eolyn felt disoriented, so much so that she kept her eyes closed for a couple of moments, allowing herself time to adjust. She was beyond crying now, at least for a little while. She felt the kisses planted all over her face and heard her beloved’s voice and she opened her eyes. She hoped he hadn’t noticed how blotchy her skin was from her previous sobbing fits.

“I love you too. I’m sorry to have worried you…” And she was sorry about their son but she couldn’t say that out loud just yet. Not without dissolving into tears. She wanted nothing more than to be his perfect lady. Perfection was something she always strived for. She had never prepared herself to become ill and lose a child. All she could do was think about that loss now. She would never forget it and neither would Rihan’s family. She was supposed to be fertile. She was supposed to have his heir affirming his right to be the next Lord Holder of Telgar. Now things would be a little less certain.

Hearing Courisse from beside her, she turned her head to look at the other woman. “Thank you.” She said, glad not for the first time that her cousin had come with her to Telgar. She needed a friend just as she needed her husband. They were the two people in all the world who knew how to make her feel better. She would be better.

“Can I have some water, Courisse?”
“Rihan, will you help me to sit up a little?”

She would use their services while they were here. “I need to drink a lot of fluids.” Eolyn said, trying only to focus on the fact that she was ill and not the cause of her illness. This was all a fluke accident. There was no reason she couldn’t have a baby, no reason at all. Her boy was gone but he never truly lived. She would have to console herself with thoughts like that.

“Thank you both. I love you so dearly. I will try to get better, I promise. I might be a little sad for a while but I will get better. I will.” She said very determined that this loss would be the only one. She could see Courisse had been crying. There would be other children but there was only one of her, she had to keep that in mind, even when she felt so depressed and forlorn without the baby. Gone was that special something to look forward to.
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:00 pm

As soon as Eolyn woke, Rihan's eyes were alight with joy. In his hand, he squeezed hers again, though he was afraid to crowd her, so refrained from embracing her, though his body tensed as though he might make the move to do so.

When she asked for help, Rihan immediately moved to help her sit up, watching Courisse go to fill her a fresh cup of water so that she could drink.

Instead of sitting back down in his chair, Rihan sat beside his wife on her bed. He seemed to monitor Courisse's helping her drink, very watchful over her. It was very apparent the depth of his love and concern for her.

The concern wasn't only for her though, but gradually it'd started to sink in what the healers had told him -that their baby had been a male. Telgar's Heir Apparent was truly saddened to by the loss of their first child. He'd been so excited about his wife's pregnancy. She had been, too.

Now that Eolyn's eyes were open again, he hated to see that light of love's expectancy leave them. Rihan just hoped that he didn't have to see Eolyn cry anytime soon. It would be devastating for him to see her in such a state, knowing that there was little he could do to turn her sorrow into happiness again, unless they were to become pregnant once more.

Courisse by that point was wondering if Eolyn needed to have her drink a little broth to help her recover her strength. "My Lady, do you think you could stomach a little broth to help your energy? If you don't eat at least a little something, you'll take too long to recover."

A new thought crossing his mind, Rihan left Eolyn's bedside to seek one of the healers. Recognizing Ariadne nearby, he went to her.

"When it's safe to move her, please have the Lady Holder moved into our own private quarters. If it needs to be done, make sure the drudges clean the room and change the linens, anything else necessary before tonight. There are rooms nearby that the assistant healer Lyria or yourself may stay in, if you fear that she may need further, extended care."
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:46 pm

She drank about half a cup of water in sips before waving off drinking more. "Later." She couldn't drink any more at the moment. It would make her unsettled stomach more unsettled. She wanted to sleep again now. Her loving husband and cousin were both wonderful but she also felt extremely tired. Putting on a brave face for them was also quite exhausting.

Eolyn was comforted by his presence. Rihan did not have to say anything to her. She knew he would be feeling as disappointed, as she was. They had both been looking forward to seeing their own child. She couldn't allow herself to dwell on what he might be thinking or feeling because it made her feel even more saddened. She wanted so much to be the Lady he deserved.

When Rihan "I can't eat just now. Maybe later..." She said, softly. It wouldn't be the first time that she could eat when she was full of nerves and unpleasant emotions. She would eat when she had an appetite.

"Maybe the cooks can make something special tomorrow, to brighten the mood?" She said to Courisse while Rihan had left her side to speak to the healers. "Could you arrange that? Tell them I'm especially looking forward to a pie." She tried a forced smile but realized it probably wouldn't look happy as the feeling was not reflected in her eyes.

Ariadne listened to the Lord and nodded, "Of course my Lord. We can move her tonight if you wish. The bleeding should have subsided quite a bit. The linens have already been changed. We thought it might be better for her spirit to be back in her own bed. Not here." Not here where she had lost her child, she didn't say but felt her would understand.

"Lady Eolyn knows enough about healing that if anything is at all off, she'll be able to tell herself and send for a healer." She paused, "All she needs is someone who cares for her nearby." It was obvious the healers were more concerned with her emotional and mental state.
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PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:46 pm

No one was asking Eolyn to put on a happy face. What she was going through was difficult and everyone knew it. There was no reason to uphold that kind of pretense. Courisse could see the truth of it all behind her cousin's eyes. The two girls had grown up together and were closer to one another than anyone else.

About to argue that the Lady Holder take in at least a little broth, since it would be more nourishing than water, Courisse decided not to, letting the subject be dropped when Rihan was suddenly up and walking across the room.

Courisse turned her attention back to Eolyn though, and smiled, taking her friend's hand again to give it a squeeze. For all her own strength, she herself had a hard time not breaking into tears again. And seeing Courisse cry might make Eolyn cry again. This just wouldn't do.

"Oh, Eolyn, I'm so sorry. Maybe we both will be in need of some fellis this evening." She said as her eyes started watering up again, moving to blot them dry with her dress sleeve.

Rihan seemed considerate of what Ariadne was telling him, and for a moment, his eyes turned down, expression thoughtful, before he spoke up again. "You have my appreciation." He was nodding, grateful that Eolyn's health was stable enough that Ariadne didn't seem too concerned.

"As a precaution then,... make arrangements for at least one healer to room nearby. It would grant me some additional peace of mind in case something were to happen."

When that was said, Rihan hesitated, not yet turning from her to depart. Maybe it wasn't quite the time to be inquiring after such things, but they were face to face now, so the few moments could be spared, surely. "How have you been faring?"

A strange question to be confronted with perhaps, by the mouth of a Lord Holder. But Rihan went on to explain himself, "Toshiro may not have told you that he asked me to make sure you were in good condition while he is away..."

The Captain of the Guard was prideful enough to possibly not have made mention of it at all to her.
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:35 pm

"Thank you Rissi." She said softly, taking care not to look into the other woman's eyes. Eolyn knew she would see her own emotions reflected there. She loved Courisse like a very close sister and knew the other woman felt the same. She'd always treated her like her own sister, they shared in everything. So it was only natural that Courisse would share in her grief too. For that, Eolyn was sorry. She never wanted to hurt anyone who loved her for any reason.

"Fellis might be a good idea, for tonight." But tonight was just one of many nights to come. And many more would follow them. She had to get through them all and could not rely on something as addictive as Fellis to get her through. She decided the easiest thing would be to take one day at a time. Breathe in and out, get out of bed, wash, dress, eat breakfast... one mundane detail at a time until she didn't have to tell herself she had to get out of bed in the morning and she didn't have to remind herself to breathe.

"I think they said they were going to move me to my own bed tonight too. That will be nice. To be comfortable." To not have people watching her, wondering what she was feeling, hoping she wasn't thinking badly of herself.


Ariadne nodded, "Of course my Lord, it will be as you request." There would be no problem with that. Ari would watch Lyria's adopted child tonight and Lyria would stay near Eolyn. She was caught off guard by his question though. It seemed an odd time to be worried about a drudge, no matter the connections.

She was fine, well, she would be fine the moment that Toshiro returned to her unharmed. "He did say you might. Also Jungi, when he has returned. I assure you though, if I need anything I will inform you."

Ari did say one thing more, "If you hear from him, you'll tell him I'm well, won't you?" While her words might not suggest it, her tone did. She missed her fiance, more than she could possibly convey. And perhaps Lord Rihan understood. He seemed to be in love with his wife.
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:04 am

In all honesty, Courisse wished that she could spend the night in the same room as Eolyn tonight, just like they used to share a room. They used to curl up in the same bed with covers thrown overhead, whispering secrets and gossiping and telling stories. Of course, Courisse always did a lot of the story telling. The girl missed that, though -that closeness between them. Maybe things hadn't changed between them since they'd come to Telgar as it might seem, maybe they were just growing up now that they had new lives ahead of them, but at a time like this, that's all Courisse wanted to do; curl up with Eolyn and hold her cousin, her best friend, and share in her sorrow and make it a little easier to bear.

Courisse couldn't help from giggling a little though when she thought about them both needing fellis. As melodramatic as usual, she knew otherwise it would be hard for her to sleep tonight. And she'd have to have her rest now, in order to help with the Lady Holder's own duties now that she was going to be on bed rest a while longer until she healed. She'd need to make time to visit her and for them to play cards or a board game or something, too. Or maybe read together.

Rihan would certainly have a difficult time with all that was going on around the Hold, making the extra time to be with Eolyn. But Courisse did know how deeply he was in love with her, so it wouldn't surprise her if he found a way.

Regardless, Courisse was going to be there for Eolyn, too.

"That will be much better to have you moved back into your own room. These infirmary beds aren't near as comfortable." She was smiling then, over something, even with moisture still about her eyes. "I can't wait to plan something good for you to eat tomorrow. And don't worry, I'll make it light so that neither of our stomachs protest it."

Rihan managed a meager smile even as his heart ached due to recent events, feeling somewhat unobliged. It only made his heart suffer more when Ariadne conveyed her longing for Toshiro. Of course, he could only nod and answer agreeably, "Of course. I will tell him. I'm sure it will put his heart at ease."

Though, it might be any length of time before he got word from the Captain, Rihan couldn't say out loud that he had no idea when he'd hear from her fiance. Or if he would. That thought pained him, for her sake.

"Thank you again, for all you've done for Lady Eolyn." He was turning then to return to his wife's side.
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:12 pm

All of the preparations were made as efficiently as possible. The linens on the bed they moved Eolyn were cleaned to the infirmary's standards. They didn't move her until she had successfully relieved her bladder and the bleeding was normal enough. The healers made certain there was plenty of padding for the rest of the contents of her womb to come spilling out into.

Eolyn was moved carefully, carried on a litter by drudges and gently moved from the litter to her much softer bed. Lyria was there, and made certain Eolyn was comfortable, making sure the layers of sheets and blankets covered the young lady. There were an ample amount of glows lit so that she could look around her room or read if she would like. Someone had been thoughtful enough to place some of her favorite books next to her bed on the night stand.

Once she was settled in, Lyria moved into one of the adjoining rooms and settled herself in there. Ariadne took her adopted child home for the evening. The child was fond of Ariadne's Thessaly anyway. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Eolyn took a little time to relax, even in her own bed. She didn't feel any real pain right now, though she knew she was plenty sore where the baby had come from. She was also quite tired but sleep would not come to her as easily as she wanted it to. Her mind was still blazing with a million fires. She was allowed to have trouble with what had happened, wasn't she?

The sadness she had expected but not the anger. She wanted to punch something, someone. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that her child should die and she should live. He should have had a chance. She wanted him to survive more than she wanted herself to. And when a few moments passed and the anger was gone again, there was nothing left but a deep hole of sadness and grief to climb into.

Eolyn found she went from trembling with anger to crying from her grief. Time might be the only cure, if there was any for what she was now feeling.
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:04 pm

Courisse had assisted the healers in their preparations and gone back to the kitchens to make certain that there would be brothy soups and warm fellis filled teas, wine and the sort all ready for her Lady in case she should call for any. Or her Lord should call for some. The drinks were all taken to the bed chambers, but the food left to be kept warm and waiting in the kitchens.

Before she herself retired, Courisse went to sit at her cousin's side, taking her hand in to her own with a faint smile. "Is there anything else I can get you? Maybe something else you need assistance with? Of course there will be drudges waiting, should you think of anything later... and of course Lyra will be nearby."

The girl was glancing up from Eolyn then to the door where Rihan was entering. Standing as he came into the room, she acknowledged his presence courteously before returning her attention back to her cousin.

Rihan found it strange entering the room with Eolyn lying there, seeming too pale and frail for his liking. It worried him because it just wasn't natural for her to be like this. It bothered him even more that he wasn't used to not having any way of helping her get well. He was used to being able to cast down an order and create change to benefit the lives of those around him; but in this case, he felt powerless. There was no ultimate decision he could make, no order to give, nothing he could do to make right what had happened.

That made him uncomfortable.

As he went into the room though, he brought a chair to the opposite side of the bed, the side he usually slept on, but sat there instead of on the bed, where he would likely just disturb his wife. If he had to, he would sleep in one of the tall, cushioned, wing-backed chairs with ottoman in front of the fireplace tonight. Doing so did not bother him in the slightest. He just wanted Eolyn to be here in the same room with him. It would also allow him to wake up periodically to check on her and make sure she hadn't started bleeding again in her sleep or some such like that, which the healers worried about.

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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:55 am

Eolyn shook her head. Although Courisse was concerned, she knew the other woman needed her rest too. "Get some rest. I'll be here in the morning." She promised, although she couldn't guarantee anything other than she would try to feel better. She would try to act like none of this had happened, as soon as she was able to feel better. For now, she had to be taken care of anyway so she had plenty of time to think and deal with what she was feeling emotionally.

When Rihan entered the room, she was aware of him, although he didn't say a word. There was nothing left for him to say. They were both rather helpless in this situation. The only thing to be done was for her to become healthy again. If not for herself then for the people who loved her. She could be unselfish and try to help the healers as much as possible.

She didn't say anything to her husband either, at first. There was no need to. She wanted him around her because he made her feel safe. Nothing could harm her while he was around. She did reach a small pale hand out to where he sat next to the bed. She would touch him and feel he was there.

Although he must have heard or seen her cry earlier, she did her best not to cry now. She'd shed enough tears for one day. Eolyn seemed to frail, even to herself now, but she knew she could be strong for those around her who cared so deeply for her.

"I wish you could sleep on the bed with me..." She said with a soft sigh, "I sleep better with you." There was a comfort in knowing he was there with her. On the rare occasion when he was not home, she had to sleep without him and those night were particularly difficult to sleep through.

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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)   Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse) I_icon32Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:48 pm

Nodding, Courisse could only agree with her cousin, shortly thereafter leaving the room to call a drudge to help her in finishing up preparations for Healer Lyria's stay there overnight.

When Eolyn pleaded softly for him to come closer, he found no reason to object. If it would be of comfort to his wife, he would be there for her. So, Rihan got up and slid atop the bed beside her, positioning himself so that he could cozy up beside her but without being too intrusive of her space if she needed to move. taking her hand in his, he nestled kisses into her hair and remain there like that with her, until they were both sleeping.

[fade out]
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Loss of an heir (tags: Rihan & Courisse)
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