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 Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]

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Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:42 pm

Tashamoretta was both hyper aware of S'dric's presence and completely oblivious to it as Sionnath's consciousness continued to war with her own for dominance.  She was definitely too warm, and that had her wanting to cringe away from any contact, but at the same time, she appreciated the support.  Both recognizing the voice that came at her ear and not, the young greenrider tripped along as best she could.  The words got through somehow, and what familiarity there was in the tone was soothing enough that she steadied the slightest bit.  But she couldn't vocalize her thanks, and so simply nodded in response.

Had she truly known who it was that was beside her, she might have been both excited and nervous.  Because while she might tease S'dric, it was another for him to actually acknowledge said attempts to get a reaction, or to think of just where things might lead if his brown flew Sionnath.  But none of that crossed her mind at the moment-- all she could feel was the wind lifting her higher, the heat of the sun, and the warm body keeping her upright, all at the same time.

Sionnath accepted the challenge easily and angled herself to climb and barrel roll over and above Raidenth.  The maneuver slowed her the slightest bit, but the exhilaration made up for that.  This was too fun, and she wasn't at all going to be held back.

The males behind them were still not the focus of her attention, but that would come in time.  Of course, she'd have to play with them, too-- if one of them was going to have the chance to catch her, he'd have to win her first.


Wordless assent was all Ramirath sent back to his clutchmate.  He was too busy concentrating on the greens ahead of them.  And he would most certainly win of them.  Because he was the strongest bronze of all of them.  The faster, smaller dragons wouldn't beat him, either.  Because in his mind, strongest was best, no matter the occasion.

It didn't matter what his rider thought, either.  His rider needed one of the green's riders, right?  That's what Orandoth's rider always said, anyway-- they were women, and N'kyr needed a woman.  And Ramirath figured he could help out with that-- then maybe his rider would be in a better mood and would allow them to have more fun.

Ramirath completely intended to have some in the meantime, despite his rider.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:30 am

Knowing he couldn't stop them from coming after her, S'dric tried not to think about the fact that some other rider might win Tasha's Flight. Pulling her into one of the flight weyrs with him, there were other excited young men, including a couple of the recently graduated males from her class, who followed after. But for his comfort, their eyes were too wild and eager, this being their first time. For Lance'd friend, he couldn't hope for that -for her sake. And equally then, he worried about Lance's prospects though, in the end, there was little they could do about a dragon's decision.

Knowing that Tasha probably didn't feel it when his hand let go of her, standing back from her a bit, he still eyed her cautiously to be sure she didn't fall over and hurt herself. First flights could be quite disorienting.

By that point however, S'dric could feel the rise in his dragon's desire as he'd taken flight some time earlier to give chase, but S'dric had been able to block most of the mental flood up until then. Joining his dragon in the sky, they would need to fly as a team to win, though S'dric fully planned on letting the overzealous, younger males tire themselves out a bit before intercepting them. Nicath understood how not to waste his energy on small fry like that, and how important tactics could be to a Flight just as they were when flying a Fall. Though admittedly, it'd been a while since he'd Flown... S'dric joined consciousness with his Bonded more fully then, not wasting any more time in that regard.

For the first time since the Flight had started, the Brownrider was able to really consider what he was doing here. Realizing that he was in a position to possibly win Tasha and Sionnath's maiden flight, he felt a little embarrassed. He hadn't had time to really let that thought settle into his mind previously, he'd been in such a rush to get her to the flight weyr where she and Lance wouldn't try killing each other, that he hadn't stopped to... think. Embarrassment however, could not get the better of him now. Nicath was in the air, already tailing Sionnath from a distance where he'd climbed to higher altitudes to more easily observe the comely green and her other pursuers, and even if he wasn't, S'dric had promised the Brown they'd Fly at the next Rising. There was no backing down from it now.

So, with renewed determination, S'dric and Nicath's melded minds would work as one unified force to win her favour. But for now... they would bide a little time in wait; watching from their glide in an air current overhead, like predators preparing to pounce. As they waited, Nicath's eyes spied others who might follow after Sionnath. There was Cymiroth, only S'dric knew that, after his time with Belisse, Sh'nar favoured Golds, and probably hadn't the heart felt determination to win a Green flight. There were a number of other Bronzes taking to the air, as well, but... in his eyes, it wasn't likely that any of them would succeed. None of them had ever shown any real desire to win the Greens.

S'jiro went with the crowd on this one, eyeing Z'rim sidelong the entire time they walked down the hall to the flight weyrs. Hands stuffed in his pockets, the Bronzerider still found himself offended by the presence of his wingmate; though it appeared as though Z'rim might feel a little similarly. So, it was in silence they went, giving one another the cold shoulder.

They both waited until Lance herself, walked into the flight weyr to enter it. Both of them nearly fell against the wall though, when unexpectedly, N'kai's courageous Blue spun into a barrel roll and narrowly passed between both of their dragons, catching them off guard, but becoming a new distraction. They'd barely been far enough apart to allow for his antics. What would have happened if they'd collided?

Still, the distraction of their attention was enough to put their focus elsewhere, and on what prize they now hoped to claim; all the same as Kaisoth and N'kai apparently, because not but a few breaths later, the Bluerider came waltzing into the room, looking quite smug, and ready to challenge all of them.
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Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:28 pm

The green appreciated Sionnath’s suddenly competitive spirit even if it meant the smaller of the two was showing off just a little. They could race, for a time but there were others who were trying to keep up. Sionnath was smaller, she was probably more agile too but Raidenth had always been stubborn and determined. Lancelle shared those particular traits with her dragon so even if this were not a mating flight she would not have backed out just because she might lose.

There was no chance for Raidenth to pull her own maneuver as she was lifted up on a warm draft of air, into a seemingly fluffy white cloud and then out again. The cloud had left water on her hide which then glistened in the light of the sun.

In the flight weyr she could feel the hair on her arms and neck stand on end, there was a tension around the room that made her feel both nervous and elated. Although she pretended not to notice anyone, not even Tasha, she had started a mental tally of who was there, just as Raidenth began to determine who was following.

The men and woman who gathered around her and Tasha was growing. S’dric was there of course, he had helped Tasha here. Then there were her friends from Weyrlinghood, R’quiv and Olivier. There were a number of Bronzeriders, Sh’nar, S’jiro and Z’rim whom she lumped into one category of arrogant assholes. Also J’ace and N’kyr were there who, although she might not lump in with the others had never shown her any kind of consideration.

Lance stifled a laugh when N’kai sent the two Bronzers to the wall. They should know that blues would use full advantage of their agility. Raidenth too noticed Kaisoth’s antic. He did seem to want to make an entrance and piss off the Bronze dragons. Not that Raidenth minded them but Lance seemed to dislike some of them.

Which of them were actually following her anyway? For the first time since taking to the skies, Raidenth began to consider leaving her friend and going another direction. Who would follow her and who would follow Sionnath? We should split up and see how they scatter. Raidenth said to Sionnath.


Sh’nar kept his thoughts to himself. It wasn’t like he had any real desire to win. Even if he did, both Tasha and Lance were friends with Belisse and this sort of thing would certainly get him into trouble with his lover. Cymrioth might have his head in the game but Sh’nar did not, so even as he joined up with the Bronze mentally, his heart wasn’t in this.

It would be very unlikely they would win without Sh’nar wanting to. Even if Sh’nar was on board, it would be hard. There was some serious competition involved in this greenflight. He moved to the side where Tasha was, since she was the lesser of two evils, Lance had already punched him in the face once.


J’ace still stood between the two women, trying to discern which N’kyr was interested in. Which meant Orandoth flew in a pattern he didn’t normally fly in for flights. Indecisiveness did not plague him. He would be able to change things around later, improvisation wouldn’t hurt him too much when it came to flights.

The smaller bronze did not seem to pay much attention to where the male dragons were but he did see Kaisoth stir up some trouble. Well at least he wouldn’t be the only one who was here to have a good time. There were far too many serious faces around here.
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Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:41 pm

Free.  That's what she was-- free and unrestrained.  Soaring through the skies and dipping into clouds.  Shining in the sun as she sped onward ahead of the pack that followed herself and Raidenth.

On the ground, merged with her green as she was, Tasha stretched her neck out and her arms down, almost lifting her face to the ceiling, echoing Sionnath's movements despite the lack of light to enjoy.  She could feel it, feel the heat on every inch of her hide/ skin.  It warmed her from the inside, out, and it only seemed to grow even with the cool breeze rushing past.

The greenrider was hardly aware of anyone around her, her own bond having pulled her in deeper much more quickly than for many of the other riders.  That would change, though, as the male dragons' riders began to crowd around herself and Lance-- body heat would begin to draw her, muscle and flesh would need to be touched, closeness would be what she wanted.  Considering she'd already been thinking about it before Sionnath had gone up, it probably wouldn't be too long before those feelings took over once again.

A creature of the senses for the moment, it was difficult to think beyond the end result-- there was no real thought of who she'd prefer to end up with, though that would certainly come later, once Sionnath was caught.  And by then it would be too late.


In the air, Sionnath thought scattering the others behind them certainly sounded fun.  They will not know what to do.  Gleefully, the green waited for her clutchmate to come alongside her, where they could fly in sync for a moment if Raidenth so desired, only to confuse those behind them even further when they split apart.  And then when she thought an appropriate time had passed, whether the other green had done so or gone her own way instead, Sionnath pronounced, Now! and veered high and to the right.


Never one considered the most intelligent bronze of the pack, Ramirath was indeed a little confused when the two greens split apart.  Mostly because he didn't know which one to follow!  Both were in his wing, so he'd seen them fly.  Either one would be fun to catch.  And clearly he couldn't chase them both at the same time, since they weren't going the same direction anymore.  So he had to choose!

But which one?

Which one?

Having hesitated a moment too long, he realized that to get to Sionnath, he'd have to drastically change his flight path.  So that made the decision for him, and he was beating his wings to move into better position behind Raidenth before any thought from N'kyr could indicate otherwise.


Truthfully, N'kyr really didn't want to think about what he would do with either Tasha or Lance if his bronze managed to win either green.  He really had no preference for either-- though perhaps Lance would be a little less… vocal about her disgust with him if Ramirath flew Raidenth.  That was little consolation, though.  But he couldn't' well stop his bronze now, nor could he completely ignore the situation.  So he positioned himself closer to a wall, outside of the group starting to close in around Lance.  It would be easier to leave that way.


Remegath simply rode the currents high up, fairly easily changing direction to follow Raidenth when the two greens separated.  

On the ground, K'thane kept an eye on Lance like some of the other older bronzeriders were doing-- this was a maiden flight after all, and Karene would certainly be unhappy if anything went wrong.  So far, nothing was out of the ordinary, though-- this wasn't a goldflight, after all.  And it probably helped that the two greens were clutchmates-- they were more used to sharing.


R'quiv mostly hung back, feeling it was his duty to keep an eye on two of the girls he had gone through training with.  Even as he battled with his brown's emotions.  His dragon had actually chosen fairly quickly, though it mattered little to the rider, himself.  What was going to happen would happen, and they would deal with it as it came.
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Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:29 am

Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Kim-hyun-joong17_zps0ac21536

Things were going well thus far. S'dric wasn't worried much about Tasha's safety anymore. Whether it was the mating lust that'd started taking over him, or whether it was the fact that at least now she and Lance weren't in close proximity where they would try ripping out eachother's throats over males, he couldn't tell. Maybe a little of both. But either way, that sense of relief deepened when Sionnath parted from her sister Green and decided to take her own flight path.

Perfectly on cue, as though they were connected, such as with a Wing during Threadfall Drills, the Brown banked to follow her.

Become her shadow, Nicath. Fly high, and keep your back to the sun if you can,... but don't trail too far behind.

Sharing the rest of his tactic with the dragon, Nicath set himself up for a future ambush, 'shadowing' Sionnath so that he remained in her blind spot so long as she didn't turn to glare directly into the sun. But eyes looking directly into the sun would more likely see the spot of a fuzzy silhouette instead of the clear form of a dragon, she was possibly just as likely to think, at that distance above, that he was a bird soaring briefly overhead. Not to mention, letting her become distracted by the other males for now, she might even think he'd dropped out of the flight if Tasha wasn't quite conscious of who was around her still in the flight weyr.

But, no. S'dric would not leave her. Not even if his worry had waned. It had been forming into a more possessive form of flight lust. Rider having been determined to protect Tasha through the experience, together, the pair would see it through. And they would win Sionnath's flight. Nicath had assured S'dric of that. Together, the two of them had a uniquely vested interest in championing the Green.

Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Osamu33_zps9b256d61

Kai Squared on the other hand, were quite rambunctious in the sky today, having taken off ahead of the Bronzes moving after Raident, and making quite a show of his arrival.

The Blue never took these things too seriously; his rider wasn't particularly picky about who they mated with and there were green flights quite frequently. Sometimes they got lucky, sometimes they didn't. That just allowed them to have fun instead of worry over outcome. There were certainly some greenriders at the Weyr who preferred that over the super serious challengers. Those greens in particular had learned to look for Kaisoth in the skies, knowing that they and their riders would not be let down when it came to an exciting romp. This being Raidenth's maiden flight however, neither Kai knew just what to expect from her, so they'd have to completely wing it, not knowing just how they'd be received.

That, and Kaisoth nor N'kai either one, were the possessive sort, so there was no worry about a male who was either too domineering in bed, nor one who wanted to pretend some sort of claim on or commitment from the rider afterward. Though they all knew it was just a dragon flight, a human's instinct about such things was slightly different, and could afterward turn into something more lasting. Humans seemed to attach a deeper sense of emotion to their love making than did dragons -though not always.

So, Kaisoth soared after Raidenth, chasing right on her tail when she and Sionnath parted ways. It was then that he let her know that he was there for her.

It is a good day to fly. An even better day to just have fun.

Well... a flight was, after all, just a grownup's game of tag.

Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Shun_zps217b0eec

Though they chased after Lance's Raidenth, Zemarith willing to mate, his rider's heart wasn't in it. At least, not committed in the same way as he. S'jiro's focus wasn't on catching Raidenth as much as it was simply for the sake of competing against Z'rim by that point. Though the Bronzeriders weren't giving eachother the stare of death, attentions in the skies on their respective dragons finally, the tension between them was still quite tangible.

With the distraction of Sionnath's veering apart, Zemarith sharply tried to cut the other Bronze off, issuing another snap and vocal warning of challenge. But then, ignoring the other male, he turned on his tail and sped off toward the Green on another vector.

Nemesenth wasn't far behind, though he did not display as much aggression necessarily, his eyes still whirled with excitement interchangeably between shades of aggressive agitation and pure flight lust for a while longer.

Eventually though, both males focused more on the Green at hand, than eachother, their longer wingspans allowing them to make up for their distraction as they quickly caught up to her.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:56 pm

Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 27256dfc-d20b-4e36-ac58-312df0944732_zpsca09a341

Raidenth was pleased that her clutchmate was on board with the separating and fooling the others. Divide and conquer. That was the plan and as Sionnath called for them to separate; she had not really thought to ask what direction the other planned to go in. However it did not seem to matter as Sionnath flew upwards and to the right. Raidenth moved the opposite direction suddenly veering left and diving a few feet lower, only to come out of the dive in a tumble – flip turn where she came out flying back the way she had come. She had felt Kaisoth’s touch before she had moved and had upped the speed in order to challenge him further.

The green flew underneath some of the closer males, her wing tips grazing their undersides, both teasing and taunting them with her agility.  She didn’t need to verbally challenge them now. If they wanted to keep up, they were going to have to turn around quickly.

Lance  herself felt the power of her dragon’s wings as they pushed her through the turn and out and under the male dragons. A shiver went down her spine as her green teased the males. There was something pleasant in feeling her dragon’s attraction for the males which followed her. It was also a bit surprising to her that Raidenth was so bold and not at all anxious like she was. She felt Raidenth’s confidence and knew that nothing could possibly go wrong. She had separated from Sionnath so neither green was in danger of aggressing toward the other and the males had to make a choice.

This left the more concerned half of their partnership to consider who was following. Thus none of them had come too close to her. They were wary of what could happen. Lance could see that in their eyes. The part of her that was with Raidenth though did not care. Whatever the outcome, the most important thing was her dragon was safe.

Maybe they thought she would hurt them if they came too close. They might be right. She couldn’t guarantee her actions would be sane right now. Raidenth’s certainly were not going to be.

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Cymrioth, caught the movement of the greens separation a little late but he altered course and thought he was a bit behind Nicath, he was keeping up better than he might have expected. These young greens were fast and acrobatic usually. This made it harder for Bronzes to keep up but then, there were not a ton of blues out right now so he stood a fairly good chance of impressing the little green.

Sh’nar for his part felt extremely awkward. He knew he couldn’t win not because Cymrioth wasn’t capable but because Tasha was Belisse’s friend. There were certain lines one shouldn’t cross. Cymrioth would point out that he was being ignored lately anyway and why not have a little fun. Normally he might’ve agreed but Tasha being who she was and protective of Belisse, that wouldn’t work out.

So while Sh’nar did his best to keep up with Cymrioth’s thoughts, he did make it apparent to his Bronze that he wasn’t in the flight as much as he should be. He had to admit though, the two greens flying at one time would have tempted any dragon. Cymrioth did not have his good sense. They could have fun for a bit though, which he thought would be enough. Cymrioth  of course had other ideas. It would be more fun if he won.

Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Jace1_zpsb10488d5

J’ace had a casual smirk on his face and actually laughed when the two greens separated. They were smart little things. Orandoth caught his rider’s humor and gave a small rumble. This would be amusing. While Ramirath was not in a good position to chase Sionnath, Orandoth was which actually worked in his favor. He turned his neck just a little to the right to see Nicath. The brown and he were not that much different in size, though truly Nicath seemed closer to Cymrioth in length. He was only slightly larger than the other two but he fully intended to prove he was much more fun.

The Bronze pumped his wings, allowing a draft to carry him just that much closer to the green they were chasing. She wasn’t within reach just yet but he had plenty of time to show off before she chose someone to catch her. Orandoth enjoyed flights, most especially green flights, so it would be no wonder that the Bronze was able to keep up. He could pull a quick move when needed. He was keeping up with the smaller, faster dragons without trouble and he would last longer, not that he anticipated a maiden flight to last long.

J’ace’s eyes were on Tasha’s form. He was looking her over as his dragon did Sionnath. He might try to devour her where she stood. If the other males were not looking that way yet, they would when they committed fully. If they committed fully. J’ace never went into a flight without the expectation that he should win the prize but at the same time, he didn’t take them so seriously he would be depressed if he lost. He’d just find a place to have some more fun.  He moved closer to Tasha, watching to see what the others might do. He had no claim on her just yet, he had yet to touch her but if he was going to get closer, then maybe they should consider it. She would be able to admire him better up close too.

Meanwhile, Orandoth had too grown a bit more gutsy and flew closer to the green, waiting for her to make a quick move one way or another but being close was just a way to push her, to test her limits and to let her know, he could keep up.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:49 am

Ramirath wasn't anywhere near as agile as a green, or even a blue.  He might be a distance flyer with almost unparalleled stamina, but he couldn't turn as tightly or quickly.  But that didn't stop him from trying.

Taking Raidenth's touch as a sign of encouragement, the bronze hurriedly did a strange little flip turn that looked extremely awkward, but put him exactly on the right path, even if he was a little slow.  Of course, he'd not counted on another dragon being right there, but he avoided a collision as deftly as he could.  It slowed him down, yes, (and earned him a hiss and snarl from the competitor he'd just cut off) but he could catch up!  Because he was Ramirath, and he was the best.


Higher up, Remegath had known better than to tail the greens so closely.  They were wily creatures-- maybe not as devious as golds in mating flight, but they had their own tricks-- and could easily fool larger-- and especially younger, less experienced-- dragons.  

Banking almost lazily, the bronze kept Raidenth in his peripheral vision so he could determine which way she was going to come out in the end, and then finished his turn, beating his powerful wings to gain some of the speed the maneuver had lost.  He didn't have to worry about mid-air collisions, though, seeing as he was too smart to fly with the pack so early in the game.  He preferred biding his time and watching for the right moment to make his move.


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((OOC: Hee, prettiful banner from Kate! Smile))

Sionnath was keeping an eye on the males who followed her, as she maneuvered ahead of them, gleefully noting those she and Raidenth had confused, and finding herself intrigued at those that hadn't been.  She had no preference for any of them, really, though she knew of her rider's attraction to at least one of them.  And certainly, Nicath had chosen to follow her instead of Raidenth.  A smug thought, there, as she'd forgotten just why the brown would never fly after Raidenth.  

The emotion was echoed by a sly curve to Tasha's lips as her feet remained planted on the ground.  Awareness of the men around her crept over her senses, and much like she tended to do when consciously aware of it, the greenrider stepped the slightest bit towards J'ace, away from S'dric.  Teasing, as always, though the bronzerider was certainly handsome enough that she would never protest his win.

Sionnath also thought well enough of Orandoth, and wasn't willing to let him too close just yet.  This game was too fun-- letting him get closer, faking a move, and then rolling or banking away.  All while making sure her steps in this dance didn't put her in any other male's direct path.

She did come a little too close to Cymrioth during one such stunt, but easily avoided being captured.  She was no easy prey, this green.  She was too busy enjoying herself to allow any of them to have her just yet.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:39 pm

Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 Sdric_zpsbfe4b32b

S'dric's lip started to draw up in a snarl that ended up being cut off before anything came from his mouth, as Tasha moved more closely to J'ace. It was all in response to Nicath's mating instinct which had taken over him. The Brownrider's eyes had even begun to show signs of reflecting that same deep purple of dragon's with mating lust. Of course, having refrained from flying for quite some time, Nicath's desire to catch Sionnath was great; but just as great, was his rider's desire to protect Tasha from the other males. The combination only increased the overall sense of determination and depth of emotion the pair shared through the experience on varying levels. And the longer the flight drew on, the deeper S'dric was pulled into Nicath's consciousness, and the more lustful and desirous of her he would become. Passions mounted upon passions. An incredible strength of will was theirs.

That said, there was no way S'dric could have liked the fact that J'ace now stood even closer to Tasha than before; let alone the fact that the rider eyed her hungrily. Though he knew that it wasn't all J'ace's fault, S'dric couldn't help feel more competitive toward the Bronzerider just then. And though his defensive growl was cut short, the Brownrider only half-consciously took his own actions in taking a step that same distance forward, angling himself as though he might turn and challenge the other rider right there. For now though, that was the extent of S'dric's focus on the ground, because Nicath pulled a maneuver that made him too dizzy to consider anything else just then.

In the skies above the Weyr, Nicath stepped up his game as soon as Orandoth also started getting ballsy. Furling his wings against his sides, the Brown twisted his long form into a spiral of ever increasing momentum. At the last minute, his wings spread, allowing him to glide into place nearly on top of Sionnath, the first downbeat of his wings being in syncopation with her own. Given their closeness, she should be quite aware of his chase of her. Though, he wasn't willing to really try to catch her just yet. He knew that she wasn't ready. Especially when she darted off into a series of twists and turns.

Knowing better than to expend all his energy on mimicking her every move, he used more forward and exacting techniques that allowed him to keep up, but without exhausting himself. Nicath appreciated flying efficiently -especially when he flew alongside Bronzes in Drills. Even if Sionnath did not take long to choose who she would mate with, they would still need to keep up their endurance for the actual mating aspect.

While Orandoth might be thinking about having fun, Nicath took the flight more seriously. Not unlike Oranoth though, Nicath also had much experience flying greens. Well, one particular green. But one Green it may have been -that of S'dric's previous weyrmate- their flights had never been boring. S'dric's weyrmate liked to keep him on his feet during their closed flights, to he was used to chasing after a flitty Green. Still, Sionnath was much smaller than she, which added some difficulty.

Seeing Orandoth as his primary competitor, as soon as Sionnath straightened her path out again, Nicath beat his wings in a burst of speed to swoop in close to the Green. On his way though, the Brown bypassed Orandoth with a buffeting of wings that could have caused a collision, but was meant to ward the Bronze away. It was probably in response to S'dric's own feelings of aggression toward the other's Rider.

But, Nicath had soared past Orandoth quickly, swooping up to Sionnath and getting as close as he could. Flying atop her, matching her wing beats and her speed then, his body was close enough to touch, should the Green make a sudden turn to bank one way or the other. And should she do so without warning, it might just cause their wings to wind up in a tangle.

As of yet though, Nicath made no further move to catch her. She would have to make that decision if their riders were to be happy.

Nicath spoke to Sionnath then, thinking that the choice was clear and logical. His voice in her mind was reassuring, "Fly with me, Sionnath. Yours does not dislike Mine; Both of them will be pleased. As will you be."

On the ground, by the time Nicath had soared to catch up to the green, S'dric was leaning in to Tasha more closely. And when Nicath matched her speed and flew with her closely, S'dric could feel the heat of his body rising. His breath coming more heavily, the focus of his eyes was on Tasha; everything else in the room gradually began to melt away from his consciousness.

If Tasha were to meet S'dric's eyes then, she might see Nicath's words to Sionnath echoed within them.

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While Z'rim wasn't really into frequent flying -of greens- but because of Zemarith, he had a motive for competing. Zemarith had challenged his Nemesenth, and Nemesenth wasn't going to let him get off so easy; his temperament would never allow such a thing. So, even though he 'd now focused himself more on the glorious Raidenth ahead of them, his eye also shifted periodically to the other Bronze -as though he were the only other male to contend with. He knew that wasn't the case, but he was more intent on hindering Zemarith's progress than any of the others. And almost as interested in hindering Zemarith as he was on catching Raidenth. So, his focus was a little torn.

Nemesenth did have one sure advantage on his side though, when it came to competing against other Bronzes. Nemesenth was as small as some Browns, thus smaller than most of his Bronze counterparts, whereas Zemarith was much larger. In fact, Zemarith was nearly as large as Cymiroth & Gold Galadrieth, who were about the same size. So, no matter what the ruddy Bronze Zemarith thought he was capable of, Nemesenth was sure to beat him out of the win. He had greater agility to keep up with the greens, than the others did.

So, uttering another barking taunt at the other Bronze, Zemarith increased his speed with a great sweep of his wings, bypassing him. It didn't take long for him to nearly catch up to Raidenth. Just about that time however, the Green did a completely 180, heading the chase back off in the opposite direction. Nemesenth could feel her wingtip brush underneath him, and it brought his excitement to the next level. Much more quickly than Zemarith then, Nemesenth turned on a tight axis, bringing his momentum around to follow after her. In doing so, he'd nearly put himself in another male's path, who was already heading that way.

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With an impressive deftness in the sky, Kaisoth followed every step of the way in Raidenth's aerial dance. Instead of a somersault in the sky though, the Blue angled himself to pivot on a wingtip like a door turns on its hinge. It was an incredibly tight maneuver and allowed him not to have to give up completely on his forward moving momentum, even though it did create a slightly wider arc of travel. But he'd maintained enough momentum to make up for it. Thus, by the time Nemesenth was making his about-face, Kaisoth was already nearly on top of him, causing the two to almost collide.

It was on purpose however, that he cut it so close to the Bronze; he wanted to give the Bronzes a run for their money as much as he was able. And all while keeping pace with Raidenth's games. He'd teach those prideful metallics who really ruled the skies.

Instead of colliding however, Kaisoth flattened his belly against Nemesenth's own underside, soaring beneath him, in a near-miss, and when he'd passed the Bronzes by, leaving Zemarith's much larger self in the dust so to speak, he sent himself into a barrel roll, adding a touch of show-off-ness to the routine.

Back in the Weyr, Kai couldn't help but grin at the humour of it. His Blue was really doing well to show up the larger dragons, so with that, hoped that Raidenth would be impressed.

A little unintentionally, caught up in the motion of Kaisoth's flying antics, as the Blue  trailed nearer to Raidenth's tail again, his rider began leaning forward toward Lance a little. But there was no intention behind it. Still, one could see the spark of excitement and anticipation in N'kai's eyes. He was much more focused on Raidenth than the others seemed to be, in the whole scheme of things.

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Zemarith was just as preoccupied with Nemesenth as the other was with he, but distraction tore their attention from one another again when Raidenth twisted herself about in midair to head back the other way. Of course, with the Bronze's much larger wingspan, it took him longer to turn himself around, pulling a stunt similar to Blue Kaisoth's for the sake of not having to brake his momentum too much. Still, his path turning back around was not a tight cut like the smaller, more agile blues.

By the time he was following back on Raidenth's trail, most of the other males trailing her had already gotten themselves fixed on a course in that direction. To Zemarith's credit however, his strength and longer wingspan, allowed him to pick up greater speed -even if he was a little slower to build the momentum.

Eyes on the prize then, Zemarith's desire to catch the Green was mounting. In great downward sweeps of his wings, the dragon could sense an air current nearby, allowing himself to diverge from a direct path for long enough to let it assist him in building up some speed to catch up to the Green. Diving into a spiral out of the current, Zemarith folded his wings against his back, shooting past Nemesenth again, and ever nearing Raidenth's tail.

As he did near the Green, he let his wings fan back out, displaying a radiant fiery-red glow of sunlight through them. Angling himself so there was no collision with Kaisoth, nor any of the other males as he approached, putting himself back into the race, Zemarith beat his wings in more great strokes to catch up to Raidenth.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:21 am

Nemeth hesitated, just for a moment, but it was enough to drop him to the back of the chasing pack when the greens split. He gave a roar of displeasure and quickly targeted Raidenth. He pumped his wings furiously, trying to catch back up with the larger dragons in what was likely a fruitless attempt. Unless Raidenth made a mistake he was out of the running.

Olivier tried to suppress her relief: Nemeth wouldn't appreciate that, but she did appreciate that the likelyhood of her ending up in a compromising position with one of her friends had just significantly slimmed.

Nolinth was prepared for the quick change, and like the blue he followed Raidenth. He gave berth to the other males near the green, but kept himself as close to her as he could. My lovely Raidenth, come to me! he sang, stretching his neck out and giving a lilting croon to the green.

Sebienth had chosen to pursue Sionnath. though he quickly realized this chase was nearly decided. The older bronze held back, ready to spring into the fray if either of the younger ones left him even the slightest chance at an opening.

With Karene back on her duties, Belisse had taken advantage of things to slip outside the flight weyrs. Perhaps Sh'nar would be among the disappointed riders leaving, though she expected Cymrioth to at least come close to catching one of the greens. But on the off chance he needed companionship, she would be there for him.

Your obsession with one mate confuses me, Jeneveth said with bored overtones. It is much more fun to court many.

You're only saying that because you haven't met the one person, Belisse responded, unable to keep the small smile of excitement off her face. She'd been far too busy with duties in recent months, and spent far too little time with Sh'nar.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:26 pm

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Raidenth was more and more aware of the male dragons chasing her. Mostly because there were so many. She didn’t even bother worrying about who was chasing Sionnath. What mattered was accounting for where the ones chasing her were. Luckily for her, her little stunt had thrown some of them for a loop. She was being a little bit of a tease, letting one or the other get just a little bit closer then veering off leaving nothing but air between herself and her potential mates.

Being one mostly with Raidenth’s thoughts Lance was also aware of how many had closed in around her. She was uncomfortable with pretty much any pairing. So it mattered very little to her who won. A bit relieved that Olivier’s blue, Nemeth was a bit far behind, she thought they may have avoided a very awkward situation among friends. It would be strange enough with someone she barely or did not know at all. With a friend would be even worse, though she had not forgotten entirely that R’quiv’s brown was still there. There was no desire in him to really win though and since they too were friends it would be equally as awkward.

There were so many Bronzes giving chase she knew it would be very difficult. The blues, while faster and more agile, tired at about the same rate as greens. Would they be able to keep up if Raidenth proved to have more stamina than the average green? Obviously Kaisoth was trying to prove his prowess through his aerial acrobatics, which both amused and pleased them. The more they flew, the less rational they seemed to become. The part of them that was Raidenth was taking over more than the part that was Lance was willing to admit just then.

The green was prone to altering course on a whim or doing the occasional fast turn or flip just to see who was paying attention and who was keeping up. This was a test. Who was truly worthy? Were any of them? Raidenth would be very difficult to impress just as her rider was. Pretty words would get them less far than bold actions but it would take more than either to win her affections.

All of them still had time to show her they were still in the game, they could go faster, go longer and still have the strength to land her safety.

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Cymrioth was quiet, he let the other males make their bold moves on Sionnath and in their haste to please her, she had nearly forgotten where he was. Because of that, he had nearly won her. Nearly. He worked hard to keep up with the green and being about the same size as both Nicath and Orandoth (actually right in between the two), he had no trouble competing with them. He had not completely discounted the other Bronze who hung back, waiting for his chance. Sebienth too was a worthy competitor.

The light sandy hued bronze flew below Sionnath and slightly behind her and to the left. All he would have to do was speed up suddenly, do a fast roll onto his back to catch her if she backed away from Nicath. The brown had put her in the position where she might not be able to escape from being caught by any of them. Who knew what Sebienth’s plan was but he could see that Orandoth remained behind the green, almost but not quite touching the tail of the green in front of him.  The only problem Cymrioth now dealt with was doubt. His rider’s will had been largely ignored upon entering the flight but now, his voice in Cymrioth’s mind was a reminder that while he had permitted the Bronze to have fun, he had not sanctioned anything that involved bedding his lover’s friend. That thought sort of put a damper on things but Cymrioth refused to give up.

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J’ace did not discount that his actions had forced another to make a move. He liked when things like that happened. Orandoth and he would stick to the game plan though which was to enjoy themselves and not take things too seriously. The green would be flown by someone and it might as well be them. He remained just behind the fast green, enjoying the moments when she would let him closer, if only to tease him by flying off again. Orandoth did his best to show her he was there for her and would follow her.

At one such moment where the green had come close, he allowed his wing tip to gently graze her hide where she was closest. Meant more as a tender gesture than an intention to catch her early his rider too reached out and touched Tasha, his pointer finger tracing her jawline and then dropping back to his side.

He could make this fun for her, if she would allow him. Orandoth was prepared to move on the green if she wished him to. Nicath already boldly stated he would take her and now they would see how Sionnath felt about this offer.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:20 pm

Incensed by Raidenth's absolute disregard for his words of love, Nolinth snorted and stretched himself as long as possible as he pursued the green, coming closer and closer with each wing beat. He wasn't the largest of the bronzes, sure, but he was long and sleek. He was handsome, dammit.

Raidenth, he called again, teasingly as he used an updraft to swing nearer to the green. Raidenth, let these poor slobs know they are not worthy of you. He executed a quick dive and rise, putting him below and slightly ahead of her. You should come to me, he continued with a coaxing tone.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:30 am

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Sionnath considered Nicath's words, pretty as they were.  The green knew her rider, at least, would be happy with the result if she let the brown catch her.  But was he the right choice for her?  Or was one of the others?  She wasn't quite yet ready to be caught, either way.  She was enjoying the jockeying going on around her too much-- let them prove they were worthy of her, and then she would choose.

So far, she'd seen gutsy moves from Nicath, as well as Orandoth.  The bronze was doing well in keeping up with her-- he was no competitor to be ignored.  Though she was fairly small, Sionnath knew his size would give him the strength necessary
to take them safely home should she choose him.

Not that the two other bronzes somewhere behind her wouldn't suit as well.  Cymrioth was clearly strong, though there was some thought from the part of her that was her rider that she should not want him at all, because he belonged to Jeneveth and her rider.  Tasha wasn't going to steal, no matter how she felt about Belisse's relationship with Sh'nar.  Sebienth, though, appeared even stronger than the other bronzes, given his size.  But he was slower.  And though Sionnath paid him little mind due to his distance and lack of impressive maneuvers, she wondered if perhaps he was hiding a fun streak and simply waiting for the others to get out of his way.

Just in case, she would test them one last time, just to find out how they would perform.  The green stayed in position with Nicath for a couple of wingbeats, before suddenly pulling her wings in, the motion and its resulting loss of height giving just enough distance between herself and the brown that she was able to drop away and dive into a swiftly moving current without him being able to grab her.  Riding the thermal, she spread her wings and let it carry her back up, once again ahead of the males and wondering just what moves they would pull this time.


Far below, within the confines of the flight weyr, Tasha instinctively reached out when S'dric moved closer.  She wrapped her fingers in his shirt, keeping him in place, both for balance, and because the part of her that was Tashamoretta wanted him there.  She hadn't moved away from J'ace, though, as what she wanted at the moment was to be surrounded, to revel in the heightened sense of awareness and physicality that came with her green's flight.  Ever the thrill seeker, even in this.

And a thrill it was, to know that the males chasing all wanted her, that they sought to impress her, and would be impressed themselves by the maneuvers she could pull off.  Excitement filled the air both high in the sky, and within the flight weyr, and neither Tasha, nor Sionnath, were going to let it go to waste.

Arching her neck and leaning back into J'ace when he gently touched her, the greenrider pulled S'dric closer still.  She wasn't going to let him escape so easily, now that she had him where she wanted him-- even if the situation wasn't as preferable to his voluntarily choosing her.


Ramirath might not be the most clever of bronzes, and Raidenth had been able to trick him a couple of times.  But that didn't mean he was ready to give up.  He wasn't full of tricksy maneuvers, but he could certainly outlast the rest.  Even the other bronzes.  Or maybe, most especially the other bronzes.  They could try all they wanted, but he was going to win.  End of story.

Even though his rider was being a bit of a party pooper in wanting the bronze to give in and let someone else have Raidenth.  But as Orandoth's rider was always saying, winning a flight would be good for N'kyr.  Though he didn't quite remember the details, the bronze now associated the green's rider with punching N'kyr's female clutchmate-- because that was the important part.  It might have earned Lance a little more respect from his rider, and surely that meant she was a worthy match?  It definitely meant she was strong, and Ramirath certainly liked strength.  It would be good for his rider, if he won, to be paired with such a woman, so it would be nothing less than a win-win situation all around.  (N'kyr, of course, didn't necessarily agree, but Ramirath was ignoring that little voice in their joint consciousness.)

Just in case she'd forgotten he was following, Ramirath made sure to remind the green ahead of him that he was still in the race.  I am here, Raidenth!  And of course, that meant she would choose him.


Remegath was rather amused by the younger bronzes who couldn't seem to focus enough on the task at hand, busy as they were vying with eachother.  Of course, flights were always competitive, but they needed to keep their eyes on the prize if they truly wanted to win.

The blue, of course, was some real competition, and given his size and speed, but if Raidenth proved to have much more stamina than a lot of greens, such antics would tire Kaisoth out quickly.  Unless she chose him first, anyway.

It was time for this particular bronze to make himself known, though, so Remegath put on a burst of speed when he caught a thermal and came in high above the green he'd been tailing.  He blocked some of the sun that hit her hide, casting his shadow over her.  See how they fight each other for you.  But they do not have the experience I do.  And I do not need to show off to prove it.


R'quiv's heart wasn't completely in the fight at the moment.  He'd seen Olivier's blue drop out, but his own brown wasn't quite ready to give up.  He'd grown up with these greens, and knew well how they flew-- something most of the other dragons didn't know.  He might not be the biggest brown at the Weyr, but he had patience and could wait out the tricksy blues who were vying for Raidenth's attention.  She knew him, knew he would take care of her, and so she would choose him, wouldn't she?
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:08 pm

S'dric felt ever more drawn to the Greenrider when she teased him by wrapping her fingers into his shirt, though the hopeful thoughts of sooner winning the flight were at least partilaly dispelled when Sionnath took a dive away from his Brown. Of course there was no way the pair would give up on her, having been so close; especially not given the fact that Tasha had already once reached out for him.

Nicath was spurred on by that, angling himself to continue his chase of Sionnath, falling back enough to give her a little freedom of room since she was obviously enjoying the chase more than the prospect of being caught right away -though he suspected she might begin tiring soon. The aerial acrobatics were exhausting to keep up.

S'dric though, did not give Tasha any more space. As she'd leaned toward J'ace, Sionnath escaping out from under Nicath in that same moment, S'dric couldn't help but move in closer. In part, drawn by her hand still latched onto his clothing, and in part, because he didn't want to be separated from her. So, the Brownrider neared her, and he placed a hand on her waist as though he might draw her in to him, looking desirously upon her.

He paid little attention to J'ace after that, except to know that hte other rider was there, and threatened his chance of success. Honestly, the combination of dragon lust and previous relationship with her made him want to be much more possessive of her by that point, but he knew he simply couldn't. The dragons would have to determine things from here. So, instead of taking that competitive frustration out on the Bronzerider right next to him, S'dric shouted through his mental link with Nicath overhead. NICATH! Don't LET anyone else win! Stop hesitating and CAPTURE HER! It's not only HER choice. It's yours, too!

The Brownrider's vehemence brought more fight to the dragon, causing him to beat his wings more furiously then to catch back up to Sionnath. And then he spoke to her again, Sionnath. My rider and yours should be together. You and I should be, too. I am as strong as any of these Bronzes, and greater than any other Brown or Blue. Come to me. With our perfect unity, you will be the admiration of all other Greens. And Mine will protect and care for Yours.

Well... Nicath was certainly feeling confident; but in his mind, there was no other reasonable outcome for the flight. Of course, part of that had to do with the strong feelings that S'dric imparted him. It was like the two were feeding off of one another. Under any normal circumstances, S'dric would never have let things go this far, this fast. That natural patience for letting things work their course over time might have just been completely disrupted however. The dragon's instincts combined with S'dric's own feelings made him a little unsure of just how much of this feeling for her was really his, and how much belonged to Nicath. But... as they were in the midst of a flight, there was no point in stopping to try and discern which was which, now. However, the flight would probably be decided soon; he would have to sit and try to sort things out, after.

As Raidenth's flight was drawn out at length, Kaisoth began to feel the strain on his endurance. His muscles started to burn a little through the effort, as he darted and dodged through the Bronzes in impressive aerial feats that not only managed to keep up with the green's pace but encouraged her attention to be drawn to him while he did so. Of course, he had to work much harder to impress the Green with so many alluring Bronzes to distract her. But... if he was starting to feel the strain creeping into his wings, then she probably would be, too.

The Bronze boys on the other hand, trailing still closely behind, though not as quickly keeping up with Raidenth's twists and turns, still shadowed her, nearly overshooting her a time or two, only to break into deep nose dives toward the earth.

S'jiro had to focus on the ground to steady himself on his feet for a moment before Zemarith flattened himself back out, the maneuver being rather dizzying -and quite exhillarating. It was in that moment he focused on keeping himself upright that the Bronze flew close to Nemesenth, nearly sandwiching him between himself and Remegath's backside. And, trying to press Nemesenth to drop out of the race, Zemarith then took a snip at the smaller bronze just for intimidation factor.

As Nemesenth accepted the snip from Zem, he craned his neck forward to snap at the older Remegath in turn, abruptly swerving thereafter, to avoid any collisions that might hinder him from participating in te rest of the flight. Of course, after that, it might appear that with Nemesenth having snapped his toothy maw right in the older dragon's blind spot, that with him no longer there, perhaps it'd been Zemarith who'd tried to take a bite out of him. Nemesenth however, was only acting in hopes that his two opponents would distract oneanother while he went after Raidenth, focusing then on pumping his wings to keep pace with her next turn in direction. He didn't care though, if Remegath suspected him as the culprit in the end, because Nemesenth was a prime competitor, and though young, and a little less experienced in flights, he was no mere force in the skies to be reconed with. And if he had anything to say about it, Remegath was just getting too old and lazy to pull off stunts like the younglings; he was just trying to justify the lacking performance.

Nemesenth drew his wings in then, turning a tight barrel roll before straightening himself out once more to catch if perhaps Raidenth had seen. But, he couldn't make out just where her attention was focused on -because she wasn't. In fact, Raidenth seemed as though she had no preference yet, and that might become a problem. The Bronzes had the stamina, but if she didn't, and she took too long to choose...
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:23 pm

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Raidenth was not concerned about her options or the fact that she was not favoring one particular male over another. None of them had shown her any favor before this flight. The green did not hold that against them but rather expected them to show off for her. The green approved of Kaisoth’s acrobatics. He was very agile and he wanted to please her. Both of which were not lost on her. Lance, not realizing what she was doing really, brushed her hand against the bluerider’s shoulder but moved past him, as if deliberating on which male to choose.

Obviously though she had given him some favor, a show of appreciation for his efforts, however minor it might be, it was more than anyone else had been given thus far.

The green hear the coaxing tone in Nolinth’s voice. He was right, of course. Very few would ever be worthy of her, if any. Perhaps he counted himself among those? Well they would have to wait and see. Lance’s gaze turned on Jah’vi and she walked behind him, allowing her fingers to trail across his shoulders. She was thinking about him too. She was thinking about his strength and his desire for her but she did not know him very well. She knew very few of them well at all.  Lancelle did not remain where she was though, moving on to the next of the males who interested her while Raidenth continued to fly, testing their endurance and their desire.

There was a slight burning in her wings from the vigorous flight but she did not yet feel as if it were an issue. She would keep them coming after her for just a little while longer.

None had been forgotten, even as Ramirath called out to her, Lance’s attention fell on N’kyr. She didn’t touch him just yet. Instead she leaned in and whispered in his ear, “If you want us, prove it.” As of yet, he had playing it safe. What did he have to lose? The green echoed her rider in speaking to Ramirath.

Again Lance’s attention was taken, her green keeping close watch on who was being bold and who was not. She skipped over S’jiro, knowing it would only incense him into doing something foolish. Lance didn’t like him. She didn’t want him there. She was only too glad that Sh’nar had chased Tasha instead. S’jiro would have done better to follow suit.

No matter how fun it was to watch the competition between Zemarith and Nemesenth, she would rather have neither than both. If she were to choose of the two of them it would have to be Nemesenth because the part of the duo that was Lance would be most unhappy if it were the other way around. Lance’s green eyes flashed towards Z’rim momentarily, filled with the lust her dragon was overcome with. She didn’t touch him but gave him the most wicked and alluring smile. He was on the right track to winning her affections.

Raidenth roared at Bronze Remagath’s statement. It displeased her. Was he above all of this? It is I whom you must prove yourself worthy of. What did she care that they were competing with eachother so long as she saw what they were made of. He had probably made her decision easier by saying such words. He was much less worthy of her since he said them.

There was one male left who had not gotten lost in the back though he seemed to be hiding. They knew he was there, watching, waiting. Lance’s green eyes showed the barest flash of irritation. Waiting for what?! Either he wanted to chase them or he didn’t. If he was biding his time, he had better make a move soon, the others were not going to wait for him and she certainly wasn’t either. It was of course, completely irrational for her to want him to be more forward. They were friends. Although perhaps that was the reason in the first place, friends trusted one another. He was the only male present she knew well enough to trust fully. So of course she expected him to try a little harder for her but again, it could very well be the reason he wasn’t trying so hard. He didn’t want to make things weird between them and perhaps he had the right of it but Lance wasn’t feeling particularly rational at the moment. So she moved to R’quiv and took his hand to show him it was alright. He was already there anyway. She led him so that he was closer, one among the few that she had now singled out.

((Randomizer took out K’thane and S’jiro and since Olivier already dropped out I counted that as one out for Ellie   ))

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Cymrioth knew he was losing but he wasn’t the sort to give up till it was over. Sh’nar would help him stick it out to the end. This would not be nearly as bad a loss as what happened with Belisse. He was just glad Cymrioth didn’t have to fly against Remegath. He still had a bit of a sore spot concerning the other Bronze and how he had totally stolen HIS Queen. Thinking of Belisse and Jeneveth began to make this flight less and less important to them. It was apparent that Sionnath was already quite besotted with Orandoth and Nicath.

Maybe he would have time to find Belisse here shortly. He could almost taste her lips now.

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The darker bronze was already in a lower position when she dove but unfortunately the green veered off in an unexpected direction. Luckily for him being lower meant he lost less time in following her. He was practically neck and neck with Nicath. Orandoth might desire to keep the green for himself but greens were so much more worthwhile when there was tight competition.

J’ace didn’t care that S’dric was there. He had no claim on Tasha yet though he was quite aware that the greenrider was the one reaching out for the other man. Women wanted to be chased though didn’t they? So he would have the advantage of her knowing he was completely desirous of her. All she needed to do was tell him, she wanted him in return. Orandoth was no stranger to flights, he would see them home safely and have a good time doing so.

The sensual man, allowed her to lean into him, his left hand rested on her upper arm to steady her. His head bent to plant soft kisses against the curve of her neck.  He lifted his eyes to see S’dirc, they were unapologetic, challenging the other man to do better. If he wanted to woo her, he better get moving.

His Bronze had learned that often times less words were better with flights. The greens wanted to be shown physical prowess. Pretty words meant next to nothing. He allowed his lithe Bronze form to roll underneath her, his tail trailing her underside for a brief moment before rolling out on the other side of her. Orandoth was a very physical beast, to put things mildly.

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She was on chores outside as usual. The sun wasn't too hot and there was a lovely autumnal breeze blowing. She was used to laboring in fields so it did not bother her that she was clearing debris out of a pasture for the herdbeasts.

“What is all the noise?” She asked, the other people she was on chores with.
“More than one I’d wager.”
“Why is that?” Veyani asked, curiously.
“Some people are slightly affected when its more than one green in the sky at around the same time. Harder for you not to feel some flight lust usually one green isn’t a problem. Though many people are affected by Gold flights. Not everyone is though. The more empathetic you are, the more likely you will feel it. If you’ve been Searched it means you have some empathetic qualities.”

She shrugged, well she didn’t feel any different right now. So she continued cleaning the pasture without a word. Humming under her breath as she went, she decided that even though it was autumn, she felt warm. She felt really warm. This feeling wasn’t normal at all. Perhaps what the others said about flight lust was right. It couldn’t be that strong though, she should still be able to work, even if it was a distracting and hot feeling.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:43 pm

Sebienth had been bidding his time, waiting for a few of the weaker dragons to drop out. Sionnath's hide glowed beautifully in the sunlight, and his blood boiled with the desire to wrap his neck around her lovely green one.

But Nicath and Orandoth seemed to think that they were the only ones in the race. The huge bronze gave a derisive snort and with four great beats of his wings caught up with the threesome. Larger and with a wider wing span, he used the sheer wind power he could produce to unsteady the smaller bronzes.

Children, he said with amusement. Let me show you how it is done. He rose in a spiral behind Sionnath, then dove underneath the green and gracefully came back up at her side, just slightly behind her.


Jah'vi was meshed with his dragon, nearly on his toes as Nolinth reached for Raidenth. Lance's playful fingers across his shoulders brought him back, and Nolinth's fire accompanied him. He gave a low growl when the greenrider moved on from him, and took the steps between R'quiv and him with purpose.

As Nolinth flew wing tip to wing tip with Raidenth, crooning and coaxing her towards him, Jah'vi reached out and wrapped his hand around Lance's upper arm gently. "Where are you going?" he asked in a hoarse voice, blue eyes bright. "We're not done yet."

Up in the sky above, Nolinth rolled underneath Raidenth, his belly mere inches from her's. What else do I have to do to prove my fitness as your mate? he cajoled the green. Pick me, my green beauty, and both you and yours will be quite happy.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:42 pm

Remegath was rather nonplussed by Raidenth's response.  He was completely comfortable with his methods-- he'd won at least one queen by biding his time and waiting for the right moment to swoop in.  He didn't need showy moves to prove he was a worthy mate.  Raidenth would learn that in time-- this was her maiden flight after all, and young ones were typically more interested in flashiness and showing off.  If that were the case, let her be.  But he wasn't giving up-- there was something to be said for endurance and strength, after all.

Of course, that wasn't to say he was above craning his neck around and snarling in warning at the younglings behind him.  It didn't matter to him who had done it, but such behavior was reserved for weyrlings.  Not adult bronzes.

(There were probably some other older bronzes who had experienced nips from him, though, so it was possible he wasn't necessarily one to talk…  Maybe he just saved such tricks for goldflights.)


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((OOC: I completely had 'Bravo, m'sieur, such spirited words!' from Phantom of the Opera stuck in my head when I was re-reading Nicath's attempt at poetry.  I'm not sure if that meant Sionnath didn't like them, or what...  Lol))

Just like Raidenth, it was true that Sionnath was beginning to tire.  She'd been flying for so long, so fast.  Showing off her aerial skills with dips, turns, rolls, and flips.  Changing directions on a mark as greens could so easily do compared to the other dragons, especially ones as small as Sionnath.  

But such great maneuverability came at a price-- greens just didn't have the stamina the larger dragons did.  Especially ones as small as Sionnath.

So what was a green to do when her wings were burning, and her strength was beginning to fade?  Why, taunt the males into insanity, of course.  And then pounce when they least expected it.


Pouncing might have been on Tashamoretta's mind at the moment as well.  Especially given that S'dric was right there, and hadn't moved away from her as she thought he might.  Instead, he'd come closer, sharing his body heat with her, proving for at least this one moment that he wanted her.  The tiniest rational part of her mind said that was probably just the flightlust governing his actions, he might not really recognize it was her, but she was otherwise too far gone to worry about it.

His dragon was certainly interested in them.  And though the brownrider himself hadn't spoken, it was Tasha who responded aloud to his coaxing, her lips curving up in invitation.  "Hmm.  Such pretty words.  But can you back them up with action?"


Should she choose Nicath?  The brown was proving he could certainly try to do as her rider had asked.  Sionnath rather thought she, herself, would be pleased with such a choice.  That he was a brown mattered little-- she wasn't partial to any particular color.  The fact that two bronzes were in close competition with Nicath meant next to nothing-- while some females might consider it a high honor to be chased and won by a bronze, this particular green just wanted a strong, capable male for her mate.  Of course, that didn't mean creativity and perseverance wouldn't be well rewarded.

But was he the right choice?


Had N'kyr's face not already been hot, he'd have flushed further at Lance's words.  Whispered close to his ear as they were, they sent a shiver over him.  Turns of taunting from his family members and keeping himself apart from others as a result had made for a rather repressed bronzerider who still wasn't sure what to make of any female seeming to want his personal attention, flightlust or no.

Yes, it had probably been Raidenth talking, given their usual interactions were awkward at best if they weren't strictly wing or Weyr business.  But that didn't mean Lancelle's actions hadn't thrown him for a moment.  Despite J'ace's best efforts, it was questionable just how much experience N'kyr had in this particular arena, and it was times like this he just tried not to dwell on that fact and focus first on the task at hand.  No one would find out if he didn't win, which meant he had to decide if he really wanted to win, or not.

And the tiniest part at the back of his mind was wondering… did she want him to?


Ramirath had never been one to pull off flashy moves with any real finesse.  More brawn than brains, he could outlast most of the other bronzes.  But he'd never be a competitor for fanciest aerial trick.  Despite his rider's creativity when it came to wing formations.

Being more brawn than brains, Ramirath was also completely oblivious to the fact that he was better at distance flying than tricksy maneuvers.  So, at Raidenth's urging, he gave it his best shot.

To gain more speed, he used his powerful wings to swoop ahead of the green, so she could easily see him.  Then, he pulled in his wings so he'd drop a little, and start out in a slightly lower position.  Quickly reopening his wings, he angled his left side down, so he'd bank upwards with the thermal he'd spotted, and kept turning so he was soon upside down above Raidenth-- not directly on top of her, but high enough that he was still easily within her line of site.

He continued on, though, banking the opposite way, so basically he was attempting to turn completely over while in a circle-- a very wide barrel roll.  But, in forgetting that he also needed to move forward with the others, he ended up right in Remegath's flight path.

The older bronze quickly backwinged and dove to get out of the way, all while Ramirath continued his flip.

Of course, Ramirath himself was attempting to go all the way back down to the bottom of his circle where he'd started, but they were closing in on some high mountain peaks, and he himself had to flop around and correct his own flight or risk being smashed.  Thankfully, there was a current perfectly placed to take him right back to his spot behind Raidenth, as if nothing was amiss.

Completely proud of himself, the bronze let out a great trumpet of sound, calling to the glowing green ahead of him.  S101urely that had proved he was in the race for her!


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Was the answer Cymrioth?  

Sionnath didn't really think so.  He'd not shown her any fancy moves, nor really tried to impress her at all.  She was willing to overlook those faults if he tried something now, at the last minute, but Tasha wasn't necessarily going to do so.

Her rider's opinion did matter a lot… even if the bronze in question was certainly a fine enough specimen of his color…


It wasn't necessarily in R'quiv to hide.  And Suyeth certainly wasn't doing so.  They might have been overshadowed by some of the other male pairs, though, those who were trying to be fancy and impress Raidenth and her rider.

Then again, as Lance had thought, the brownrider was trying to hold back, didn't want things to be weird since they were friends.  He'd not been sure the greenrider would even welcome his participation because of it, so things wouldn't be strange later.

But she'd found him and drawn him into the circle, herself.  Which may not necessarily be an invitation to start drooling all over her like some of the others were doing, but he took it as the sign she'd meant it to be-- that it was okay for him to be there, that they would deal with things as they fell if it was necessary.

Squeezing Lancelle's hand in response, to let her know he understood, to let her know he was there for her no matter what, R'quiv may have kept the contact a little longer than necessary.

At the very least, this way he was closer to some of the others, if they made a grab for the greenrider that she didn't want.  Not that she couldn't handle herself-- R'quiv certainly respected her self-defense capabilities-- but just in case she needed extra support.

Support was what he was good at.  Especially in a class full of girls.  He would be what Lance needed if the moment arose, and they could work it out afterwards, if necessary.


Suyeth had stayed on the edges of the pack, wanting to keep out of the way of the feuding bronzes.  He'd managed to do so pretty well, keeping his concentration on Raidenth's glowing green hide.

While he might not be as big as his competitors, he could keep up.  And his smaller size gave him a little bit of an advantage-- not as much as Kaisoth's, but enough.

Banking to follow the Raidenth's most recent change of direction, the brown saw an opening and took it, a current carrying him up so he could fly in parallel with Raidenth, though he was too far away to touch.  The green had to be able to see him, as he was right there, just like he always was.  Like he always had been, through training, and now in drills.

But just in case, he did his own little tuck-and-barrel-roll, straightening out and wobbling the faintest bit in the process of doing so.  Whether the wobble was on purpose or not was hard to say-- it may just have been an attempt to amuse Raidenth.


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And what of Orandoth?  He'd been all about the fancy maneuvers, pushing her to her limits.  She'd quite enjoyed evading his attempts to get closer, and his inventive methods of proving he wasn't predictable, either.  

In short, Orandoth would be fun.  And fun was something Sionnath appreciated just as much as strength and perseverance, as did her rider.

This particular bronze would enjoy the tricks the green pulled off when she and her rider had free time-- creative uses for rope and extra harness straps that were usually reserved for runner riders, and might some time be useful if a rescue mission was at hand.  If Sionnath chose him, perhaps he and his rider could practice with them some time…


There was no question in Tasha's mind that J'ace could please her.  She'd seen him around, flirted with him a couple of times.  He was clearly willing to go after what he wanted, even if such desire was only momentary.  And no one had ever complained upon leaving his bed, that she'd heard of.

Reaching the hand that wasn't clutching S'dric up to draw the bronzerider closer, she arched her neck when he kissed her skin, feeling the need to turn her head so his lips could land where they properly belonged.  

The action pressed her closer into the brownrider on her other side, though, merely feeding the head and want currently flooding her system.


And then of course, there was Sebienth.  She couldn't forget him, not now that he'd chosen to come after her, had shown some sign that he actually wanted her.  He'd apparently been waiting for the right opportunity, or maybe he'd hoped to steal her when no one was looking.  But instead, he'd shown off his strength, which was great indeed.  Even if it had nearly thrown her off course and into one of the other males.

But was strength enough?

Only time would tell.

And it was time for Sionnath to make her move.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:08 pm

Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 SDRIC_zps11f91896

The Brownrider was surprised at the suddenly competitive nerve and tactics that Sebienth finally displayed. Nicath hadn't been willing to wait as long to swoop down and try to win her, and his focus had been primarily on Orandoth and the Green they all three chased.

Nicath though, was not now in a favourable position to be able to do anything about Sebienth's advances -all three of the competitors were neck to neck in the race- so it might just be up to Tasha and their riders who came in first place, so to speak. The Brown didn't have to relate his thoughts to his rider, their minds were melded as one, and S'dric no longer made sense of things that he normally would. His entire focus was on Nicath's catching Sionnath.

So it was then, that when other males in the room only grew closer and closer to the girl, S'dric's arms reached for her, turning Tasha away from them, to more fully face him. Knowing it might be brash of him, perhaps a stupid mistake, the Brownrider hoped it would be enough to make her finally See him. If her eyes could only See him, then surely he and Nicath could be with them.

S'dric drew Tasha to him, bringing her close enough to kiss, but stopped short of doing so. He could feel her heated breath upon his lips where there was little distance between them, and he could sense even the frantic beating of her heart -or was that his? Probably both. Then he whispered, "Tasha," calling out to her, hoping that she would settle her favour upon him at last.

It was brazen perhaps, but could a man call himself a man if there was not something in his life that he was willing to be passionate enough about to bend the rules for or fight desperately for once in a while?

[hope that works! ><]

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Kaisoth was just getting his second wind, dipping into a steep dive with wings folded against his back, shooting past Zemarith and another dragon. Like a brilliant sapphire hurtling through the sky, the dragon's form spiraled and twisted into a roll that brought him close to Raidenth's side again. The others had been doing well to keep up with her speed, but they were not as likely to compete with his agility. That fact was well known.

As far as the Blue was concerned, if the larger of their breed decided to catch Raidenth with strength or speed, they could do so, but they were using techniques suited for a Gold to try and capture a completely different sort of prey. If their strength and endurance was all that it took to win a Green, then they should wonder why it was not that Bronzes won more Greenflights. Greens were not just miniature Golds! Had they forgotten that Greens were special in their own way? Well Kaisoth had not. Thus, he was bound to win this game.

The Blue executed a maneuver something like a somersault in mid air, turning on the tightest radius along with Raidenth as she changed her direction again, continuing to lead them all on a grande chase. Then, just for good measure, he assured her, "I am right here with you, Raidenth. Let's have some fun." Those last words were filled with a bit of a challenge, if not for the other dragons, then for her, indicating that he and his rider would certainly keep she and hers happily entertained.

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Caught off guard by Kaisoth's brazen move, narrowly bypassing the Bronze to weave a path back to Raidenth's side, Zemarith banked to one side. All of the males were so closely following now, most of them with great fervor, that it was hard to maneuver much between all of them. Thus, it was a collision waiting to happen when the Bronze's outstretched wings momentarily intertangled with another's (random NPC) dropping both of the dragons behind, and probably out of the flight, at that point. It was an err that would cost them any sort of advantage, anyway.

But, back in the flight weyr, it was just Lance moved past S'jiro, speaking in that way very clearly to him in his mind, that she wasn't about to let Raidenth ruin her maiden flight by picking them. So, S'jiro turned to be the first to leave from the group, his mind set to alternatives. Alternatives however, weren't necessarily unpleasant, for him. In fact, in his case, the alternative was by far preferred.

Of course, the Bronzerider wasn't considering Indylari in his plans; as he went from the flight weyr, he went straight toward the Candidate barracks, in hopes of finding Veyani there. He knew she might be doing chores outside at this time, but he didn't really know her schedule and how it rotated, so the barracks at least was a good start. Eyes scanning for her, the Bronzerider began to wonder just how long he'd be able to control his lust.

Zemarith was frustrated that the flight had ended in the failure to capture the Green, but knew his rider was going to be happier the way things turned out. Especially when S'jiro's heart jumped nearly into his throat when he caught sight of that very young lady that he was searching for.

Quickly taking strides to catch up to her, S'jiro didn't mind that there were other candidates walking with her, everyone just finishing up their chores together, when he grabbed her by the wrist from behind and spun her about to face him. S'jiro's face was completely flushed, untertones of that glow warming his already well-tanned complexion. He must have seemed as though he'd just been running, because his breath was certainly not calm, though he did his best to control it; and his eyes seemed a little distant. He hadn't completely broken the meld with his dragon, so it was likely that he wasn't completely in control of what he was doing.

Eyes resting over her form, they roamed her body with a great hunger, until he pulled her into him with probably more force than he intended. Letting one hand settle on the back of her neck, he drew he in close enough to speak softly into her ear, and with greatly heated breath, "I need you. Will you come with me?"

That hand on her neck slid down along her shoulder, but finding he could not so easily pull the blouse down to reveal her bare skin there, as his hand went, it changed course to move down from her collar bone to ward her chest. If she didn't say something in a hurry, he might just have her undressed right here. The desire that burned in his eyes was unlike any she'd likely experienced before; it must have seemed completely untamed and bestial.

He urged her again, wanting to scoop her into his arms and carry her with him, "Please." It sounded as though it almost pained him, the need was so great. "This cannot wait."

[sorry if anything's amiss.just have to take it at that >D]
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:12 pm

Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 44f20a01-6c75-4636-9233-1a3c647cfbc3_zpsc8505224

The green left some more of the smaller males who had taken to chasing behind now, she was entering the territory of males with more stamina and less agility. She was one of the largest greens at the Weyr and because of this she was proving to be a bit more difficult for the blues to fly. Although Kaisoth was doing excellently well, Raidenth thought he might not have the stamina to bring them back safely. The green continued at a bristling pace although it was clear she was simply testing them a little more. She wouldn’t last that much longer, they all could sense that.

It seemed though to her there were a few males besides Kaisoth that impressed her now. Nolinth was bold and offering to make this most memorable for her and her rider. She had to take him into consideration. He was a fine bronze and his rider thus far had been the only one to truly show an inclination to bed her rider other than N’kai.

The others were a bit reticent although the green had not counted them all out yet either.

Yes there were others that were making things more interesting now. They had decided to show off a little more for her. Ramirath had stepped up his game, garnering the attention of the green for a moment; she approved his new found boldness. Suyeth too had come out of nowhere and made certain she knew he was there, waiting for her.

The green had much deliberating and testing to do and very little time to do it in now.

In the flight weyr, Lance’s attention was placed on the man who held her arm. Her green eyes shifted to look at the man who did so. She could see his dragon’s lust overwhelming him just as she was overcome. No one had yet taken the initiative to touch her and perhaps they were concerned about what her reaction would be but Lance was calm enough, she wouldn’t do anything stupid.

The hand on her arm felt nice, she made no move to rip her arm away. Raidenth’s thoughts on Nolinth were positive, she liked him. But did Lance feel like Jah’vi would be good for her. She saw no reason not to like him for now. This was just a flight. There was nothing more serious attached. Maybe one day she would have someone in her life whom she wanted to win all her flights but right now it might be better to have someone with flight experience, someone who knew how to show a woman a good time…

Her feelings were taken into consideration though, they had to be. Lance did have a soft spot for one particular person though she had made very certain that no none not even Raidenth was aware of her emotional desire for this person. It was for that reason she couldn’t allow him to win her. The greenrider was not willing to admit to any feelings for anyone. She did not feel she deserved to be loved either. More importantly she did not want to feel vulnerable and without leaving herself open there was no hope for a deeper relationship. It was far better if R’quiv went on treating her like friend. He would understand why she didn’t choose him. He would know it was because they were friends and she wanted things to be what they had always been. It was for the best.

In the air Raidenth began to tease three males in particular, flying erratically, making them guess whom she might choose. She wanted them dizzy with lust for her.

Those three were Nolinth, Nemesenth and Ramirath.

((Randomizer took out Kaisoth for JQ and Suyeth for Jess))

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Sh’nar wasn’t too concerned that Cymrioth seemed to be losing. He wanted to lose. Cymrioth was the one who persisted, despite his rider insisting they leave the others to their prey. It was quite clear that Sionnath now favored three dragons and it would be one of those three who won her.

The bronzerider was not territorial now. He was only that way with Belisse. She should have been his last time anyway. As far as he was concerned she was his mate and it was up to Cymrioth to impress her Gold. Thus far he had failed.

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Well well well… Sebeinth surprised him. He certainly caught Orandoth off guard. The Bronze’s moves were quickly forgotten though as Orandoth focused on Sionnath.

The brownrider’s actions were irritating him now. Who was he to take the quarry away from him? Hmm? J’ace, fortunately, was not going to get into an altercation over flight passion. He simply followed the direction Tasha was moved in. He remained touching her. Even with S’dric trying to tempt her away, he began to allow his fingers to brush gently against the inside of her arm while he whispered in her ear, “Choose, Tasha.” He didn’t say choose me. She should know already that he was worthy. Simply S’dric and he could not go on like they were. Eventually they might come to blows.

Even in the air Orandoth made great show of his prowess. He would be fun and a worthy mate. He enjoyed her flight. And though he was not a defeatist, he knew that even if he lost he would be proud of his attempts to outfly much smaller dragons. He could keep even the smallest greens on their wing tips. It was a good feeling. He was king of the skies, whether anyone else saw it that way or not.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:43 pm

When Lance didn't pull away, Jah'vi pushed his luck even further and put his other hand on her shoulder, rubbing it gently. He could feel from Nolinth's smugness that the bronze considered the flight in the bag, and he was eager to win his reward as well. "Amazing," he murmured, brushing a strand of hair back from her face and trying to get her focus on him.

In the sky, Nolinth was becoming impatient. He had given Raidenth her space, let her stretch her wings and glory in her flight, but he was ready for the final catch. Lovely Raidenth, I will make you mine, he warned the green. With a quick flip of his wings he angled upwards behind the young green, then down again just as quickly. His trajectory put him in perfect position to snatch Raidenth, but there was just enough room that the green could evade if she was canny enough.

"Pick us," Jah'vi whispered against Lance's neck, gently coaxing her away from the others.

((So either his move works or he overshoots and flubs. With Nolinth it can truly go either way at any time bwahaha.))

* * * * *

Unlike Nolinth, Sebienth waited... flying close enough to Sionnath that he could have reached out and grabbed her if he'd wanted to, but giving her the room to make her own choice. He wanted to impress this one with his flying abilities, not win her by value of his sheer size and strength.

Instead of wasting words he crooned a gentle, coaxing song to the green, keeping pace with every change of flight path she made. She was tiring, he could tell, and she would be making her choice very soon.

L'rue felt soft skin under his hands and realized he was stroking Tasha's arm suddenly, having moved to the greenrider while in sync with his dragon. He reminded himself, be a gentleman, be kind, but his blood was boiling and the young woman was beautiful. It had been far too long since he'd had release and it was showing in his flushed face and ragged breathing.

Silently he urged Sebienth on, causing the large bronze to let out a splendid bugle of celebration for Sionnath.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:15 pm

Ramirath was indeed growing dizzy, jockeying with the other bronzes for the best position.  He didn't nip or growl at the others, simply moved into their airspace, expecting them to move out of the way.  Whether they did or not was up to them obviously, and he corrected as necessary.  Such maneuvers only made him more determined to win Raidenth, though.  This particular green was his, and she was going to choose him, because he was obviously the best!


On the ground far below, N'kyr had actually drawn closer to Lancelle since she'd whispered in his ear.  Lured like a moth to a flame, subconscious as it was.  Nowhere near as bold as Jah'vi or N'kai, though, the young bronzerider reached out and almost brushed his fingers over Lance's arm.  But it was as if he couldn't quite bring himself to do it-- perhaps it was fear of rejection, or maybe it was fear that he wouldn't be pushed away.  It was hard to tell.


Ramirath was crowding Raidenth from the side as best he could-- Nolinth may have been in the right spot to snatch her from above, but if the green decided against him, the younger bronze would be right in one of her paths of escape.  Of course, she could go the other direction, which was always a gamble.  But she wouldn't, right?


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Sebienth's unexpected serenade drew Sionnath's attention to the older bronze, as did his call, distracting her for a few seconds from her readiness to pounce.  He may not have tried fancy moves as much as the others, but he'd steadily been there in the back, just waiting.  She'd known he was there, but hadn't known he'd been as interested as the others.  But he was clearly there just for her, not necessarily for the competition.

Not that Orandoth and Nicath were there for any other reason.  Nor Cymrioth, really, right?  They were chasing her, had chosen to follow her instead of chasing Raidenth, so surely that meant they wanted her, and not the win because it would mean they beat someone else.

Indeed, they were all fine males.  And their riders would take care of hers.  None of them would be a poor choice in that regard, except for perhaps Cymrioth, the part of them that was Tasha put in.  But maybe they could deal with him…

Tasha would certainly prefer not to have to do so, though, and she knew Belisse might be upset-- it might only be a flight, but when matters of the heart were concerned, such reasoning could easily be ignored.  So it wouldn't be Cymrioth.

But that left Sionnath waffling slightly between the other three.  It was a difficult choice, to be sure, and they weren't letting up in their pursuit.  They were only driving her harder and faster.  But the green hadn't necessarily wanted easy, had she?

No, she'd wanted fun.  She'd wanted freedom.  She'd wanted the air under her wings, the heat of the sun on her hide, the path open and clear ahead so she could lead the males on a merry chase.  She'd wanted one of them to prove he was the one she should choose above all the others.

It certainly would have made the decision easier had that happened...

Then again, maybe it wasn't so difficult after all.

Sebienth and his rider had hung back, watching her and waiting.  Playing it safe.  While the bronze's song had been lovely, safe wasn't what the green or her rider wanted.  They wanted a challenge, to be kept on their toes and wingtips, to make the most of each moment.  They wanted a mate that rose to the occasion in an attempt to take them on.  They wanted a mate who was willing to take risks to win.

Nicath and Orandoth had certainly done so.  As had their riders.  And Sionnath knew they were both worthy of her.  But the tiniest tunnelsnake of doubt had begun to thread its way through Tasha's consciousness.

S'dric had drawn her closer.  So close she could feel the heat of his skin through his clothing, feel every breath he made.  And he seemed coherent enough to know who she was.  But how much of what he was expressing was simply Nicath and flightlust?  What would he feel when it was all over?

She wasn't sure she could pretend it hadn't happened.  Not when she was so close to Lancelle.  Not when she wanted him to choose her of his own free will, because he wanted her for herself.  Sure, relationships resulted from flights all the time, and it might wind up working in her favor.  But in the end, she wouldn't really know if he'd come to her without such influence otherwise, would she?  She wouldn't know if it was anything other than his hormones talking-- not that she'd protest one bit if they helped him along.  But it wasn't all she wanted.

Which meant there was only one male left in the running.  One who provided both the challenge Sionnath and Tashamoretta wanted, and whose attentions could be taken simply for what they currently were-- the desire to win, to have a good time, and to move on with no strings attached if none were wanted on either side.

Pulling back slightly from S'dric, Tasha tried to focus on the brownrider while Sionnath prepared to throw herself at her chosen mate.  Whispering, because she could barely get the words out, and probably wouldn't have let them out if she'd had more control, the greenrider simply said, "Not like this."  She couldn't find the will to let go of S'dric's shirt, though, wanting him to read into what she'd said once the flight was over, and realize she wanted him to come to her on his own.

Her green, however, had no such problems letting her remaining suitors go off to do as they would.  With very little warning, Sionnath deliberately let herself lag directly into Orandoth's path, pulling in her wings and preparing to latch onto the bronze even as she expected him to catch her.  Because there was no way he wouldn't, was there?
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:42 pm

Nicath realized first, that he and his rider were being rejected by Tasha and Sionnath. Even as the Brown banked slightly to angle himself away from Sionnath and her chosen mate, dropping out of the competition, S'dric's mind didn't quite want to register the fact that their luck had run dry -seeing as Tasha still held onto his shirt and all. The Brownrider's heart sank just a little when Nicath was too far from the others to make himself a viable candidate any longer.

Still in that hazy reality of flight driven instinct and semi-awareness, his hands slowly raised to take hold of Tasha's hand where she held onto his shirt. Prying her fingers loose, he paused before removing her hand for her. Yes, there was the regret of unfulfilled lust in his eyes just then, as he looked at her, but also a deeper disappointment. Releasing her hand a bit impatiently, S'dric moved away at a brisk pace, exiting the room to pair himself with a flight moth.

Not far behind the rest still, Kai Squared remained impressed at Raidenth's incredible stamina for the flight. Then again, the Blue had quite outdone himself, tiring out sooner than he should have, with all the many acrobatics he'd pulled off earlier. So, though the Blue bugled a final salute to the Green, indicating he was dropping out, he was glad that Raidenth had also been impressed with him. He hadn't missed the fact that he'd been able to steal her attention a time or two, not long before.

Anyway, there would be other chances to fly her. And he certainly would.

On the ground, N'kai smirked ruefully, backing away from the rest of the riders in Lance's flight weyr so that he could sneak away to pick up a flight moth. It had been a fun flight -and he looked forward to the future challenge of Raidenth rising again- but that victory was not for today. And the Bluerider was alright with that. He never seemed to take flights too seriously. For Kai Squared, they were all fun and games.

Z'rim couldn't help but feel a little surprised that he and Nemesenth were still in the running after Lance's Green. His stakes weren't high here, and he hadn't been all that set on winning from the start, but Raidenth and Lance both, were looking all the more delicious to the Bronze pair, the longer the flight went on.

Biting back his sudden surge of jealousy when Nolinth's rider inched closer to Lance, Z'rim set himself in place, unwilling to embarrass himself before the flight had been won; because honestly, the Bronzerider didn't see Lance particularly favouring him, and it seemed as though some others felt more desirous over her. Z'rim however, had no qualm with breaking away from the rest to take one or two of the women he usually kept company in, to enjoy some time in private with.

That thought though, lingered only long enough for Nemesenth to interject his own opinions. The Bronze was feeling much more competitive than that, seeking more excitement for himself and his rider than what Z'rim was imagining.

It was due to Nemesenth's encouragement then, that Z'rim took a couple of steps toward Lance, putting himself within reach of her, so that in the case that she and Raidenth should decide to choose them, he was there for her.

Nemesenth also wanted to be near Raidenth, but Nolinth was making that difficult considering how he'd positioned himself. Thus, furling his wings up against his body, the bronze twisted through the air in an aerial spiral before increasing his speed so that he flew slightly ahead of the green, making it so that should she not choose to fly with the other Bronze, she could easily catch up to him; then he could wrap himself around her.

Offering a few reassuring words to the Green, he suspected that beautiful words alone were no persuasion for her, but he had to let her know that he was still here for her. He would fly with her if she so desired, and he would fulfill her. As would his rider fulfill hers. "Fly with me. I am strong and my rider is gentle and capable. You will not be disappointed." Indeed, Nemesenth was strong and brave; a handome bronze specimin -though he did appear somewhat fearsome in some aspects. He was not full of fancy words, but he didn't anticipate the need for them.

[sorry my muse suffered all day]
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:04 pm

The Bronze dragon was thrilled by the chase. The stiff competition between himself and the other two dragons was enough to drive him even further in his desire to win. This was a competition in the end and it would be the best dragon who would win. Seeing as that was him, there was no surprise that it would be him.

I have you, beautiful one. Orandoth reassured the green as he caught her. Their wings spread so they could float like parachutes down from the height they had reached in the sky. The Bronze was as relieved as the green must be. Neck and tail twining around her after the long flight he felt the passion of his rider and knew they were well rewarded for their efforts. Greens were true gems., thought Orandoth smugly.

J’ace on the ground had been doing his best to distract her from S’dric. While he was aware that she was showing him some favor, she was detaching from the brownrider for reasons he didn’t care about. After all, the point of a flight was to enjoy oneself and to make sure the dragon’s needs were sated safely.

While she still clung to the brownrider’s shirt, J’ace did his best to direct her attention to him. His hands came around her from behind, hugging her slim body to him. He kissed the side of her neck down to where it met with her left shoulder. “Tasha” He whispered huskily in her ear, moving her long dark hair from her right shoulder so his hand could move the sleeve of her shirt from there.. As soon as her fingers were no longer touching S’dric’s shirt, he spun her around to face him but left very little space between them. His mouth moved to find hers quickly. There was an urgency in the lust from flight which was not J’ace’s normal behavior.

Flight made him less hesitant to be with women who might not be fully interested in him. He didn’t take time to make sure he was gentle with women who were new to him because he didn’t know what their past was like. Under the effect of flight lust, he was a bit more feral. And in his feralness there was both urgency and a rougher quality to his love making.

He was quick to remove her clothes, practically tearing them from her body when they wouldn’t come easily. J’ace didn’t feel words were necessary. He followed where his lust was taking him, gently pushing her back towards the bed in the room while he kissed her passionately.

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Raidenth knew she had led them all through a merry chase. Her previous indecision was not forgotten as now she faced another dilemma. Jah’vi and Nolinth had impressed them both. They were certainly worthy and Jah’vi had no small amount of experience in flights. As Jah’vi spoke and touched her rider, Raidenth could feel multiple emotions come from her rider. The first being pleasure at the feeling of being touched by a man followed almost immediately by intense fear. The green held off then for a moment. Nolinth would be perfect other than that strangeness of emotion.

Lancelle shivered at Jah’vi’s touch which felt good. She found herself focusing on him more as he touched and spoke to her but something about him made the greenrider uncomfortable. She should be so absorbed in lust that it didn’t matter. Somehow it did, she thought as she caught the movement of N’kyr’s arm out of the corner of her eye. Her green eyes looked to see what he was doing and found something akin to the feeling she had in his eyes. Maybe he would understand then more than the others. Maybe not.

She was nervous, it would be good to have someoen who knew what they were doing around. Jah’vi could do that for her. So could Z’rim. Her attention was on Z’rim for a moment then. Reassuring words from Nemesenth reached their ears at the right moment. They would be a good option for the pair. Raidenth had been unimpressed though by Nemesenth thus far. He didn’t want to win her as much as the other two dragons even if N’klyr seemed reluctant.

So Raidenth was forced between a rock and a hard place when Nolinth made his move. She had to go on her gut instinct no matter how enticing the daring Bronze was, she had to move away and when she did, she moved siedways, into Ramirath’s path, should he attempt to catch her now, he would win. If he didn’t then she would be left with Nemesenth.

Lance’s attention back on N’kyr, her hands were trembling but she managed to reach out to his already outstretched arm and pull him in toward her. Her green eyes beseeched him more than her lips, “Trust me.”

Maybe he thought he should be the one to say that to her but Lance knew what he must be feeling. She understood, it was why they should do this. They were both afraid but still drawn to the desire. It would be good for them to experience this together. It consoled her indomitable pride also to know that N’kyr was neither friends with her enemies nor someone who would count her as just another notch in his belt. This was the right choice for her right now.

((Man, N'kyr got sooo lucky. Lol. Jah'vi was seriously bringing the heat. Saved by the randomizer! hahaa))
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sat May 03, 2014 10:28 pm

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Tasha allowed herself to be directed by both J'ace and S'dric, though she was the tiniest bit reluctant to let the brownrider go.  She had to, though, as he was pulling away.  And she didn't want things to start this way between them.  It was for the best that Orandoth had won, she told herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before succumbing to the passion washing over her from both Sionnath and J'ace.

It wasn't a hardship by any means to let herself be carried away, and she honestly didn't mind the bronzerider's behavior.  In fact, she encouraged it, pulling at his clothes and giving the intensity right back to him.  Because this was about the flight at the moment, and she was completely willing to make the most of it.  As with almost all aspects of her life, Tashamoretta threw herself completely into the task at hand with little care for the consequences.  Those would come later if they were meant to, and if not, well, she'd have an extremely pleasant experience behind her.


Ramirath was indeed ready and waiting when Raidenth chose to move in his direction.  Not always quick on the uptake, his focus was currently completely on the green, and he wasn't going to let the opportunity she presented him with go to waste.

In one fell swoop, Raidenth was well and truly caught, the bronze's wings snapping out to slow their descent even as he twined his neck and tail with hers.  Smug triumph colored his mental tone, and he completely ignored the faint thread of panic beginning to weave its way towards him from his rider.

On the ground, N'kyr could do nothing but stare at Lancelle as he realized his dragon had just managed to catch his green quarry.  His eyes widened slightly, the pupils dilated.  His cheeks were flushed, both with passion and embarrassment.  Thankfully, the greenrider didn't seem to notice that, drawing his focus to her even as she physically tugged him closer.

Trust her, she said.  Could he?  He stared into her eyes for a moment, trying to discern just what she was thinking.  But all he could see was some of the same apprehension he felt, as well as a strange sureness that this was right, at least for the time being.  

Still hesitant, but encouraged by that look, he moved closer, reaching up to gently clasp her upper arms with his hands.  It may have been to keep her in place, or maybe to anchor himself-- he wasn't even sure which.  But as Ramirath's intensity washed over him, he was glad to find himself in such an advantageous position to follow through with the aftermath.  Little experience with such things or no, flightlust was taking over, and he wordlessly attempted to gain whatever permission he needed from Lance before leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers.
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PostSubject: Re: Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]]   Weaving practice -a day off [Tags:Halcyon Wing, Lance & Tasha]] - Page 2 I_icon32Sun May 04, 2014 7:22 pm

[As a reminder, the Masquerade will begin on the 14th of May. Any final posts in this thread will need to be made by then Smile Thanks!]
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