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 Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)

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Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) Empty
PostSubject: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:06 pm

The settlement was awful. She hated, loathed, despised its very existence. She cared even less for the dimglows who lived within its walls. Why should Holdless get a second chance? Was her father going to suddenly get his life back? No. It was ridiculous and if she had the ear of anyone important she would be sure to tell them so.

The only people who listened to her were her peers and most of them were either too low to be considered truly her peer group. The small few that she considered worthwhile were rather silly. She wasn’t really interested in their lives. Her own life was what interested her.

Whoever had come up with this crazy plan of having Holders and Crafters move to a place where they could teach Holdless some life skills and start a new place where Holdless would have a second chance at being part of the Hold. She didn’t think they deserved it. She made no secret of her opinions.

When she was released from chores around the shop, she made it a point to bully someone who needed a little dirt up their nose. She didn’t target the same person every day. Not with so many fresh faces arriving daily that could use a good initiation bruise.

It did not really matter what her plans were for the day, even if she was released from chores while it was still daylight. Everything seemed a bit lack luster. She needed something to get her mind off of recent events. It was troubling her, what had happened with the rebel. She should have forgotten him by lunch time, not thought about him for two days off and on.

At least she could be certain she wouldn’t be seeing him again. As reassuring as the thought should be it did get her to wonder. She wore what her step-father had asked her to because she had to most of the time and also she liked to wear nice things but today, she was dressed a little more plainly. She wore a simple dress, lavender colored, with a bodice that clung tightly to her and a skirt that flowed out from the small waist.

Her shoes at least were built for comfort more than style. She would need that, if she wanted to get to her tree. And she did want to get there. The walk was quiet. Every so often a bird whistled a tune as she walked by. There was the faint rustling of leaves as the slight breeze brushed past the trees. Sounds she heard much more of outside the settlement.

Alone at last with her treasures, she thought as she reached her hand into the knot of the tree, only to find her pouch was gone. She experienced a kind of panic at first. Who would have taken her things? Who would have dared? As the anger subsided and the realization that there was nothing she could do set in, she sunk down to the ground and buried her head in her lap.  The Settlement sucked.
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Sixth Gun

Sixth Gun

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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:34 pm

[haha. Kate, I can't help but laugh at Nox's last line there, every time I glance over it. heheheh poor girl. >D]

Having made minimal preparations in the mean time, for his departure back to Southern Telgar Hold, Axiar was just biding his time now, until the festival was over. At that point, traders would be heading back south, and he could go with them. The road south was long and arduous. It would be easier with a group that knew the way well enough.

Axiar wandered the gather crowds at ease, meandering all day through the streets ever-full of festivity until, at some point, he happened across the exact same spot where he'd run into the girl Noxaura, yesterday.

She'd crossed his mind a few times throughout the day, but when he came across that spot, his thoughts pursued her further. With a languid gait, the rebel made his way down that path she'd taken him toward the edge of the hold. Not far from the road was a tree which did look good for sitting under, to pass the time away. It was a shame he had no drink to enjoy, but he went there anyway, deciding that after the previous day's excitement he could use some time to relax in the quiet -away from all the bustle.

About to sit himself on the grass however, Axiar noticed something of colour stuck within the knot of the thick trunk of the tree; so, reaching into it, he grabbed what was there, to inspect it.

Curious were his eyes, finding a small pouch. It felt full of many little trinkets -it certainly didn't feel like marks. Opening the draw string on it, the man peered inside, a surprised smile painting itself upon his expression.

Later on, Axiar considered returning the pouch to its hiding spot in the knot of the tree, but then he got to wondering... just whose could it be? It was a lady like purse, which made him think of Noxaura, but could it have been hers? The gemstone ring within the bag -wasn't it the one she'd been wearing?

Stepping around the large tree trunk to consider that, he sat himself down where he could enjoy a fairer view of clouds rolling through the sky, over distant hills. It wasn't but a few short minutes later that, from the other side of the tree, Axiar heard another set of footsteps approaching. He waited there, in place, thinking they might bypass him, but they stopped... and he thought he could hear someone searching the empty knott of the tree. And then he could empathize with that frustration as he heard the other person sinking to the ground to sit against the tree, just like he.

For a moment he was silent, but then he raised a beautiful, shining ring from the pouch and held it up before his eyes to see. Just as his lips formed into a rogueish lop-sided smirk, he spoke aloud, "This would be quite an expensive ring. I suppose I don't have to ask how it was acquired?"
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:39 pm

((Haha, well at least she is honest about her feelings.))

Noxaura was not expecting someone to be on the other side of the tree. Surely if someone had taken her treasures they would be long gone by now. Of course she had no idea who she was dealing with until he opened his mouth. A rush of excitement whizzed through her, which was completely irrational and silly.

Several thoughts went through her mind simultaneously when he spoke, chief among them, what in the name of little green dragons was he still doing around here? Also thoughts about him being the sort of person one would expect to steal things, seeing as he was a murderous, rebel traitor.Then thoughts like stealing from a theif was lazy. He should steal his own things.

The fact that he had that ring perturbed her more than she wanted to admit. And it irked her even more that he would assume she had stolen it, even if she had. "Why shouldn't I take the things I want? No one else will treasure that ring as I do." It was in the inanimate object's best interest to remain with her, because inanimate objects understood being valued and all.

Out of simple curiosity she wondered out loud. "Why are you going through my things?"

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Sixth Gun

Sixth Gun

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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:36 pm

Axiar was quiet as she spoke from around the side of the tree, wondering just how long until she came around to try and snatch her things from his hands. Especially the ring, after saying that.

"Why are you going through my things?"

His lips were still softly smiling, amused -or simply taunting. "It seems odd of you to ask, given that you took my something of mine, yesterday."

He wanted to ask if there was a reason she treasured that particular ring so, but he felt he'd said enough. His quiet, contemplative nature was back in play, perhaps enjoying pondering those things for himself, more than having her elaborate.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:58 pm

Oh like it was really that big of a deal to him. He didn't even notice right away and he had it on his person. Still he did have a point, even if it was misguided. She couldn't report any of her things missing or stolen because none of them were truly her things and if she started down that road other people would know she was a thief. While she didn't have friends, per say, people did inherently trust her because she was a young hold-girl.

"I seem to remember you got your scrolls back and their container." She reminded him. "And although I'm not holding you at sword point, I will be requiring my own things back." And no she wasn't about to go around the tree and find out if he still had said sword. He likely did and she was safer threatening him from where she was sitting.

Her brain was actively searching for how to get her things away from him. He must have some idea of how much this would effect her or he wouldn't be teasing her. She didn't like it. Noxaura would have her things back, one way or another. If he wanted a fight, well he might just get one.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:03 am

Well, it seemed as if someone felt a little bitter about having been held at sword point yesterday. Axiar was half tempted to remind her whose fault that was. If she hadn't been so stubborn about returning his things..

And there, too, she'd just admitted to having looked inside the little scroll tube, at which point he also considered confronting her about whether or not she'd actually taken the time to read them. But... perhaps it made no difference. She would have no idea what to do wtih the information. There was no way of knowing just what the names would be used for. If she did recognize the names, all she could know was that it was simply a list of traders. That could mean anything.

Once she'd crawled around the tree, the rebel glanced aside, wondering just what she would do to get her things back. Maybe he should make it just as difficult for her as she'd made it for him, yesterday.

Without saying anything, he went back to inspecting the shinging gemstone ring within his grasp, peering intently at it as though he contemplated what gain he might have through keeping it.. or selling it..

Well, the rebels did need the Marks for maintaining their rebellion.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:57 pm

((JQ, she never left where she was sitting so I’m gonna ignore the part where he has her crawling around the tree))4

Silence. Nothing was worse than the isolation inflicted by silence. She would have spun her ring around her finger in her irritation but the ring was in the pouch which the unnamed murderer held. She remained were she was, not attempting just yet to make visual contact with him. Two could play his game. What would he do if she ignored him? Sure it would be a challenge, but then he was never going to make things easy for her.

Noxaura couldn’t pretend that the items meant nothing to her. She had hidden them in a tree so that no one else would find them.  Yeah the being quiet thing, wasn’t going to happen. She was too worried about getting her things back.

“It is much too late to pretend you are deaf or mute. I know you have my things. This should be simple. You give them back to me and I won’t tell anyone I saw you.”  A deal was a deal. He would rather be free to roam about then have the Guard looking for him, as he was and not in his mask and wig. Yeah she could have turned his description in to the people who were looking for him by now and she hadn’t.

On the whole, she had been far kinder to him than he deserved. Much kinder than she was to most people and given that he was a murderer he should be pleased she would even talk to him. She had yet to devise a better plan for getting her things back. Perhaps she would have to go as far as asking what he wanted.
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Sixth Gun

Sixth Gun

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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:31 pm

[Ah lol sorry for that. Oops. yeah, you're right i misread that part of her post when going back to reply to you. >D]

Axiar only continued to sit in silence after her outburst and brave threat. He didn't necessarily think that it was an empty threat, but if she did decide to stalk off and tattle on him to the Guard, he would catch up to her before she got there, and could just as well end her life so that her mouth never opened. He needed to protect the truth of the identity of the one who'd created yesterday's uproar and therefore, would go to those measures. Noxaura however, seemed to think he might just let her walk away, just because he'd done so once before. This time however, it would be different.

Done looking at the girl's ring, it was tucked back into the pouch he held and the draw string tightened to a close. Leaning his head back against the trunk of the large tree, Axiar looked up through its branches. Taking a couple of breaths in thought, he finally spoke up again, "How is it you are like this? How can you be comfortable in my presence?" Of course, relatively speaking.

"You have your suspicions about me. You know I can be dangerous... and yet you remain here with me. Is it that you are fearless?" Taking another breath, it was softly, almost wistfully, that the thought was completed, "Or should I think that you are simply naive?"
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:38 pm

Comparing her to other people was completely silly. She wasn't like other people. He might as well have compared rain to sunshine. And she wasn't comfortable with what he was so much as she wasn't afraid of what he was. In a way not being afraid of someone who could kill her was a bit naive.

Like what? How was she who she was? Well that was a long story she was pretty sure he had no interest in hearing. Even if he had interest why did he want to know so much?

Not completely fearless but she did not fear him if that was what he was hoping for, Noxaura spoke coolly, "I have fears but I am not afraid of you. Should I be?" She paused, thinking that what she said next probably would not sit well with him. "I think you underestimate my will power." She wanted her things back!

Holding her legs to her chest, she rested her chin no her knees. "You are not very easy to talk to. Its a wonder anyone tries."
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Sixth Gun

Sixth Gun

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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:23 am

Well, she would be right about that. Axiar certainly had no desire to hear the life story of a girl he hardly knew.

And just like when she'd approached him about her suspicion that he was a rebel, her inquiry about whether or not she should consider him a dangerous person was answered with only silence. Though, with her bold assurance that he'd underestimated her willpower, a faint smirk came to his lips.

Axiar got up from the ground then, brushing the bottom of his pants off before starting to walk down the hill at a leisurely pace. Truly, he had no need for, and no real intention of keeping the girl's things. It was more of a curiosity to look at them. But she hadn't shown much desire to get them back yet. She hadn't made one move to try and steal them out of his grasp. "Are you sure that willpower is enough to relinquish your things? You don't seem quite determined..."

If the things within the purse really meant so much to her, he would give them back.. but as of yet, she hadn't expressed that in her actions. As far as he was concerned, all she was doing was barking. And if she wasn't afraid of him, there was no reason for her to hesitate in coming after him to get her purse back.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:11 pm

Pouting as he walked off, insisting that she didn't want her things that bad, she almost panicked. He couldn't just walk off with them. They were her things. He had no right to them at all. She wanted them back. Apparently words were not going to work on him. She had nothing to defend herself with if he did decide to kill her.

If he wanted to kill her though he would have done so by now. That was her reasoning anyway. So she sprung off the ground and ran to catch up to Axiar although she had a feeling he wasn't going to just give her her things.

The idea that she might be able to surprise him and therefore knock the pouch out of his hand came to her mind, so before she caught up to him she jumped, latching her arms around his neck and clinging to his back. In a very fierce sounding whisper she spoke in his ear, "They are mine. I want them. Now."
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:11 pm

Obviously he heard Noxaura approaching, her footsteps evident upon the grass, but he had waited too late to react, expecting her to come around him from one side or the other at the last second. Axiar never expected her to jump onto his back.

Stumbling forward, the rebel narrowly avoided somersaulting to the ground. Instead, his hands went to reach for hers, fingers trying to pry her loose. Of course, he still held onto her purse, its strings looped around his fingers.


He would have asked for her to let go, but he was sure that wasn't going to happen by any good will of her own. "I must have been right then, about where you got these things from..."

Hands still pried at hers, though she was being relentless.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:37 pm

"What does it matter how?"She said, keeping her focus more on her hands as he tried to pry her loose. He had no idea just who he was dealing with. She wanted what was hers. He had no right to her things.  "What possible use could you have for them other than to sell them?" Nox had no intention of loosening her hold.

As he was focused on prying her hands free, she took the opportunity that was presented, her legs had swung forward to circle his waist, where her feet crossed to keep herself up.There, he'd pretty much have to squash her to get her off. Not that she would put it past him to try.

He should take into consideration that she wasn't clinging in a way to suffocate him, though the thought had very briefly come to her mind. He would have made everything easier if he had just given her what she wanted. And yes, she generally did get what she wanted, one way or another.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:06 pm

It was a good thing then, that suffocating was the last thing Axiar was thinking about. He wasn't sure just how long he wanted to struggle with her on his back though, so as soon as her legs swung around him, he let himself drop to his knees.

This was completely unbecoming of either one of them. But what was he to do?

Sitting back a little as he continued prying at her fingers, eventually his struggle with her led to them on their sides in the grass. Of course, he didn't use all of his strength to do so, or all of his know-how, it was more fun having her wrapped around him.

Gritting between his teeth, he spoke, "And just what do you think people are going to think when they see a sweet little Hold Girl wrapped around some stranger?" He didn't really care what her answer was -it wasn't a debate. It was more like he was taunting her. Again.

All of a sudden, he was holding the purse up high with one hand, figuring that his arms were long enough that she'd have to strain to reach for it.. and thinking that if she wanted to grab for it, she'd be willingly removing her arms from around him.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:20 pm

Her knuckles might be a little white from clinging so hard. As for who was more strong-willed, that was a toss up. At least she had a reason to want her things back, he was just trying to tease her and she didn't appreciate it, at all. When they were on their sides, she didn't give an inch.

"The men are thinking, lucky stranger." She said, locking her jaw stubbornly. "The women are saying its abhorrent behavior while inwardly wishing they were wrapped around a stranger without a name." And he could take that how he wanted to. Obviously everyone would be jealous of her. (No, she isn't self centered at all!)

When he lifted the pouch over his head, she knew she wouldn't be able to reach but maybe if she went for it, he would let her have her things since she would no longer have a hold on him. If she no longer had a hold on him and he wasn't going to give her her things then she would be at a loss again.

Course before she knew it, her hand shot up to reach for the pouch.

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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:38 pm

Axiar didn't give her the pleasure of listening to him snicker at her little jokes. Honestly, he wasn't quite sure what to do in this situation. Never before had he encountered such a stubborn lady!

Arm stretching away from Noxaura, he was able to break away from her grasp though -or at least make it more difficult for her to latch back onto him. And after inching away from her, he was able to roll his body just barely out of reach.

Managing to be back on his feet in the next breath, while Nox recovered herself, Axiar had slipped his fingers back through the loop hole mouth of the bag, procuring her ring from inside of it. It had been the last thing put inside of it, so it was easy to retrieve.

The ring was slipped up his sleeve in a tricksy manner that hopefully she wouldn't see as he turned to face her fully. "If this bag is that important to you... I have no real need of it. It was fun though, enticing you to wrap your arms around me. I know it's something you've been wanting to do since yesterday."

Of course, those last words were to convince her of ulterior motive, and the roguish smile he brandished after, was to taunt her once more.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:48 pm

When he moved away, she guessed he was trying to get up. Noxaura rolled over so that it would be easier to get up. Standing she brushed the dirt off of her nice dress before she looked at Axiar with a puzzled expression. She was a bit taken back though when he suddenly gave her what she wanted. There was something fishy about that. The smelly kind of fishy.

She looked inside the pouch while he was teasing her. Nox might not have said anything to admit she had heard him but her freckled cheeks flushed bright pink. She did not think of him that way, well not really... anyway it didn't matter. He was not someone she could be involved with in any kind of manner.

Her pouch did not hold her ring.

"Like you didn't want me to put my arms around you. You've probably been watching me for all I know." That said, she stuffed her pouch into her dress pocket. "Now, are you going to give me my ring back or are you going to pretend you don't have it?"
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:59 pm

Well, if she hadn't been so difficult before, maybe he wouldn't have felt so inclined to be difficult with her now. She hardly had room to complain.

To be honest though, Axiar didn't need a stubborn girl like her trailing him for something he didn't need. Especially if that brought her to any more solid conclusions about his affiliations or purpose. He had retrieved what he needed from her -the ring would probably only become a burden to him in some way... now that he thought about it. It had been fun though, encountering the girl. She was different. But... there was no way he could risk himself or her by continuing to be in her company. He'd let himself get too carried away.

Those thoughts sobering him a bit, Axiar turned to see her as his hand retrieved the ring from where he'd stowed it. Walking back to her, the man took her hand, placing the ring within her palm and closing her hand on it.

"I'm sorry. I almost forgot myself." The words came in a hushed tone, almost grave. "I won't come here again."

That's right. It would be safer for him to remain at the Inn he'd a room reserved at until time to leave with the caravan. He shouldn't interact with the people here any further, now that this girl was all too close to thinking she knew just what he was. He needed to avoid those kinds of suspicions for now.

With that, Axiar walked back in the direction of the hold, thinking to enter the busier sectors so that he could more easily disappear, then eventually make his way back to the Inn.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:43 pm

Noxaura watched him as he decided to give her back what was hers. Her eyebrow raised quizzically as she felt him push her hand over the ring. At his touch a slight chill ran down her spine. Nox did not typically seek out companionship from people. She didn’t feel the need to be friends with most of the low-lifes here at the Settlement. So it was odd to her that she should care at all that he sounded like he had no choice but to leave and never come back. Cryptic. Although really what else could be expected of a man who wore a mask and killed people and couldn’t reveal his name.

Even if she wasn’t the most honor bound person, even if she were considered a thief and a liar, she still had the decency to admit to who she was and give her name out freely. He was worried about getting into trouble whereas she never had to concern herself. No one ever really suspected her in the first place. It required people to actually take notice and care.

“More masks?” She said with a touch of sarcasm. Now that she had her ring back she put it on her hand. No need to hide what was amazing. He could lurk around and try to be unremarkable and she would strive for the opposite. What would end up happening is he would seem out of place and no one would take a second glance at her.

The finality of his words struck her a little strangely. She wouldn’t say she had any sort of empathy for him or pity. She didn’t care if he had a rough life. She didn’t care if nothing ever went the way he wanted. What mattered to her before she met him was the same as what mattered to her now. Herself. For some reason though she found him interesting and she didn’t like the thought that he was never coming back.

She caught up to him, “I don’t like it.” At first she didn’t expand on her comment, thinking he was probably at least somewhat aware that she was collecting her thoughts. Also he should be learning already she didn’t really care about what he wanted, she cared about what she wanted. “I think that goodbye might have been the worst in the history of goodbyes. What is with the cryptic I'm never coming back, honestly how do you know that?” Really though, she wanted a redo and really if she were going to turn him over to the Guards she would have done so long before now. There was no reason for him not to trust her really. Okay, other than the lying and the stealing and fighting.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:14 pm

What was he going to do with her?

If he were a typically more sarcastic person, he would have rolled his eyes and stopped to spare her a backward glance in wonderment. Privately, Axiar wondered just how lonely the girl must be if she were actively seeking his company. Then again, he'd heard that girls were attracted to the 'dangerous' or 'brooding' sort. And well, he wasn't a brooding sort, but he supposed she would see him as 'dangerous' after witnessing his street performance yesterday. And after stabbing a really good guess at his identity.

But more than lonely, was she just asking for trouble, hanging around him? Why must she feel the need to pursue him? If she continued, it would become troublesome.

Though several remarks flitted through his mind smartly as Nox caught up to him, commenting on his choice of words just earlier, the rebel chose to keep them to himself, swallowing them before they could make their way past his lips. Again, it was the silent treatment.

Axiar kept on walking, ignoring her attempts at plying him for more information. And whatever for? His mouth was sealed.

Making sure that the necessary scroll tube was still stored where he'd last put it, Axiar picked up his pace a bit, continuing on his path back through the gate of the Settlement. Maybe there he'd be able to disappear into the crowds, lost to the sight of her.

And indeed, as soon as they entered the busier avenues of the Settlement, Axiar departed from her, creating a path through the people until he could find a suitable side alley to race through or somewhere else to hide at.

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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:53 pm

The silence was frustrating. Maybe he was using the silence as a way to get her to leave him alone. That probably worked on most people but she did not like not being the one to leave feeling as if they had the upper hand and despite having her things back she had the distinct feeling she still wasn't the one on top.

As he walked into a busier section of the Settlement she smiled. So he was trying to ignore her and lose her in a crowd. Well if she was annoying him that much she might as well continue to follow him. It would be interesting to watch where he went when he thought he had lost her, she thought to herself.

When he cut a path through people that she could not follow she set herself up behind a broader and taller person, using their bulk to clear a path. If he was looking for a way to escape her he probably shouldn't have done it like he was. He could easily tell her that he wanted her to leave him alone but he didn't.

In her mind that meant he didn't truly want her to leave him alone. Not everyone was like her. Not everyone felt alone in the world and took it out on other people. He however did seem to her to be used to being alone. How did he handle it? Did he sometimes wish there was someone else who might care, just a little, just enough?

If he thought he had lost her, then he wouldn't know she would turn up behind him. So she followed but she followed from a distance.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:13 pm

Zipping down a side alley, Axiar wasn't sure if Noxaura still pursued, but he already expected that she was the type not to be bested by something like this. So, after running her around a bit, even in a big circle, back to where they'd started, Axiar found a narrow path to follow that led him to a new escape route.

Storage crates piled against the side of a building became like stairs to him; on the last tier, leaping to grab hold of the edge of the rooftop. From there, it was easy enough for an agile man like himself to make his way to the top, but Nox was shorter than he, and probably didn't have the shoes on for scaling a wall easily.

So... their little game of chase would end there.

Axiar didn't remain behind long enough to see whether or not she would try to follow by climbing or by just following his path from the ground, but he took off running along the rooftops, leaping from one to the next, until he could go no further.

He may have become lost to her sight, or perhaps she'd been able to trace him with periodic glances, indicating his whereabouts, but it didn't matter when he'd come to the end of the row-houses. Like an acrobat, Axiar leaped fearlessly from the height, tumbling into a roll that broke his fall beautifully.

And back on his feet within a split second, he was running again; running until he reached a quieter intersection, near a grouping of Runner stables. There, he slowed to a stop, turning briefly to catch any sign of the girl he suspected might still be behind him. But seeing none immediately, he went to sit himself down on a bail of hay, making a bench out of it.

Glancing to where a couple of runnerbeasts were getting their fill of water, it was too bad the water troughs weren't really potable or he'd have liked a drink, too.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:31 pm

Despite her determination to follow him, she found she did lose him in the crowds. Even if she could catch up to him, she doubted he would be easy to stay caught up to. That was enough exertion for one day as far as she was concerned. If he was leaving then she wouldn't really have to worry about him leaving with the upper hand. Although it did still bother her.

Instead she needed to hide her things again and not in the same place. She knew of a loose board in the runner stables. Noxaura was always looking for places to hide her hoard.

It was a pretty easy walk. She was there in a matter of a few minutes. She entered on of the runner's stalls, and the lifting of the wood panel made a slight squeek, which at first she was worried would scare the runner but it seemed not to notice. She set her pouch inside the space behind it but kept her ring on. Nox thought she might wear it around more.

After she set the board back in place, she heard someone else enter the stables and she ducked down, crouching low, listening for possible voices but none came. She peeked her head over the door and could not help but laugh.

She didn't know how he ended up here but she knew that he wasn't expecting to see her there. She remained in the stall, to make it easier to stop the laughing.
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:03 pm

Hearing voices approaching from the street side, Axiar got up to move further into the stable, entering one of the individual stalls where he could rest himself out of sight of anyone else for a while. And out of sight of that insane woman who insisted on following him.

The voices had drown out what he thought he heard as quiet laughter, but one of the men passing by was also laughing, so he thought he heard wrong. The whole notion that someone else had beat him to the stalls was dismissed by him. Until he stepped into the runner stall.

It would have been hard to suppress the change in his expression, the astonishment found there, though his expressions were always somewhat muted as far as animation went. But still, the change in his look was there. And he was sure that it probably pleased her beyond all ends to see it there upon his face; as though in some way, she'd bested him.

Just as quickly however, the look on his face transfigured into one of displeasure. It might have seemed mild but for the fact that he was already so reserved about his expression that any small change in it spoke volumes more than that of the next person. And at that same time, he drew his sword, angling its tip toward Noxaura.

Then, Axiar spoke low, "Why do you insist on following me. I cannot promise your safety if your curiosity takes you any further."
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PostSubject: Re: Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar)   Familiar faces (Tags: Axiar) I_icon32Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:53 am

What was his problem? Really all she had done was go hide her things since her old hiding spot was now compromised. “Just a bit egotistical aren’t we?” She said with an eyeroll, ignoring the fact there was a sword tip pointed at her just then. “I did not follow you here.” Stubbornly insisting he was in the wrong this time, not that she wasn’t following him earlier. “Really, I don’t see how you could suggest I was the one doing the following. I was here first.” For her own reasons.

“Besides I never asked for you to concern yourself with my safety. I am free to go where I wish and do what I wish. I will be responsible for the consequences of my own actions. You are in no position to assume responsibility for me or what I do or what trouble I may or may not end up in.” Furthermore he should stop being so sneaky and mysterious if he didn’t want people like her to follow him.

She put her hand on top of the flat end of the blade. There was a strange excitement in touching the steel. It was dangerous, the whole situation could be if she thought this young man capable of killing her. Which in all honesty, she did not. A guardsmen dying might seem ordinary given then circumstances of where we are, however the death or mutilation of a young woman, well that would create an uproar and an immediate and intense investigation.

Nox dared him to hurt her with her bold dark brown eyes. “You will not hurt me.”
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